Take the Pledge

 Posted by at 9:51 am  Politics
Apr 302019

I have long warned against below-the-belt infighting between Democratic Candidates and between their supporters.  That helped cost us the Whiter House in 2016, with help from Russian trolls and the useful fools on the left, who parroted them.  That must not happen again.  Indivisible has published a pledge to help prevent it.  Here is the pledge.



The “We Are Indivisible” Pledge

We must defeat Donald Trump. The first step is a primary contest that produces a strong Democratic nominee. The second step is winning the general election. We will not accept anything less. To ensure this outcome, I pledge to:


  1. Make the primary constructive. We’ll make the primary election about our hopes for the future, and a robust debate of values, vision and the contest of ideas. We’ll remain grounded in our shared values, even if we support different candidates.
  2. Rally behind the winner. We’ll support the ultimate Democratic nominee, whoever it is—period. No Monday morning quarterbacking. No third-party threats.
  3. Do the work to beat Trump. We’re the grassroots army that’s going to power the nominee to victory, and we’ll show up to make calls, knock doors, and do whatever it takes.


  1. Make the primary constructive. I’ll respect the other candidates and make the primary election about inspiring voters with my vision for the future.
  2. Rally behind the winner. I’ll support the ultimate Democratic nominee, whoever it is—period. No Monday morning quarterbacking. No third-party threats. Immediately after there’s a nominee, I’ll endorse.
  3. Do the work to beat Trump. I will do everything in my power to make the Democratic Nominee the next President of the United States. As soon as there is a nominee, I will put myself at the disposal of the campaign.


Inserted from <Indivisible>

Rachel Maddow covered the pledge in detail (19 min.)


I signed the pledge this morning.  Eleven candidates have signed.  I urge you to sign it too.  Click here.



  8 Responses to “Take the Pledge”


    Democrats need to focus on WINNING. They must a) support truly progressive candidates, instead of the same old corporate hacks (I’m looking at you, Frau Clinton); b) stand 100% behind whoever gets nominated; and c) get out the progressive, and especially the recently-turned-18, vote. Losers don’t make laws, all they can do is protest. Democrats need to focus on VICTORY, and what they can do for this country, not just help the 99% but also undo the damage that the Orange Ogre has done.

  2. Weird that you posted this Tom, as I signed this Pledge this morning too!! 
    Thanks for the head’s up, and passing this important message to family & friends. 

  3. Excellent!

    Keeping my fingers crossed that all Democrats and all candidates sign the pledge. Indivisible is what will end this horrid Drumpf era.

  4. I often don’t sign pledges, unlike petitions, of which I sign a lot, because they tend to make change. Pledges tend to be less specific, unenforceable, and distracting from real work. This, however, is a pledge I can get behind.  Signed gladly.

    Edit: Just a thought. Women may be the majority of Democratic voters, but we still only earn at best about three-quarters of what men do, and then we have to pay “pink taxes” out of that. I don’t know about other Democratic women, but I’m saving my donations until the field starts to thin out. i want to beat Trump.

  5. SIGNED!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is what I’ve been championing!  Resist divisiveness!!!

  6. Outstanding.  I signed.
    Thank you for taking the We Are Indivisible pledge!

  7. Thanks, Hurried Hugs. and Amen to all! 35

  8. i can assure you the bitching & the nastiness between Dems is happening with full force on Twitter, not only between the people but the candidates as well!
    The only one refusing to say anything against anybody is Bernie Sanders!!!

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