Apr 292019

Here is the one hundred fifty-ninth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s winner is Republican Nazi John Earnest. He is so honored for committing an act of Republican terrorism. He murdered a Jew and tried to kill more.

Here is an article about the his manifesto.

0429synagogueThe manifesto contained common far-right catchphrases, including descriptions of an “international Jewry” which is responsible for countless age-old blood libels, including the murder of Christ and alleged control over the media and the economy. This is similar to a trope in the antisemitic book The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Earnest wrote that: “Every Jew young and old has contributed to these. For these crimes they deserve nothing but hell. I will send them there.”

He also stated that he hoped to inspire others to commit similar crimes and that he expected to be freed from prison and would “continue the fight.”

The manifesto is full of religious imagery. He repeated throughout that he was carrying out the attack to be a good Christian, saying “My God understands why I did what I did.” He proceeded to quote several verses from the New Testament as “proof.”

He also claimed in the post that the popular YouTuber known as Pewdiepie funded and planned the attack. He also stated that he carried out an arson attack in Escondido, where a fire broke out at Dar-ul-Arqam mosque, also known as the Islamic Center of Escondido, a week after the New Zealand mosque attacks. A note referencing the New Zealand attacks was left at the mosque. Police are currently investigating his involvement in that incident.

Throughout the manifesto, he also referred to other minorities with racist terms, blaming them for a wide variety of personal complaints as well…

Inserted from <The Jerusalem Post>

Here are the people he attached in this video.


Rabbi Goldstein and Lori Kaye, the woman who died saving him, are American heroes. May God protect their people and all of us from the holocaust Republican Nazi terrorists want to unleash.



  12 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 4/29/2019”

  1. This is reprehensible! So,so saddened by this act of hate and terror. 
     My deepest condolences to Rabbi Goldstein, and to the community. 
    When is this hatred going to stop??

  2. When I hear about “Christians” speaking and acting out anti-Semitism, I always think about Corrie ten Boom, or I should say, about her father Casper. I don’t remember the exact framing he used, but he pointed out that in choosing to attack Jews and make them scapegoats (and kill as many as possible) the Germans had “touched the pupil of God’s eye,” and that would not go unpunished.

    Here’s an article on why we should keep Lori’s name in the public eye and forget that of the shooter.

  3. It’s bad enough that some creeps still believe in a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. What makes it worse is they have “evidence” in the power of AIPAC and Israel’s status as a sacred cow. Just because I abhor Netanyahu and his policies of apartheid and ethnic cleansing doesn’t mean I agree with scum like Earnest.

  4. I suppose we might be a bit surprised that with the amount of bullsh!t Hate Fertilizer Twitler has spread in the past 2+ years that we don’t have more White Nationalist weeds than we do.

    Then again, maybe those white sheets they use are better camouflage than I thought.

  5. Yes!  This goes directly back to Drumpy and the BS and hate he has been feeding the country/world!  He would be quick to deny blame, would say “I didn’t put the gun in his hands,” but if one knows there are smoldering cinders one is to blame for having spread gasoline in the area.

  6. I am reminded of the words of Martin Niemöller:

    First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—

          Because I was not a socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—

          Because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

          Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    In this age of the Dark Lord, Trump, we could also add immigrants since we are all immigrants, save the indigenous peoples.  Of course Trump and his minions wrongly don’t believe this.  We could also add African Americans whose ancestors were stolen, enslaved and then transported to North America under very harsh conditions.  And the Palestinians who are being denied their own land and are subject to the rule of apartheid by the state of Israel.

    Pat asks a good question: “When is this hatred going to stop??”  Human beings have it within us to show mercy, compassion and love.  What will it take to bring that out . . . another holocaust?  I pray not.  One good place to start is to get rid of Trump who incites violence and hatred.

    To the perpetrator (I do not want to say his name), your God, if your God is Jesus Christ, the 3 in 1, is sickened by what you have done.

    To the family and friends of Lori Gilbert-Kaye who was murdered in the attack, my condolences and prayers are  with you.  May she rest in peace in your hearts.  My prayers are also with those injured and with the entire community.

  7. Drumpf and Spence’s Talibangelists have inspired and given licence to people like John Ernest to kill Jews, just as the Da’esh have inspired their suicide terrorists, and Buddhist monks have inspired fanatics in Myanmar to try and exterminate the Rohinya and attack Christians and Muslims in Bangladesh, and…

    People using their religion as an excuse to hate and kill people of other faiths is as old as humankind, but it is frightening that we seem to be turning back the clock instead of further overcoming it.

  8. Was shocked and saddened to hear of this act of hate and terror.
    I have to agree with Mitchell that it goes back to tRump because of the way he speaks and shows so much hate.
    Plus all of the ones in congress who are anti gun control.
    I’m grateful that the creeps gun malfunctioned and that more weren’t harmed.
    My deepest condolences to Rabbi Goldstein, Lori’s husband, family and to the community.
    Lori will be remembered for what she sacrificed.
    I will keep praying for PEACE.


  10. Thanks and Hugs to all. 46

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