Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten and the Republican Reich will stop at nothing to obstruct justice. The are so afraid that the truth will emerge, before they can steal another election that they are desperate. They are illegally refusing to submit to legitimate congressional subpoenas. And why do we see light at the end of that tunnel? Here comes the judge.
President Trump’s accounting firm must turn over his financial records to Congress, a Federal District Court judge ruled on Monday, rejecting his legal team’s argument that lawmakers had no legitimate power to subpoena the files.
But Mr. Trump vowed that his legal team would appeal rather than permit the firm, Mazars USA, to comply with the subpoena and the ruling, so the legal fight is far from over.
The ruling by the judge, Amit P. Mehta of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, was an early judicial test of the president’s vow to systematically stonewall “all” subpoenas by House Democrats, stymieing their ability to perform oversight of Mr. Trump and the executive branch after winning control of the chamber in last year’s midterm elections.
Mr. Trump’s legal team, led by William S. Consovoy, had argued that the House Committee on Oversight and Reform had no legitimate legislative purpose in seeking Mr. Trump’s financial records and was just trying to dig up dirt — like finding out whether the president broke any laws — for political reasons, so the subpoena exceeded its constitutional authority.
Inserted from <NY Times>
Lawrence O’Donnell covered the story in depth. (15:27)
Thank God the case went to a real judge, not a Republican sycophant like Injustice Pervert Kava-Nazi!
Nevertheless, the Republican Reich appear to be willing the obstruction battle. Unless that changes in short order, we may need to open an impeachment inquiry, with the caveat that we can use it to investigate without having to take a Bill of Impeachment to the Senate.
11 Responses to “Here Comes the Judge”
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W/watch Lawrence later…
I agree with you. Yeah, keep the courts busy, so they can steal another election..
Thanks, Tom for post.
“[Buchanan] maintained that the House of Representatives possessed no general power to investigate him, except when sitting as an impeaching body. (emphasis mine)” Is Orange Judas daring Congress to impeach? It sure looks like it. And, as you point out, TC, we can “open an impeachment inquiry, with the caveat that we can use it to investigate without having to take a Bill of Impeachment to the Senate.” I am all in favor of that. One thing it would accomplish is to make all the hearings around the issue national news – to be shown live on TV. That is what caused the tide to turn for Nixon. I have zero faith that such hearings would change the minds of his devoted, committed base. But they would, as they did then, reach that vast group of people who don’t know the difference between ignorance and apathy, and don’t care. That’s the group which has always made the difference, and it will again.
Addendum this just in:
Guess the judge who will hear Trump’s appeal on his taxes vs. The House?
Wait for it. [x 13)
Merrick [bleep] Garland
My favorite part of Judge Mehta’s 41-page ruling:
Long after we have voted the Rethuglican justice-haters out of office, their evil influence will linger. This is why we need to get behind genuinely progressive Democratic candidates at all levels! This is why, in 2020 we need to Vote Blue No Matter Who. The U.S. cannot survive another four years of tRump’s incompetence, depravity and corruption.
Lawrence: “…congress’ motives is off limits!!!!” Clearly this is a huge ruling in favor of due process! Please Impeach!!!!
Merrick Garland? Wonderful!!!!!!! Karma?????
This tRump getting away with everything situation is really getting out of hand. With all of the laws that he has broken, he should be kicked out of office and prosecuted for his evil crimes.
That also goes for all of his cronies who have been doing their evil deeds for their leader.
We need justice done now. to stop these games tRump has been playing with our country.
but the people are finally opening their eyes.
Thank you TomCat
For goodness sake, start with the impeachment inquiry, if only the inquiry, and stop Drumpf and his administration dead in its tracks before it starts another war in Iran/Syria…
Thanks, hugs, and Amen to all.
This is the 9,000th article at PP.
WAY cool!