Apr 302019

It’s a chilly morning here in the CatBox, but it will be uncomfortably warm by supper time.  CCC has been dragging their feet on getting my AC out of storage.  I’m squeaking the wheel.  I have some antihistamine eye drops coming with my groceries tomorrow.  I can’t wait.  My eyes are on fire.  My COPD is severe too, so I feel tired.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:04 (average 5:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Submits Resignation Letter

For a while Rosenstein wore a halo, but he’s leaving office with as vile orange stain on his rosy rectum. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: 5 Responses to Climate Change Deniers

Of course the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right. The Reich on the right, the Republican Reich, use crude oil as butt lube. RESIST!!

from Raw Story: Former FBI counterintelligence agent Clint Watts has been sounding the alarm for years about white nationalist terrorism — and he scorched the Trump administration’s lackluster response to the growing threat.

Watts appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to discuss the Poway, California, synagogue shooting that left one dead and three injured, and he said these massacres were clearly linked — and deserved pre-emptive intervention, rather than just a reactive response…

…Host Joe Scarborough, who has been threatened by a white nationalist Coast Guard officer, said the Trump administration has done “nothing” about this domestic threat, and Watts offered an alarming explanation.

“International terrorists don’t vote, and domestic terrorists do vote,” Watts said.

And you can be sure they vote Republican. RESIST!!



  7 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/30/2019”

  1. So many officials in the tRump regime are resigning, or being fired, or being indicted, they need a revolving door on the White House.

    Great cartoon. There is far more difference between the real Jesus and the fundamentalist perversion than there is between Luke Skywalker and his notorious father.

  2. MSNBC: I hope that the House calls him back in to testify to the questions that they have after he resigns. After 5/11. Hopefully, as a private citizen, perhaps?? 

    RR: Good video, Truth!! be told.

    RS: Boy, if this doesn’t give anyone nightmares, it should. Very, very scary and sick to plot this kind of harm to a person, community, or any public space, such as what’s happened at the synagogues/churches, and schools.

    Cartoon: Very sad, indeed.

    Hope that you get your rest, and take good care, Tom. Enjoy the rest of your day. Thanks!

    *This just in: “If dt has done nothing, why/what does he hide? Obviously plenty- I hope he’ll sheet enough bricks to build his wall.” ~ Patrick H. ~

  3. Sorry to hear about your continuing allergy problems, TomCat. I hope your drops will give you some relief soon.

    4:32 Didn’t ring for me.

    MSNBC: At first reading, Rosenstein’s resignation letter sounded like that of a man looking for his next job, avoiding confrontation, or retaliation/, by actually thanking Drumpf for their working relationship. On close inspection, the letter drips with sarcasm and is plain nasty: thanking Drumpf for his courteousness and his humour? And lecturing him on how the DOJ should work. But of course, Drumpf will have to be told that this was a snark. The letter revealed a lot of Rosenstein’s character, I think.

    Robert Reich: All five of the responses are spot-on accurate, but there isn’t a chance in 😈😈 that they’ll convince “those wilfully ignorant or complicit in protecting fossil fuel profits over the safety and security of our children and grandchildren.”

    RS: Former FBI counterintelligence agent Clint Watts is a very insightful man indeed.

  4. 6:14 I would love to see the whole bell. The “Japanese script” on it is Kanji, and there are two other scripts they use also. 

    MSNBC – I haven’t made up my mind about him. We know some things he did, and we know some things he said, but what we will never know is how man/which were said and done as a coward, and how many were said/done as an unofficial espionage agent (to hols on to the job as long as he could give the investigation any protection at all)? I’m not sure even Occam’s razor helps here. 

    RR – “Willfully ignorant, or complicit.” Or possibly just too stupid to care. There’s always that. 

    RS – For decades if not centuries most of us have figured out that there are two groups, one of which votes (or gives money) and one of which doesn’t (or can’t). Billionaires as opposed to the poor. White people as opposed to minorities. (Fundamentalist) Christians as opposed to everyone else. And, on some level, we have been aware that Group A’s behavior kills people. Watts’s dichotomy certainly makes that crystal clear, and should change our discussion around all the other dichotomies too. 

    Cartoon – Indeed. Good analogy by Freya. 


    Added to get it in on the same day as the appropriate graphic 07

  5. MSNBC: I’m not sure about him either.  It will be interesting to see whether, or not, he winds up giving testimony to the House Intelligence committee.
    RRC: “From the early 1700’s to the 1960’s the fast moving river of wind known as the North Atlantic Jet Stream, which drives weather extremes over Europe, was pretty steady on its course.  then became less predictable.”  This from today’s NYTimes “Science Times;” it’s lead article.   “WILLFULLY IGNORANT!”  You bet!
    Raw Story: No surprise there…Dumpy loves him some uneducated, recall!
    ‘Toon: Just finished reading “Zealot, The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth,” not about the Christ, but about the man, and the context into which he was born…by way of a “maiden,” not a virgin.

  6. MSNBC: Rosenstein turning in his resignation letter??? I’m curious if he losses his benefits the same way the ones who tRump has fired??? I know I would want to get out of that he*l house if I could. Seems kind of strange that the ones who have been fired, we haven’t heard too much from them??
    RR: Right on as usual. I tend to agree with Gene that we have the deniers. Like the brainless leader and his cronies we currently have in office, they aren’t reasonable and don’t believe in science. They will be sorry for their ignorance.
    RS: Shameful again, that no one listens to the truth. Then they wonder and ask “why” when it’s too late.
    Sure hope you get to feeling better TC. It’s been raining off and on here in San Diego. Last of the April Showers.

  7. Thanks and rushed Hump Day Hugs. 26

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