Here are the results of our “Degree of Evil” Poll. Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories. Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population. Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect thinking of the majority of those who actually do think.
And here are your comments:
Showing comments 1–7 of 7.
Posted by Lona Goudswaard March 21, 2019 at 4:02 pm. From: (AU)
Both evil in their own nasty way; Drumpf because of his personality disorder/dementia, Pence because of his sneak-behind-your-back/push-down-your-throat religious fanaticism.
Posted by Lynn Squance March 12, 2019 at 8:25 pm. From: BC (CA)
Both are equally evil but in somewhat different ways. With Trump, what you see is what you get — a lying, racist, bigoted narcissist, immoral POS. Pence on the other hand is sneakier. He is a pseudo evangelical Christian who hates gays etc and thinks discrimination is just fine because his Bible says God hates gays etc. He would ram his religion down everybody else’s throat. To answer Mitch’s question: Does he live in a religiously delusional world? Absolutely!
Posted by Colleen L March 9, 2019 at 12:48 pm. From: CA (US)
Both full of lies and evilness.
Posted by dave c March 7, 2019 at 9:13 am. From: MN (US)
when I listen to either I hear the voice of the devil speaking…..
Posted by Katie and Bill Dresbach March 6, 2019 at 2:36 pm. From: OH (US)
Both are Evil!
Hateful, Racist in everything they do
Posted by Diane March 4, 2019 at 2:29 am. From: PA (US)
Both are dangerous. We can see and hear what a whackjob trump is. His fanclub is terrifying. I can the new “pizzagate” will be maternity floors, OB-GYN offices and there will be no pregnant woman or gynecologist who will be safe. I hope I’m wrong.
Pence is also nuts. His born again doctrine would have women walking on their knees, fifty paces behind men.
They will have no problem seizing all property, including bank accounts, IRAs, investment portfolios, cars, homes etc. if a woman isn’t married or her father isn’t living.
They would have no problem stripping a woman of her job or her voting rights.
Rape would be normal sex.
The evangelicals think they need to “help” bring about the apocalypse because they believe the Book of Revelations and some opium induced nightmare some idiot had.
Their god doesn’t deserve a place at the religious table if he needs those nitwits to bring about anything.
So, yes, it’s pretty frightening to think that these two degenerates along with the republican party have so much power. They are all dangerous.
Posted by Mitch D. March 1, 2019 at 11:34 am. From: NJ (US)
Drumph is the more evil, because he enjoys hurting people, children included; because he has not got a socially redeeming bone in his fat body; it is hard to be more evil than a Malignant Narcissist, one whose personality consists of sociopathy, narcissism (of course), psychopathy,
and does virtually nothing that is not about defending the emptiness within.
Pence is more difficult to know, from my point of view, because he is much more opaque, perhaps slimy inside, I would not doubt it, but he keeps his sickness hidden, so I can not judge him with any sense of accuracy. Does he live in a religiously delusional world? Apparently. Does he try to remake the world according to his delusional take on it? Apparently, and that is dangerous, not necessarily evil. But, if he should become POTUS, we may then see the level of evil he contains.
I voted that both are equally evil, although if I had to pick one, it would be Pence, because he tries to hide his crimes while Trump brags about his.
Please vote in the new poll, even though it may be month’s before we know how accurate we are.
10 Responses to “Poll Results – 4/1/2019”
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I think that the Pence agenda can already be seen in the push toward theocracy. This is not Drumph’s agenda, though he might want to use it to keep his Evangelical fools close beside him…but he need not worry about that, they are already in his pocket. So, I think it is Pence’s influence on him. Look at the other deluded Pseudo-Christians Drumph has already collected; Barr, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, and more.
I don’t know how I missed voting in this one. I would have had to say Pence, no contest, because Trump is so personality disordered that he can’t help himself, whereas with Pence it’s a choice.
I too, missed (forgot) to vote on this one, though I would have voted both. I find both nauseating, fake, liars, and sneaky, and detrimental to our Nation’s health.
I stand by what I said:
“Both are equally evil but in somewhat different ways. With Trump, what you see is what you get — a lying, racist, bigoted narcissist, immoral POS. Pence on the other hand is sneakier. He is a pseudo evangelical Christian who hates gays etc and thinks discrimination is just fine because his Bible says God hates gays etc. He would ram his religion down everybody else’s throat.”
Both should be thrown in jail for what they have done and are doing to their country. There is no place for their ilk and I dare say, the Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves right now.
Did i miss “Degree of Evil” Poll??
i voted on the new one!
“Only what remains after Barr removes all evidence of guilt.”
I hope you never have to experience how much alike Drumpf and Pence are.
AMEN to that!
I stand with what I stated that they are Both full of lies and evilness.
In this case, it remains opinion, this side of eternity. Hugs!