Samantha Bee from 5/8

 Posted by at 9:27 am  Politics
May 092019

It’s that time of week again, and here are three excellent video clips from Sam’s show last night.  Enjoy!

Trump’s Paper Trails


I believe Sam that Trump stole a change cup from a homeless person. That’s such a Republican thing to do.

NRA’s Unfriendly Fire


60 years ago, I earned my NRA Sharpshooter with nine bars. 25 years ago, I realized how much the NRA has changed, and I quit. They have become the Ammosexual wing of the Republican Reich.

Black Twitter 2020


Black Twitter is sure better than the tweeting, twat grabbing twit.

Her show has been gone a month.  I’ve missed her!



  6 Responses to “Samantha Bee from 5/8”

  1. Act 1 – Even in his first short coverup, even Barrf admitted the report was not a big fat nothing.

    Act 2 – Wayne LaPierre’s surname must refer to his head. Come to think of it, maybe North’s does too – like the North, his head is melting. I can guarantee the NRA will not lose its tax status under this regime, because the IRS, which was already understaffed, is hemorrhaging staff, and it looks to continue.

    Act 3 – I’ve already said my say about black women … I don’t need to repeat it here, because it’s well said. But if I need to say it again later, believe me, I will.

  2. Love Sam! W/watch later on this evening. 

    Thanks, Tom for posting.

  3. Sam #1: And he keeps trying to put his two cents in everywhere!  So, where is that guy who was telling me about donny’s “Business acumen,” two years ago?  No, he also had going for him White Supremacy, and greed!  
    Sam #2: And how many more guns would have been sold by LaPierre’s owners had he gotten his way?  NRA dissolving in bits and pieces, or all at once, is fine with me.

  4. Sam 🐝: Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Fortune or Time would put Drumpf on the cover for a retroactive Worst Businessman of the Decade award? And then interview all his rich buddies on how confident they are in his competence to run the economy (never mind the country) now?

    Sam 🐝🐝: Best news in a long time: if the NRA loses its tax-exempt status, it will really cease to exist. Go for it NY’s AG.

    Sam 🐝🐝🐝: Black (women’ votes were crucial for Democrats in 2018, so it’s quite incomprehensible that black candidates do not engage on black twitter. Or any other candidates for that matter. So much for getting in touch with grass roots.

    Thanks for posting excellent 🐝🐝🐝, TomCat.

  5. Will watch it tomorrow, Friday morning. I had appointment.

  6. Thanks and COPD Hugs. 18

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