It’s a very busy day here in the CatBox. Store to Door is delivering groceries later. WWWendy is coming this evening. In addition to de-stinking and normal chores, we need to set up and activate my new phone. I’ll probably be moving late next week or early the week after. I’ll be offline for a few days then. Yesterday, I published our 9000th article at PP. I’m still improving slowly. Hump day hugs!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:11 (average 4:46). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Mark Taylor Predicts Trump Will Impose Martial Law to Round Up His Political Enemies
These pseudo-Christian monsters are NOT Christians. Can you even imagine the real Jesus putting his political opponents in concentration camps? They are even more evil than Nazis. They are Republicans. RESIST!!
From YouTube (Jesse Dollemore Channel): EMBARRASSING!!! Ben Carson is EXPOSED by Rep. Katie Porter as a Know-Nothing About His Job.
Who could ever forget Nine! Nine! Nine!? When Carson wears his Republican Swastika it’s Nein! Nein! Nein! RESIST!!
From Think Progress: Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) is tired of Republicans ignoring election security.
“[W]hat happened in 2016 could be really small potatoes compared to 2020,” said Wyden, an Oregon Democrat who sits on the Intelligence Committee.
Wyden is especially concerned that, as he said, “all of the political muscle is on the other side trying to protect the status quo.” Now he’s hoping to take his message straight to voters.
Fourteen other Democrats joined Wyden earlier this month to sponsor legislation that would force states to use hand-marked paper ballots and audit their election results. The bill, called the Protecting American Votes and Elections Act, would also set cybersecurity standards for voting systems and provide funding for states to implement the changes.
The Republican Reich have no interest in tightening election security. They depend on the lack of security to enable Russian help in 2020. Oregon leads the way. RESIST!!
A day for Republicans to commemorate.
9 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/22/2019”
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I’d like to know what size shirt Mark Taylor wears, so I can send him one in brown – complete with red brassard. Yes, Martial Law is gloom and doom! No, it would not be temporary! Has that fool forgotten the old saw “First they came for the Jews…”
I hope 2020 makes 2016 look like small potatoes, especially in terms of the Blue Wave. If you want a real Progressive on the Democratic ticket, get your arse to the polls during the primaries and VOTE! Support the candidate you like, and if he/she gets weeded out, pick another good one to back.
5:33 Well, he looks healthy.
RWW – Nice to know all those “Christians” are earnestly praying for us to get locked into concentration camps and “strung up.” /s Of course, the individual most likely to answer those prayers is NOT Jesus. But that doesn’t make them less dangerous.
Other JD – Well, he probably thought she was talking about him personally. It certainly does fit. And isn’t everyone in the Trump regime hurting the very people they should be there to serve? Isn’t that why they were appointed? In case anyone has forgotten, she studied under Elizabetn Warren, and the first day of class, she came to Liz’s afterwards and said, “You were pretty rough on me today. I want you to keep it up. I want to learn everything I can.” No wonder Liz backed her campaign so hard.
TP – It’s worth remembering that Oregon has TWO Senators, each, in his way, working to take America back fro the fascists. You go, Ron!
Cartoon – Sort of like Helsinki, but on paper.
RWW: Holy crap!! This is really frightening to me. He (dt) needs to GO!!!
JDC: Good video! What an embarrassment! He’s getting paid for not knowing anything?? Carson doesn’t have a clue. He’s either stoned, or lost his mind. Pick either or both.
TP: We do have paper ballots here, though, I don’t see the Republicons making an effort or doing anything better to hinder.. or deter election interference. Good for your state though!!
Cartoon: Sad !
Glad to read that you are up and in the saddle albeit slowly. Tell WWWendy HI for me.
WOW! CONGRATULATIONS on your 9000th article on PP!
Take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: “If you’re ever worried you’re not good at your job, you can be rest assured that there’s someone even worse at his.” ~ Trevor Noah ~ re: Ben Carson “Good day for Nabisco, bad day for Ben Carson. ~T.Noah~
2. “You’ve got a thing called the sun. We like the sun better than the artificial not sun.” (dt talking about the bright lights at Monday’s rally.)
RWW: Maybe it will help, someday, to really know who the culture’s real enemies are, and JUST how crazy they are.
Dollemore: I think Ben must have sucked up too many anesthesia fumes, back when he was a surgeon!
TP: There has been no reason to trust any republicans within 500 yards of election data for many years!
‘Toon: Maybe the ONE pact Hitler ever intended to stick with!
This just in: President Temper Tantrum put on quite a show, earlier today. The roses in the WH garden wilted in embarrassment! Impeccable statesmanship displayed, not.
9,000th article; quite an accomplishment. Keep on trucking’, TC.
Don’t over do it. Take care
I see today Trumpy says he won’t deal with the Democrats when they are investigating him
What a Big Baby!
Thank you TomCat
2:45 It must have eaten special algae to turn so orange instead of pink.
JD: Ben Carson, the epitome of the Dunning–Kruger effect, is far to stupid to be embarrassed about his own incompetence. Has anyone ever bothered to see how many medical law suits for botched brains surgeries he had to deal with before he had to ‘retire’? Or have his own braincells succumbed to some heavy self-medication?
TP: Good on ya, Ron Wyden.
Congrats on your 9000th article!
Wonderful news you’re moving so soon, TomCat. Life will be so much better there compared with your current cramped apartment.
So, the alleged savant “brain surgeon” cum HUD Director [NOTE to Ben: The “D” does NOT stand for “Deportation”] – AMD who thinks the Pyramids were used to store lots & LOTS of grain – is an abject FAILURE as a government employee …
Who could have imagined that?
Congratulations, TC. 9000th article at PP…Wow. You’re amazing.
JD: Seen him on the news yesterday and it was a flipping joke. Like everyone has been say, he’s a so called brilliant surgeon, but being Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, he’s a farce. I suggest that he steps down before he makes anymore foolish moves/mistakes.
TP: I agree with Sen. Ron Wyden’s concerns. Hope he can get something going to help us.
Hope you and Wendy were able to get everything taken care of, including your new phone.
Getting excited for you regarding your new apartment. Less than two weeks. It will go smoothly.
Thanks, hugs, and Amen to all!