Smellyanne Conway has long been one of Twitter Twit’s favorite Republican goose-steppers. Why? No matter how extreme, offensive, incompetent, or just plain stupid it is, she will parrot any statement in sycophantic obedience to her Fuhrer. Here’s one of five examples of Smellyanne’s worst.
President Donald Trump isn’t the only Republican who has been railing against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi this week. Trump’s adviser, Kellyanne Conway, lashed out at the House speaker, telling Fox News that Pelosi “treats everybody like they’re her staff. She treats me like I’m either her maid or her driver or her pilot or her makeup artist driver, and I’m not.” The 52-year-old New Jersey native went on to denounce Pelosi as anti-woman, insisting, “She’s not very pro-woman. She’s pro-some women, a few women.”
Conway’s characterization of Pelosi as a tyrannical anti-feminist who throws her weight around and could care less what anyone else says or thinks is laughable in light of how diplomatic Pelosi has been not only with Republicans, but also, with fellow Democrats she disagrees with. Pelosi’s even-handed approach as House speaker has been one of give and take, not “my way or the highway.” For example, Pelosi clearly wasn’t happy about Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s “impeach the motherfucker” comment, but Pelosi said that while she “wouldn’t use that language” herself, she was “not in the censorship business.” Pelosi couldn’t oversee such a broad group of Democrats in the House if she didn’t have a give-and-take approach.
But then, Conway’s audaciousness is part of what makes her such a brazen, tireless cheerleader for Trump. Conway, much like Trump himself, is thoroughly irreverent and totally unapologetic about it.
Here are some of the most over-the-top things Conway has said or done along the way.
1. Conway popularized the term ‘alternative facts’
During debates, Conway can make a person’s head spin—which is exactly the point. She wants to frustrate and overwhelm her opponent. On January 22, 2017, NBC’s Chuck Todd aggressively questioned Conway about White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer exaggerating the number of people in attendance at Trump’s inauguration—and she asserted that Spicer was simply stating “alternative facts.” Todd responded that “alternative facts are not facts. They’re falsehoods.” But thanks to Conway, the Orwellian term “alternative facts” became the butt of jokes in political conversations…
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I shared the first of five. Click through for the other four.
With even incompetent Republican rats deserting the sinking ship, Smellyanne may be the next SecDef or worse.
11 Responses to “Worst 5 from Smellyanne”
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What a picture!
Seriously, I can’t listen to her, same as others on Faux w/o upchucking my lunch.
She’s disrespectful, and a toady to dt.
I remarked elsewhere that Speaker Pelosi’s maid is without doubt more worthy of respect than the Con Job. I basically keep my cool about her by imagining the conversations between her and George.
The only way n which Obama can be said to have increased division between black and white would be the fact that he is intelligent, competent, honorable, and an excellent leader, which infuriated many white people. That did happen. But that’s not on him, that’s on those wypipo.
Yes, I remember her acting as a shill for Ivanka. That truly was shocking to me, being, as it was, so flagrantly illegal as well as flagrantly unethical (and they don’t always go together, sadly.)
kElly is another one pf tRump”s evil gangsters that I can’t stand listening to or watching.
She makes me sick the way she kisses her leader’s as*. Like she know that she is going to get some sort of treat from him after each on of her despicable speaking acts
How she can back such an evil monster makes me wonder about her mental state of mind.
You couldn’t of picked a better photo of her. It fits her perfectly.
Conway is a total tool! From Eric Hoffer: “Faith in a holy cause is to considerable extent a substitute for the lost faith in ourselves.” For her, the Fuhrer is a holy cause, and she can not help but be his cult spokesperson.
I am having trouble, no, I simply can not get to C2 this evening? Is anyone else having problems?
When I was posting Erinyes to it, I can’t say it did anything it doesn’t normally do, except that it did everything v-e-r-y, v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.
I can get into my message box if I wait long enough. It won’t let me into news at all.
This morning I can’t get into news either. I’ve tried two browsers and several workarounds, but if TC can’t, I doubt that I can either. Oh well.
Conway (with emphasis on “con”) is a typical modern conservative: hateful, petty, mean-spirited, highly allergic to facts. Smellyanne is a knee-jerk Democrat basher who will pick on the least thing. She reminds me of Mark Twain’s quip about an incorrigible complainer who, unable to find anything wrong with a shipment of coal, kvetched that it contained too many prehistoric toads.
Thanks, Hugs, and Amen to all!
Smellyanne = 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤮