May 132019
I’m feeling very tired and pretty sick, so I’m returning bed. OGIM!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:52 (average 4:36). To di it, click here. How did you do?
Short Take:
From YouTube (Last Week Tonight Channel): Green New Deal: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
He’s as right as he is funny. RESIST!!
15 Responses to “Personal Update – 5/13/2019”
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First and foremost: Take care of yourself!
JO: We HAVE to get some policies passed for creating a better world for us, and for those behind us. My kids grew up w/Bill Nye the science guy! and I think they would agree w/him now, as I do. Great video, and passing on.
Gee, I hope you start feeling better, Tom. Take good care, and Thanks for post.
*This just in: Citizens: “Can we see the unredacted Mueller Report?” dt: “NO “Can we see your tax returns?” dt: “NO”. “What about details of your deals in Russia?” dt: “NO.” “Why not?” dt: “Because I have nothing to hide.” ~ DUG ~
4:36 Don’t break a tooth.
And by all means rest. And whatever it takes to get you better.
Anyone who does crafting can tell you, and could have told you any time, that recycling through crafting will not save us. Ever hear the word “stash”? Well. Gee – Bill says about carbon exactly what I said about tariffs! But seriously, unfortunately, the Second Amendment issue shows that, if every other nation in the world does something and it’s working, you can always predict that the US right wing will lie about it while fighting it to the death.
Cartoon – That IS what the Constitution says. Now if only everyone could hear it!
Well, this is a shock. But a good shock. I am speechless.
Also, prayers for Jimmy Carter as he undergoes surgery for a broken hip.
In November of 2020, let the voting public tell tRump: “YOU’RE FIRED!!!”
TC, feel better!
No wonder Trumpy has went Bankrupt he can’t figure out how this works.
we raise yours you raise our’s it’s so hard to figure. not helping the economy at all
Making the Farmer’s suffer and we sure do need them!
Can’t always just Stuff your Pocket’s!
So sorry to hear of Doris Day passing.
Hope you feel better TomCat
Thank you
“Video Unavailable”…. they don’t like Aussies 🙄 😏
Sending Love & Healing Light TC 🤒
JO: Good video. I watch his show weekly. Agree with Pat that we need some better things going for our country.
Cartoon: Wish that was possible. I would love to see tRump get kicked out of his current position. I guess I’ll keep on wishing and hoping.
Sure hope you get to feeling better. Wish you’d consider getting into seeing your doctor, since it’s the beginning of the week.
Sorry I have not been around much, but to be sure, I am still alive. My allergies are in hyperdrive and giving me massive headaches behind the eyes. I have never had an allergy season this bad. If my eyes aren’t tearing up, they’re closed from the light sensitivity. I hope you are getting lots of rest and will be feeling better soon!
Puzzle — 8:54
John Oliver — Not available.
Cartoon — From your keyboard to God’s ear!
Those who can’t see the video, have you tried Lona’s strategy of using a VPN that claims you are in the US?
A VPN costs around $100 for 3 years.
That comes out to a little under $3 per month, but I suppose they want it up front.
Yup! Or you can pay month by month for about $13 per month.
Thanks and Sick Hugs.