May 252019

It’s a busy day here in the old tiny CatBox, preparing for the new shiny CatBox.  Please expect no more than a Personal Update tomorrow, with no links messages on Care2.  It’s a WWWendy day, and we’ll be swamped.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:44 (average 5:58).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Beast: [L]ong before becoming president, Donald Trump called for the jailing of his adversaries. Aided by Attorney General William Barr, he may now actually be training the full force of federal law enforcement against his enemies, real or perceived. Unlike Richard Nixon, who acted in secret, Trump is corrupting the justice system openly and publicly.

The seriousness of such a presidential abuse of power, and its potential for undermining the constitutional order, could well surpass any of the crimes detailed in the Mueller Report. Indeed, the Congress long ago recognized that such misconduct can merit impeachment.

I have nothing to add, except for this. I could not agree more. RESIST!!

From NY Times: Manipulated videos of Speaker Nancy Pelosi that made it seem as if she were stumbling over and slurring her words continued to spread across social media on Friday, fueled by President Trump’s feud with the Democratic leader.

One of the videos, which showed Ms. Pelosi speaking at a conference this week, appeared to be slowed down to make her speech sound continually garbled.

The video has been viewed millions of times on Facebook and was amplified by the president’s personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, who shared the video Thursday night on Twitter.

Facebook’s Mark Fuckerberg was asked to remove the bogus Republican video. Of course, he refused. With Facebook, the only way to win is not to play. Unplug!! RESIST!!

From Alternet: Democrats in Congress are eager to have Special Counsel Robert Mueller testify publicly. But Mueller is dragging his feet — and making a big mistake.

New York Rep. Jerry Nadler, the Democratic chair of the House Judiciary Committee, gave his most extensive comments on the negotiations around Mueller’s pending testimony thus far Thursday night on Rachel Maddow’s show.

He said the Mueller is reluctant testify in public because he “doesn’t want to participate in anything that he might regard as a political spectacle.” Instead, Mueller would like to testify to the committee publicly. “He envisions himself, correctly, as a man of great rectitude and apolitical,” Nadler said.

My first reaction to this was simple: Tough. When Mueller was running the investigation, it was up to him to decide how public he wanted to be. Now that it’s over, if Democrats in Congress want to call him for a hearing that they use to further political talking points, that’s their choice. Mueller doesn’t get to be the ultimate arbiter of what is and isn’t political. And he’s not a flower that will wilt with too much exposure.

I agree with the author. I suspect Mueller does not want to state the reason he did not charge Trump with obstruction in public. Did Barrf tell Mueller that he would quash any charges against his Fuhrer? I have no proof, but do have a hunch. RESIST!!


(because the verdict was overturned on a technicality) (Yes I know a chimp is an ape, not a monkey)


  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/25/2019”

  1. 6:44 Don’t break a tooth.

    RIP John Pinto, former NM State Senator and Navajo Code Talker, aged 94. We salute you, sir.

    Daily Beast – No argument here.

    NYT – Did someone page James O’Keefe?

    AlterNet – My confusion about what kind of testimony is actually contemplated can be summed up in this quote from your quote from the article: “Instead, Mueller would like to testify to the committee publicly.” Excuse me? I have seen it suggested that Mueller may have a [legitimate] concern about becoming a target for assassination. I have no idea whether tht’s accurate, but, if it is, testifying in camera to the committee with a full, unredacted transcript released soon after, would at least allow him to go into hiding.

    Cartoon – Why would they appeal? It was decided the way they wanted.

  2. DB: He wants to get rid of the ‘treasonous investigators’, and jailing anyone who speaks out against him, by investigating them. Day by day, step by step, he’s getting more unhinged. Very, very concerning to me. (actually from day one that he became the bogus potus)… 

    NYT: Actually I read about that this morning…I can’t figure out why he didn’t take it down, YT did. 

    AN: I’m hoping that he comes in to testify and soon. We need him to! Semper Fi, Mueller. Own it!! 

    Cartoon: Of course! 

    Hope that you get a chance to rest today/evening. Tell Wendy I said HI…and take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “If inconsistency were to manifest itself in human form, it would be a Republican.” ~ Stuart M. ~ 
    2. ‘Ivesssapdogy’: “Is Rudy now tweeting in Russian? ~ James S. ~

    *Joanne: TY for this. My deep condolences regarding Mr. Pinto’s passing, and also to his family, his tribe and his state. 

  3. DB: It’s spelled out right in front of the world, yet he still gets away with all of evil doing?? Something certainly is wrong. I pray that someone who has authority, finally steps up and puts a halt to tRump evil adventures immediately..
    NYT: It’s a disgrace to see that tRump and now his evil lawyer, Giuliani have to play such vicious video games. fAkebook owner, M F, not taking them down when asked, should be fined and punished. Glad I never joined fakebook. These type of games remind me of when they’d have elections in our high schools. Students trying to belittle others. Never thought I’d see it being done by so-called adult.
    AN” Hate to tell Mueller that with him dragging his feet, it’s making the situation even worse.
    Hope you have a good rest of your weekend. That you can get more accomplished for your future move that won’t wear you down too much.

  4. DB: He does not try to hide it, as Nixon did, because this fool thinks he’s entitled to be able to do it!
    NYT: It’s the Hitler playbook, brought into modern times.
    Alt: “He said the Mueller is reluctant testify in public because he “doesn’t want to participate in anything that he might regard as a political spectacle.” Instead, Mueller would like to testify to the committee publicly.”  I detect a bit of a conflict within this phrase.  If Joanne heard correctly, Muller would have good reason to testify in private, perhaps with a video to be released at some future date, when he can have arranged security &/or hiding. 
    ‘Toon: Republicans want it ALL ONLY their way!

  5. The more I read about Republicans these days, the more convinced I am that their ancestors were in the control group for evolution.

  6. Thanks and Hugs to all. 19

  7. Thanx TC 😸

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