I did not sleep as well last night, probably because I overslept the night before, but I’m still improving slowly, and at least I have this Open Thread for you. My phone won’t be delivered until Monday, so WWWendy will bring it Wednesday. She will be here tomorrow. I’m hoping to be back in the saddle by Monday.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s Took me 3:26 (average 5:20.) To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Trae Crowder Channel): Liberal Redneck – Bama Bortion Ban
Amen Trae. I favor political abortion of all Republican office holders from dawg catcher up. RESIST!!
From YouTube (Real Time Channel): Monologue: Barefoot and Pregnant
LOL! To watch the rest of Bill’s show, click here. RESIST!!
From NY Times: Scott Morrison, Australia’s conservative prime minister, won his first full term in office on Saturday, confounding expectations that the country’s voters were ready for a change in course after six years of tumultuous leadership under his party.
The polls had pointed to a loss for Mr. Morrison’s right-leaning coalition for months.
With a handful of seats still looking too close to call, it remained possible that Mr. Morrison would have to lead a minority government, rather than retaining outright control.
I trust condolences are in order for my Oz friends. RESIST!!
12 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/18/2019”
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5:04 Pretty.
Trae – One of their legislators promised that, in the event of an ectopic pregnancy, the fetus would be relocated into the uterus. In case you don’t know, this is impossible. He’s absolutely right not to boycott, in the circumstances. This video choked me up a little, BTW.
Bill – Some of these people running are in it for the exposure. And I’m all for that. We need a deep bench. WRT Alabama and other cretins – don’t forget that abortion was not a fanatical issue in America until the”Christian right” picked it up because they needed outrage over something other than segregation to gin up their numbers. It’s not even a real issue.
Oz – Yeah, I got an email this morning from Bill Shorten – one of those “We did our best, I am so proud of you, we won’t stop fighting” emails which I figured was not good news. Condolences and best of luck for the future to Oz. Considering the political climate, is there a chance that Russia is looking at you too?
Cartoon – Currently being starved into (they hope) oblivion by the current regime.
I thought I’d run this one more day.

We are f*cked in Australia 😭
Results are in from our federal elections, the right wing evangelical scomo was re-elected!!!
Means about half the population think they’re in the top 2% rich & will benefit from the his ways.Broken hearted for all welfare/ndis (disability) recipients & our caged immigrants on Manus & Nauru.So many will suffer, including animals & environment!!!
Sorry, this has nothing to do with your post TC!i started crying at 11pm when i could see we were screwed, it is now 2am & i’m still crying!
Totally shattered!
We hear you, Animae! Hope you don’t go into as deep a depression as lot of us did back in 2016.
The world is becoming a very dark place!
Animae, we hear you, we care about you. That’s good advice from Nameless – just what the doctor ordered – and I hope you will be able to take it – depression is paralyzing.
Trae: Spot on, Trae. Gawd, this is horrible. Nothing like ‘the man’ dictating what a woman can do. Or not do. ugh!
Bill: The more the merrier, re: Dems. Abortions are difficult to get here, (TX) with some gals have to drive hundreds of miles to a facility. It’s not easy to get one, and I’m sure my legislators are working on copying AL. This is a personal decision not anyone else’s. Sickening.
NYT: Lordy, what a bummer. I feel ya, Animae and the rest of OZ…so very sad, and also Joanne’s thoughts too….Russia’s possible interference, possibly? Maybe?? Bummer.
Cartoon: Sounds about right….
Good News all around re: your health! Hope that you have a good rest of your day, rest, and relax. Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: “Trump supporters find all of dt’s bullying, outrageous mendacity as acceptable, because they know that’s the raw reality of the power players. Their only mistake is believing he’s on their side.” ~ Mary L.
2. File 13: “Between 1999 and 2014, Gaetz received 16 speeding tickets in Florida.” ~ Pat B. ~
Great videos! Rise up, sisters, and fight like HELL to protect your reproductive rights! Against abortion? Don’t have one – better yet, have yourself spayed or neutered.
TCC: Love his godless mouth!
Bill: “…and it’s 2019 here!” That just says so much. B & P in only one week!
NYT: Sad! About a hundred years after WWI and 75 after WWII, and the human race (YES, we are all one!) has learned zilch!
‘Toon: Would like to stick an electric prod up THAT elephant’s rump!
Trae: Great video, Despicable the direction women rights are going. We shall continue our fighting and that’s together too.
Bill: Getting to be the biggest race in history, Will watch his entire show later. I was watching baseball and recorded his show last night.
NYT: Sad to think that other countries are suffering what we went through here when tRump won. I feel for you Animae, it’s been hel* here ever since tRump stepped foot in the W.H.
So happy that you’re doing better. Keep resting and taking your medications so you can recover soon.
2:39 Very pretty, but awful in taste, I imagine.
TC: May Trae’s godless mouth run forever and may his prophecy, of Alabama starting a war on morally reprehensible sh$t like this and then fail spectacularly, come true soon.
BM: Alabama, the state of racists, misogynists and misopedist. What are white old men who only love other white old men called? Republicans.
NYT: We’re permanent residents, not citizens, of Australia (yet), so we didn’t get to vote and could only look at the horror unfolding itself last night. It really depresses me that Oz has gone the way of the US and those who have to fear most from these right-wing, coal-loving, climate-denying rethuglians have fallen for their fearmongering and voted themselves right into a recession and +2 degrees of global warming. I’m not regretting our move here – The Netherlands are just as badly run by the Right at the moment – but our future here has become less certain; like that of most Aussies, I guess.
Thanks and slowly improving hugs.
Thank you TomCat