The Republican Reich is a vile contradiction. On the one hand, they insist that government be too small to interfere with the criminal predations of Banksters, billionaires and corporate criminals against the poor and middle classes. On the other hand, they demand that government must be too big to allow women any choice at all over their reproductive health care. To that and, Republicans have passed several state laws intended to ban a woman’s right to choose and overturn roe v. wade.
Abortion-rights advocates are holding rallies across the country Tuesday, protesting a wave of laws passed by states in recent weeks to severely restrict access to abortions.
Organizers include the ACLU, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, and NARAL Pro-Choice America. More than 400 events were planned for a national day of action outside statehouses and courts, united under the #StopTheBans moniker.
A rally outside the U.S. Supreme Court drew a number of Democrats vying for the 2020 presidential nomination, including South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sens. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Cory Booker of New Jersey and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York.
“This is the beginning of President Trump’s war on women,” Gillibrand told the crowd. “If he wants this war, he will have this war, and he will lose.”
Inserted from <Think Progress>
Kudos to the demonstrators. Take a look.
Are we going to let Republicans return women to coat hanger health care?
Remember, in the Republican Reich, the right to life begins at conception and ends at birth.
9 Responses to “Stop the Bans!”
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I agree, and also second to what Dave said, in his comment.
Our fight in defense of reproductive rights has barely begun. The American People have spoken, and they want ZERO government interference in women’s wombs. Good comment, TomCat – right-wingers are all for minimum government except in our bedrooms and our crotches. The war against women is a war that Republicans can only lose.
i have never been pregnant, and it’s certainly not going to happen now, but I still take this issue very personally. Most people here probably know why. But, aside from that, it is long past time to put paid to people who know less than zero about women’s bodies making laws to control women’s bodies (and incidentally people who know less than nothing about being black or brown writing laws to control black snd brown people, and people who know less than nothing about gender science writing laws to control LGBTQ people, and people whoo know less than nothing about being poor writing laws to control … well, you get the picture.) By “less than” nothing, I of course mean that they know nothing, and what they think the know is wrong.
News in the western world painted a very clear picture of what is going on in America right now:
* Over 70% of Americans are for women’s right to choose whether to terminate her pregnancy or not;
* The other 30%, mainly in bright-red states, have been trying to force their views down women’s throats for a long time, legislating more and more constrictive bans on the federal abortion rights given by Roe v Wade;
* Drumpf and the Republicans in Congress have paved the way to overturn Roe v Wade by strongly politicizing SCOTUS by appointing two controversial right-wing judges to the Supreme Court, bringing the score to 5-4 for Republicans;
* The red states are now implementing draconian anti-abortion laws with the intention that they are taken to the courts for them, in the hope they will finally end up with SCOTUS, which they now expect to rule in their favour and put and and to abortion across America.
* The western world is shuddering at the sight of America first slowly, but now quickly, losing its grip on democracy both in terms of a minority overruling the much larger majority and the way the judicial branch of government has completely lost its independence, and turning back the clock. Abortion rights is seen as the culmination of everything that is going wrong with America in the Drumpf era.
It’s good to see that so many people took to the streets to protest these draconian and undemocratic bans, but one would hope that even more will follow in protest when they realize what is really at stake here.
I also ditto David’s comment.
Women must continue to stand up and fight together. We are the ones who should have the say about our bodies. No these no good repugs.
Thanks, pooped hugs, and amen to all.