Apr 052019

A Fox news (sic) contributor was savagely mocked for wearing a partial bulletproof vest while reporting at the border with Mexico.  (Although it’s not clear which of the three Mexican countries that Fox thinks exist, he was at.)

Apparently, Lawrence Jones was taking his haberdashery hints from Jared’s blazer and flak jacket ensemble he wore so well a few years back.

So who wore it better?  Here is Lawrence Jones all decked out, ready to rumble …

Well, except for the fact that it’s way too small – and didn’t have the protective steel plates inserted …

Other reporters were quick to join in the mocking reminding him that it is NOT a war zone.

Thin-skinned Jones got defensive about all the mocking and tried claiming the CBP agents demand that he wear the vest.  But here’s an earlier Tweet he posted of himself and CBP agents at the border – and NONE of them are wearing body armor.

Does Fox only require reporters to don a flak jacket when they’re on camera?  Nah – it’s all part of Twitler & Fox’s plan to stoke fear and hatred at every opportunity!  Gotta keep the MAGA cult riled up, dontcha know?

But it was too hard to pass up the chance to have some fun Photoshopping that vest – and Twitter Tweeters did:

No doubt this is how Fox wants you to view him:

But this is how he actually appears …

But we have to admit that those vests can actually be quite useful …

Oh, and WRT Twitler making claims while visiting the “his new wall” that “he got built”it isn’t and he didn’t.

This section replaced one built in the 1990’s with recycled metal scraps and landing mats.  And it was Pres. Obama who designated it for an upgrade back in 2009.

But Twitler did manage to expound about the fence with his customary eloquence:

“If you want to climb that, it’s pretty sharp up on top, too. If you want to climb that then you deserve whatever you can get, but it’s very, very hard. It’s meant anti-climb. It’s called anti-climb, so it’s a great wall and … I think it looks fantastic — very see-through, so you’re able to see the other side, which is a very important element.”

Kyrie, eleison. Lord, have mercy!


  6 Responses to “Friday Fun: Fox news Fearmongering Fail Turns Out Funny”

  1. Cross posted to Care2 HERE

  2. What a hoot!!! 
    Idiots at their finest hour! lol 
    Personally, I liked the Elmo vest picture. Hilarious! 

    Thanks, Nameless for post, 
    and Joanne for cross posting. 

  3. Faux News has once again shown how they got that moniker.

  4. Very cute, Nameless.  For a Faux Noise reporter how about a bullet proof strait jacket? 12

  5. Dumb and Dumbest!

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