I needed to take a day off from writing about Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten and his ongoing plot to overthrow the government of the US. And I think we need a reminder that the Republican Reich was evil and vile long before Putin had a Puppet in the White House. Do you remember Bridgegate. It was so obvious that Chris Christie, aka Pignocchio, was guilty that I thought he’d be wearing a 6X-BIG Orange Jumpsuit. I wondered how he escaped, and now we’re finally learning how the fat stayed out of the fire.
A former Chris Christie aide sentenced to 13 months in prison for her role in “Bridgegate” lashed out at her former boss, calling him a “coward” and a “bully” as he continued to deny any knowledge of the scandal.
Bridget Anne Kelly was sentenced Wednesday in the corruption case, which stemmed from the 2013 toll lane closures on the George Washington Bridge that snarled traffic in Fort Lee, New Jersey, for four days as part of an apparent revenge scheme.
She was convicted in November 2016 along with Bill Baroni, former deputy executive director of the Port Authority. Both were found guilty of all seven charges they faced, including conspiracy, fraud and civil rights deprivation.
Speaking from a prepared statement after her sentencing, Kelly, 46, ripped into the former New Jersey governor, questioning how “all these men” were able to “escape justice.”… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <People>
I have little sympathy with Bridget Kelly. Those who lie down with dawgs get up with fleas. However, the way she was set up to take the fall for Pignocchio is particularly heinous. Rachel Maddow covered this in two segments. In the first, she sets up the story in detail (25 min.)
In the second, she interviews Bridget Kelly.
In short, the Republican Reich provided her a corrupt attorney.
This should serve as a reminder that the Republican Reich, without Trump, is every bit as evil as it is with Trump.
15 Responses to “How the Fat Escaped the Fire”
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Drumpy is, once again, really, nothing but a symptom of the emptiness of the GOP! At least, going back to Nixon, the GOP has paraded misfits, misanthrope, and out, and out scumbags, at its head, as it has cheated its way to victory after victory! So, are we to thank Drumpy for helping to keep Pignocchio out of POTUS?
I remember reading about this back when it happened. .
How horrible, and devious of Christie to even think of doing this, and getting off scott free.
He deserves to be in jail like her.
Of course Chris Creep-stie escaped punishment – he has rich and powerful buds. However, he probably isn’t getting off scot-free; I doubt that he has any political future.
“Pignocchio”? Aw, don’t be so mean to pigs!
He’s only offending lying pigs. Since actual pigs don’t lie, I think it’s OK.
Awful to read how cHris has got away with his corruption for oh so long.
What has happened to our country rule of laws???
Shameful actions. No consequences??? Insane.
If we hadn’t been letting people at the top escape justice for decades – I mentioned the banker in the last financial crisis, but really, this goes back to Nixon at least. Now it;s expected, and frankly, this the exception to general both-sider-ism — both parties have allowed this. Does anyone think there is a possibility Dems will run on a national law and order ticket in out lifetimes? Because that might just be what it would take.
The top always get away with it. The very few times a boss gets nailed for what he/she’s done, it makes headlines. And they don’t get away with it because they were too incompetent, or simply didn’t have anyone to pass the buck to. Just look at Drumpf: all these indictments, and sentences, against people around him, but nothing against him, yet. And with Republicans widely versed over numerous decades in escaping justice, that doesn’t bode well, does it?
It certainly seems that Republicans threw Bridget Kelly under the bus . . . all the way under the bus . . . and then abandon her. I hope that eventually they will be caught and feel the weight of justice.
It is time that voters throw the corrupt Republican party under the bus!
I’d add a “BARF BAG ALERT” – but if you can see the warning, you’ll see the pic.

The alert came too late. Bye Bye breakfast! 🤮
LMAO!!! . . . the road to perdition for any drivers though.
Thanks, Hurried Hugs, and Amen to all.
The laws are made by the powerful, to protect the powerful. How else does a pig like Rick Scott get to resign as CEO the night before his company gets slammed with indictments, and just walk away?
OMG how do i unsee that shot of 🤮 perched on the bridge?!?!?!?
Try this –
It also comes in an industrial size in case you need more.