Here is the one hundred fifty-fifth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s winner is Trump sycophant, self-proclaimed Nazi, and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. He is so honored losing a lawsuit. He was sued for claiming the Republican murder of Heather Heyer was a staged plot by Democrats to make his Fuhrer look bad and targeting the man that posted the video for Nazi violence. This is his third award. Previous awards in 2013 and 2016 were also for Republican conspiracy theories.
A federal judge ruled Friday that Alex Jones and other online conspiracy peddlers cannot dismiss a defamation suit alleging that they invented damaging smears about a counter-protester at the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally.
“Victims of vile conspiracy theories should take comfort in Judge Moon’s ruling that Brennan Gilmore’s defamation suit against InfoWars must proceed,” Andrew Mendrala, an attorney with Georgetown Law’s Civil Rights Clinic, which helped bring the case, said in a statement. “Today’s decision shows that the law will protect victims of baseless lies by holding people like Alex Jones accountable for the harm they cause.”
Gilmore sued Jones, Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft and several other far-right publishers for falsely labeling him as a “deep state” operative. They claimed that a video he captures and posted online of white supremacist Alex James Fields ramming his car into Heather Heyer was part of an elaborate, staged plot to undermine the Trump administration.
The defendants requested that the lawsuit be thrown out, claiming they were simply exercising their First Amendment right to share theories and opinions about the incident.
But in Friday’s ruling, Judge Norman Moon of Virginia’s Western District agreed with Gilmore that they knowingly published these false stories “with actual malice.”… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <TPM>
Others were named, but Jones is their Republican ringleader.
Kudos to Judge Norman Moon, a fair man, and a Clinton appointee. I fear we man need a Parade for a White Supremacist Republican Judge, if this decision is overruled.
This video from Bloomberg explains the influence he had over his beloved Fuhrer Drumphenfarten.
Barf Bag Alert!!
No other Republican has received three parades… so far.
15 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 4/2/2019”
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Alex Jones could be in the parade on a daily basis. Way to go Judge Moon!!
Good article.
High 5 to Judge Moon!! Alex Jones is his own parade. As evidenced (again) by his raucous behavior at Lucy’s last week, and thrown out of the restaurant. I hope those affected by this person’s evil actions and vile comments, get recompensed greatly, for what he’s said, and done. I’ve always wondered how his wife is, and how she can live with this guy too. Or is she on the same plane as he? Either way, he’s repulsive.
I don’t think he lost the suit. He just lost a motion to dismiss, so that not the suit will go forward. He lost a battle, but not the war – yet. I certainly hope he does lose the suit and I hope it bankrupts him.
Pat, IIRC, they were divorced, and he received only limited visitation rights to his children (a small victory, as his ex wanted NO visitation rights.)
You are correct. I misquoted the article. Thanks.![16](
YVW. It was easy to misread, and therefore a natural mistake.
Thank you.![35](
Thx, Joanne, I always wondered about his wife & family.
Jones is a seriously deplorable human being! He, and/or his ship of fools will be looking to make up lies about the judge, I expect.
The only other Republican who might be,or might have been worthy of 3, or more parades, might be Carl Rove. Stone will have his chance, then there is Pence and der Fartburger himself. Oh, and McConnell, and………….it just goes on, and on!
Sock it to the Judge for Moon-ing Jones and his endless river of bilge and bull****. I believe in free speech, but I also understand it has limits – and those who overstep the bounds of common sense and decency threaten free speech more than the “politically correct” bugnuts.
Cause he thinks he knows it all, He has all the advice available if he can possibly get if he asks
It’s a excellent first step, “Judge Moon’s ruling that Brennan Gilmore’s defamation suit against InfoWars must proceed”, but sadly it doesn’t say anything about the outcome if the case comes before a Republican judge, unless it comes before this same judge Moon.
Let’s hope Alex Jones goes down badly and does the same in the separate defamation case brought by the parents of children murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School. They were joined by a first-responder, I understand and apparently some Sandy Hook parents are bringing a similar case before a judge in Texas. I hope they all get what they deserve: some money but most of all some peace in their lives, but with the huge following Jones has, that seems rather unlikely.
Can Drumpf pardon people in defamation lawsuits, BTW?
Now that Alex Jones is getting his A$$ sued, he NOW claims in his defamation lawsuit deposition that it was a “form of psychosis” that caused him to claim Sandy Hook was a fake conspiracy theory hoax.
There’s no doubt that Jones suffers from mental illness. I just hope it’s not an “OUT” to get him off.
And is it any wonder that Twitler went on his InfoWars show to praise him, saying “Your reputation is amazing. I will not let you down.”
Good choice indeed
Agree with Nita and Pat.
Another excellent reason to kick Trump to the curb with yesterday’s trash. When Trump goes, Jones will follow . . . at least for a while! . . . hopefully!!! . . . unless he attaches his wagon to another Republican Reich reptilian piece of roadkill!!!
Only 3 parades? He deserves a parade everyday!!! of every year!!! for the next century!!! . . . at a minimum!!!
I am impressed with Judge Moon’s decision. I think that Jones was saying that his first amendment rights were being taken away by the defamation suit. Judge Moon knows better. Let’s hope that some Republican minded judge does not try to overturn it.
Thanks, Hugs and Amen to all.![16](