As I continue to improve slowly, it’s a very busy, very hot, day here in the CatBox. It’s grocery delivery day, and WWWendy is coming to scrape the stink from the TomCat. Happy Hump Day!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:38 (average 5:48). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Donald Trump Red Line Failing Despite Urgency To Keep Finances Opaque (19 min.)
The Fuhrer lost that much, did he? I’m surprised it wasn’t more. Due to dementia, he is even less competent now than he used to be. RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: President-elect Donald J. Trump will no longer have day-to-day responsibility for driving his businesses into bankruptcy and will instead focus on bankrupting the country, one of his leading surrogates said on Wednesday.
Appearing on Fox News, Kellyanne Conway said that while Trump no doubt could “plunge both his businesses and the country into bankruptcy at the same time,” he feels that he “owes it to the American people to put them first.”
Acknowledging that Trump has no government experience, Conway said that his years of bankrupting a variety of companies would prove “invaluable” as he does the same to the United States.
“It’s going to surprise a lot of people when they see how great he is at this,” she said.
Dang Andy! For the very first time, Smellyanne was right! RESIST!!
From Raw Story: resident Donald Trump on Wednesday asserted executive privilege over all of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference during the 2016 presidential election.
The assertion of executive privilege came just as the House Judiciary Committee was about to hold a vote on holding Attorney General Bill Barr in contempt. The president’s assertion over the entire report comes despite the fact that most of the report has already been made public.
I’m not sure where we go from here, but resolving it through the courts could take years. We should still charge Barrf with Contempt of Congress. RESIST!!
8 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/8/2019”
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5:52 “Symmetry” is JigZone-speak for “You’re toast” – at least it is to me.
We are in a colder-than-usual snap, expecting snow Friday, but pulling out of it starting Monday. Not all that far out of it, but somewhat out of it anyway. I’m ready for warm any time.
Rachel – She probably mentioned this … but these are NOT the tax returns Congress has asked the Treasury for. They are older. That said, they are pretty awful. It does take someone very special to go bankrupt running a casino, for Heaven’s sake.
TNY – The only thing not-straight about this news is the idea that Traitor Tot would ever stop meddling in ANYTHING.
RS – The contempt hearing started this morning. Jerry Nadler managed to shutup Gym Jordan; Matt Gaetz was a trifle more obnoxious. I can’t find that the committee has voted yet. How long did it take to knock out Nixon’s claim of executive privilege on the tapes? I don’t remember. Update – 1:30 pm PDT approx – the vote is in – Barr is in contempt.
Cartoon – I see that three tribes of the Sioux (starting with the Oglala and followed by the Cheyenne River and the Yankton – have told the governor of South Dakota to pound sand. Good for them.
Rachel: Excellent vid. Love Rachel. Spray-tan Caligula runs the country like his businesses. He doesn’t seem concerned about this at all. ugh!
NYer: I’m sure he doesn’t care, and will continue along with the R’s, to line their pockets with $$$$.
RS: I agree, he (BB) should be charged, CoC. Personally, I don’t think he (dt) knows what he’s doing from day to day, and likes to cause ruckus within the ‘rank and file’. He likes the power, too. jmo.
Cartoon: A great stain of tragedy, and sadness.
Don’t overdo, and get your rest! Hi, WWWendy! We are in flood mode here, with rain every day till Saturday. Warnings out as the river has crested. Hope that you have a good rest of your day, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: “Can someone please tell me how ‘someone’ loses $1.7B in 9 years? Money laundering, perhaps?” ~ Linda S. ~
**btw…faux, infowars, and Brietbart news (media), not reporting this little ditty of news….
Our Nation Is Led by a BILLION DOLLAR LOSER!

No surprise the Mango Menace picked a far-from-random creep who had done that shameless ass-kissing back in 2016. Meanwhile, Orangebutt suffered business losses more than triple-train? And we entrusted him with leadership of our country? Anybody who isn’t ashamed is either a) one of the ultra-rich orcs that benefited from his vile tax breaks, b) a well-paid pundit of the mega-corporations, c) a gross ignoramus who suffers from serious cranial-rectal coincidence, or d) dumber than a sack of cat litter.
TNY: Just a little too close to reality to be funny.
Cartoon: Indeed it does.
Feeling better, even slowly, is the right direction!
Rachel: Rettig fits the Dumpy job description perfectly, just as Kavawhore did! Desmond, would anyone be surprised at Donald’s manipulation? One billion of losses…good thing this ass has such “business acumen!”
New Yorker: Actually, yes, he is well on his way to crippling the country’s economy.
RS: Thank you Joanne!! Thank you Mr. Nadler!!!! Next is impeachment, then in indicting the Barrstard!
Toon: Just sad!
No Name: So we have, and have had TWO completely incompetent POTUS pretenders brought to us by the GOPIGGIES: Donnything and G.W.Bush*it.
Rachel: We heard of his bankruptcy problems from his earlier years. One billion dollars losses….Disgraceful.
TNY: He’s doing exactly that…He’s currently running our country the way he ran his casino and other companies,… and that’s to the ground.
RS: I agree with Pat that (bb) should be charged. tRump can take his executive privilege and stick it up his butt.
So happy that you’re feeling better, TC. Hope Wendy and her family is doing well too.
3:59 These leaves are velvety to the touch, but quite inedible.
MSNBC: Rachels glee is almost palpable. An old wish of many is finally coming true; follow the money and
the true Drumpf, the loser, the megalomaniac who cares about money only Drumpf will be exposed.
TNY: 😱 This is frighteningly spot-on, Andy. Bankrupt the country, morally, legally and financially, is exactly what Drumpf has done and is very busy continuing to do. And you know what is even more frightening? If Democrats don’t stop him millions will vote for him despite this knowledge and he’ll bankrupt other countries too while destroying our planet. RESIST!
RS: Both sides know this will take years and it wouldn’t surprise me if they’ll find an area of compromise so that they can back to business.
Cartoon: Sadly, yes.
Thanks and Hot Hugs.