I’m still feeling quite ill. It’s a busy day. Store to Door is delivering my groceries and WWWendy comes this evening. Otherwise, I need to rest as much as I can.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:54 (average 4:43). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): IN DC – A Parody
Brilliant, Don! When you caricature Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten, we need a Barf Bag Alert!! RESIST!!
From YouTube (MoveOn Channel): The Familiar Drumbeat of War
Barf Bag Alert!!
America’s worst Resident has a lot in common with America’s 2nd worst Resident. That’s a Republican trait. Don’t begin the war! RESIST!!
From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Pat Robertson Says Passage of the Equality Act Will Cause God to Destroy America
Barf Bag Alert!!
People, this man is NOT a Christian. He’s a Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian. That’s the opposite of a real Christian. If his “god” exists, it had horns, cloven hooves and a pitch fork. RESIST!!
Patty is Patricia Lasek. Her fantasy football team here at PP was the Monster Mashers.
12 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/15/2019”
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Bloody Pat Robertson at it again, meh!! 🤢 🤮
Take care TC xx
4:49 If only it weren’t so … orange.
Other PP – “That very bad star! That star fall down!” – Agatha Christie [Death on the Nile] I actually need the BBA more for his baes than for him in that particular clip.
MoveOn – There are many groups with petitions on this, and we all probably have received some requests to sign them. MoveOn’s is HERE.
RWW – Now, there’s the one that needs the BBA. He is living proof that God no longer smites blasphemers.
Cartoon – (1) Happy Birthday, Patty Monster, wherever you are!
(2) And it has never stopped, to this day.
Addendum – This just in:
In a press conference this morning the Almighty has confirmed that Pat Roberson will be confined to Purgatory after death due to the fact that, while his life of fraud, deceit, and taking the Lord’s name for evil purpose has earned him eternal damnation, Satan was recently granted a restraining order against Robertson by the Celestial Court of Appeals.”
When asked for comment, the Lord of Darkness offered, “People think that just because I’m Satan I have no fucking standards and that’s just bullshit.”
Good to know that even Satan has standards!
It’s also comforting to know what happens to all those people who don’t qualify for heaven but are so mean that hell won’t have them. They used to claim they would never die.
PP: Gets better and better describing the bogus potus. Excellent, PP!
BBA1: This news makes me ill. The only threat I see is warmonger Bolton & dt.
BBA2: Oh, Lord, deliver me from this evil. (PRobertson). ugh!
Happy Birthday, Patty!! Hope you have a great day!
Cartoon 2: Sad. Yea, they’re sick.
Hi, WWWendy!! Are you going to the dr’s? You’ve been ill for a while now, and that’s worrying me. DO take good care, get your rest, and take good, good care. Take it easy, too. Thanks, Tom.
This just in: Kim Jung Un: ” Tell the troops to stand down. Trump is destroying America himself.” ~ Anon ~ 2. “Trump seeks to delay emoluments lawsuit. claims he’s too busy playing golf.” ~ MIckey M. ~
PP: Don does a perfect job showing how tRump ranks a perfect 0.
BBA 1: Like they have nothing better to do than to threaten more troops and another war.
BBA 2: Evil being. Preaches evilness.
Cartoon: Happy Birthday, Patty.
Cartoon: Sad that it still goes on.
Wish you’d call your primary doctor and see if you can get in, TC. It’s mid-week already and you’ve been sick for over a week now. I personally don’t wish to see you back in the hospital again.
*Joanne: Addendum – This just in:

Priceless !!!
I have no confidence that the American voter will resist a “wag the dog” strategy. Trump certainly needs a distraction from the election.
PP: Marvelous!!
MOC: These folks are the real terrorists, with our blood,and our money! MOC petition-Signed.
RWW: Robertson is working the sheeple like a professional, a professional dirtbag! As8hole could not even remember the name of the act he wants his followers to reject. Religious freedom is not, we get to do whatever we want, just because we think we are holier than they! There was a sign at a recent rally in N.Y. State, against ruling that people must get the measles vaccine. They were crying that they want religious liberty, the freedom to do as they wanted. And robertson, and his cronies take the same issue and turn it inside out: We want to tell the gov’t what it should do! I hear that Lucifer is digging a new inner circle in hell for he, Fallwell and Baker!
Happy Birthday, Patty!
‘Toon: Just as the GOP was getting ready for Reagan!
Thanks and sick hugs.
Pat Robertson doesn’t have a Christian bone in him. He uses religion as a stalking-horse to conceal his real motivations: power and money. Also, his recent objection to Alabama’s extreme anti-choice law has an ulterior motive. He knows that too strong a law will be quickly squelched, but gradually chipping away at reproductive freedom will be more effective. The camel’s nose is in the tent, folks – whack it HARD!
Thank you TomCat