It’s a chilly, but muggy, day here in the CatBox. Tomorrow I plan to post only a Personal Update, with no links messages on Care2. Tomorrow is a WWWendy day, but it’s messed up. She might come at her normal early morning time, or she might be unable to come before mid-afternoon. My Broncos drafted Drew Locke, a QB from Ohio State. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:30 (average 4:28). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): President Donald Trump: Charlottesville Comments Were ‘Answered Perfectly’
Could Trump be any more full of BS? His favorite general is Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler. RESIST!!
From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): DUMB DOWN – Parody
That’s why so many Republican Sheeple voted for Drumpfenfarten. Sheeple are dumb. RESIST!!
From Think Progress: On Friday evening, the University of Virginia men’s basketball team announced that it would not be visiting the White House to celebrate its national championship.
“We have received inquiries about a visit to the White House. With several players either pursuing pro opportunities or moving on from UVA, it would be difficult, if not impossible to get everyone back together,” head coach Tony Bennett said in a statement. “We would have to respectfully decline an invitation.”
The university is located in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a deadly white supremacist rally took place two summers ago. President Donald Trump infamously responded to that rally by saying that there had been “very fine people on both sides” — drawing an equivalence between the group wielding torches and screaming “Jews will not replace us,” and the people there protesting the hateful slogans.
While Bennett did not mention the president or politics in his statement, it was released just hours after Trump once again defended his comments on Charlottesville.
If you believe the coach’s explanation, contact me to buy the glacier I own near New Orleans. RESIST!!
I’d rather have that idiot than this idiot.
10 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/27/2019”
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The parody song is hilarious – and would be even funnier if this country hasn’t already been dumbed-down so seriously.
Everybody knows why the UVA coach declined the White House invitation. Good for him!
4:27 Pretty things. The dragonfly may need a BBA. All the cats that have every allowed me to live with them have found insects barf-inducing.
Lawrence – Yes, Lawrence has President Snake Pit’s number. I might point ut that “if we have to” has very strong echoes of the abuser’s “[My victim} made me do it,” doesn’t it.
The Other PP – Don keeps getting better and better, doesn’t he.
TP – Nice of the athletes to telegraph the refusal so he won’t hve to embarrass himself by issuing the invite in the first place (/s).
Cartoon – No idiots would be better still.
MSNBC: Chilling words of denial coming from the potus of these United States….how sick can you get??
PP: Excellent, and well done, PP.
PR: Good men’s UVA for not attending, Baylor’s women BB team, ….not so much.
Cartoon: Gee, thanks. North of where I live about 98 miles or so. Population about 680, high end houses. (too rich for me). lol
Beautiful day here. Hope that you have a good rest of your day/evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. Hi, WWWendy!!
*This just in: “Jail to the Chief.” ~ Greg K. ~ (I found this quote hilarious.)
I was Gobsmacked when Twitler, queried WTR the White Supremacist who killed a protestor in Charlottesville being “very fine people”, said “that that question was answered perfectly.”
Then he goes on to say, “Robert E Lee … a great general, whether you like it or not. He was one of the great generals.”
How far the Rethuglican Party – self-proclaimed “Party of Lincoln” – has fallen, now that their leader embraces and praises Robert E. Lee. Talk about a 180-degree turn!
Very pleased that the U of VA BB team is taking a pass on visiting the White House!

I realize that if they wanted cold hamburgers they could just stroll down to the nearest Mickey D’s, buy a couple and then set them on the table for a couple of hours.
Personally, I think it’s a great sacrifice that they’re skipping the chance to enjoy some of the Hamberders Twitler would serve.
But then again, who knows – maybe they have a local …
MSNBC: Being a person in love with whatever he said a few minutes ago, it makes perfect, consistent, sense for him to double down on a prior imbecility! THIS is what is going to Make America Great Again? Yeah,maybe when it leaves office.
PPC: Petula Clark never sounded so good!
TP: The Univ. of VA. never sounded so wise!
‘Toon: The GOPIGGIES keep sending one village idiot after another!
MSNBC: Gets me that he can continue getting away with saying one thing and saying the opposite the next day. I”m curious what would happen if he wax under oath or taking a lie detector attached to him??.
Parody:Excellent one. I love it.
TP: Smart decision. I wouldn’t want to go either.
3:00 Despite their beauty, dragonflies are known to be most ferocious and cruel hunters.
MSNBC: Drumpf is really handing it to the Democrats on a platter lately, isn’t he. But stay alert, Democrats, and keep watching what he, his administration, and Republicans in general are doing when that platter has drawn your attention.
PP: I see Don has got his hands on some fake-news software and put it to excellent use. It’s really like Petula is singing his perfect new lyrics to her ld hit song for us. Dumbing down America has been persistently on the Republican agenda; it may well be their only policy they have besides making the 1% richer. Excellent lyrics, great video, but a little scary too.
TP:Good that the team isn’t accepting the invitation, but if the reason has anything to do with Drumpf’s “perfect answer”, their excuse not to go sounded rather lame. If the reasons for not going are political, then be up-front about it.
Cartoon: You can keep them both.
Thanks and rushed hugs.
Wicked cool parody!!!
Tweeted it!!!