It’s a frigid snowy day here at the CatBox. Store to Door just called. They cancelled all grocery deliveries due to inclement weather. I’m contacted WWWendy to do my shopping for me. She has a snow day too and a 4 WD pickup. Happy Hump Day!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:13 (average 5:02). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): Fox News misrepresents Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to claim she wants to “get rid of children”
Barf Bag Alert!!
It’s not just AOC . The Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, misrepresents everything! RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): House Passes Resolution To End Trump’s ‘National Emergency’
I saw Bought Bitch Mitch. He looked like he ate a bad clam! Love it. RESIST!!
From NY Times: Mark Harris, the North Carolina Republican who nearly won a seat in Congress last year but saw his political fortunes collapse after the revelation that his campaign had financed a fraud-tainted voter-turnout effort, said on Tuesday that he would not run in a new election.
In a statement on Tuesday, less than one week after the North Carolina State Board of Elections ordered a new contest for the seat, Mr. Harris attributed his decision to medical issues that included two recent strokes and issues with his memory and recall, saying the Ninth District deserved “to have someone at full strength during the new campaign.”
Bullshit! He was caught red-handed, and cowardly Republican that he is, he’s slithering away. RESIST!!
9 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/27/2019”
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BBA: The only thing scary about this is watching faux news. GO, AOC!!!
MSNBC: I don't see any R's rallying with the Dems on this…but I'm sure proud the D's did what's right!!
NYT: Couldn't have said it any better than what you wrote, Tom! Excellent.
Cartoon: "AIM’s occupation of Wounded Knee led to generations of American Indians to get involved in tribal affairs and civil rights." *news
Gawd, you're having some winter weather!!! We're at 71 as I type this. Hope that you stay warm, and have a good rest of your day/evening. Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: "In bid to help Trump, congressman Gaetz cites alleged infidelities of Cohen, who has been convicted of helping Trump's attempt to cover up infidelities." ~ Do V. ~
5:03 Close.
You guys aren't really used to snow, are you. I'm so sorry. At least they notified you, though!
BBC radio interview with Daryl Davis, an activist on race relations with a controversial approach. About a half hour.
FC – Of course they misrepresent everything. But they misrepresent intelligent and strong women LOUDER because they are TERRIFIED of them.
MSNBC – Yes, Mitch can't refuse to allow a vote on this one. Even if it passes the Senate, there won't be a 2/3 majority, but I do hope it at least passes.
NYT – Many are saying this is good news, but I'm not convinced yet. Apparently it's going to be a crowded Republican primary, including a Boss Hogg wannabe (the only one who has announced yet, but waiting in the wings …) It's tempting to think someone is so awful they can't possibly find anyone worse … except that they keep doing it!
Cartoon – Not one of the United States' most shining moments.
3:08 Mmmm, bananas. Good for you. Did you know they are classified as vegetables, not fruit?
MM: I'm about to go to bed, so no videos of Tucker for me. I'm having enough trouble with sleeping through the night with this jet-lag as it is. Don't need Faux News' greatest misrepresenter to invent yet another story on AOC and make sleeping even harder.
MSNBC: I gather that about 10 Republican voted with the Democrats to pass this resolution in the House, and at least three Republican Senators will do the same when O'Connell is forced to bring it to a vote in the Senate. I sure hope there's some footage of his face available soon.then. His jowls must be dripping of his face by then.
NYT: Harris should be prosecuted for his fraud and for costing the NC taxpayers millions of dollars and he should go to jail for it. Not running because he's about to go to jail is the only acceptable reason Harris should be giving instead of this load of ??.
Thank goodness for WWWendy, and her 4WD too.
BBA: I love how Faux News twists everything around.
MSNBC: Poor Mitch having to allow a vote on this bill. I bet he's rolling over in his shell.
NYT: Well said TomCat.
Yay for WWWendy and he 4WD! Tell her hi, thank her and give her a big hug.
MMC: This is Faux News' specialty! Maybe some wealthy donor can set up a system wherin every time Faux News, or any other GOPIG mouthpiece puts out BS about her, she gets $1,000.
MSNBC: Well, so no we have a semblance of actual governing, wonderful!
NYT: Gee, is Mr. Harris working a scam to avoid indictment?
The people at Faux News are so far removed from reality, I'm amazed that we can even receive their broadcasts. BTW, watching Faux News is a great emetic – beats the hell out of tickling the back of your throat.
MSNBC: A big step in the right direction! Now we need to bug the hell out of our Senators, especially Re-poop-lican ones, to follow suit.
NYT: Good riddance, Mark Harris. Don't let the screen door hit ya where I hope the dog bit ya.
BBA: Knew there was a reason I never watch the stinking channel. Twisted mixed up idiots.
MSNBC: Good for the Democrats Hope they can sway some others into voting for it.
NYT: Agree with you TC. Wish all the repugs would slither away….our world would be so much happier.
OMG….snowing?? Glad Wendy is coming over and that she has a 4WD. Keep warm. Hope it gets better with March just around the corner.
I am not a violent person. BUT if I were, Tucker Carlson is one face that deserves to be slapped silly:
Lord, is he annoying!
I'm not violent either, but I still think his face is punchable. (`BTW, when I typed "FC" for his initials, that was NOT a typo.)