Here is the one hundred forty-ninth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s winner is a Republican USCG Lieutenant Christopher Paul Hasson. He is so honored for white nationalism, Ammosexuality, and a domestic terrorist plan to start a race war and establish a white homeland.
A 49-year-old Coast Guard lieutenant charged with stockpiling weapons and drugs is being described as a “domestic terrorist” who was planning “to murder innocent civilians on a scale rarely seen in this country,” according to court documents filed in U.S. District Court in Maryland on Tuesday.
Federal prosecutors say Christopher Paul Hasson, a self-described white nationalist living in Silver Spring, Md., was amassing firearms since at least 2017, while cultivating plans to launch a widespread attack on prominent Democratic lawmakers, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and several high-profile television anchors from MSNBC and CNN.
Court documents indicate Hasson espoused extremist and white supremacist views for years — aspiring to establish a “white homeland” — and say he is a “domestic terrorist bent on committing acts dangerous to human life that are intended to affect government conduct.”
“I am dreaming of a way to kill every last person on earth,” Hasson wrote in a draft email dated June 2, 2017, that was uncovered by investigators, according to the court records.
Throughout the email, addressed to “friends … Acquaintances more likely,” he contemplates the most effective methods to “cause complete destruction” by unleashing a biological attack on the public, followed by contamination of food supplies.
“Much blood will have to be spilled to get whitey off the couch. … They will die as will the traitors who actively work toward our demise,” he wrote disdainfully…. [emphasis added]
Inserted from <NPR>
Here’s a short CNN video:
Hasson’s manifesto indicates than his inspiration is Anders Behring Breivik. Breivik is a Norwegian Republican terrorist, who killed 77, including many children. I previously wrote about how Breivik had US Republican connections. The Koch Brothers financed his activities through ADA. I wonder which Prominent Republicans financed Hasson’s arsenal. If I knew, they would also get a parade.
11 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 2/21/2019”
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I found this more terrifying than most terrorist threats at first glance. For one thing, I have great respect for the competence and intelligence of the Coast Guard and of people in it. A terrorist intelligent and disciplined enough to make it in the Coast Guard could do a lot more damage than your average uneducated skinhead. 49 years old and a rank of O-3 suggests slow promotions, but he was in three branches of the military at different times, and probably dropped at least one rank with every change of branch.
Fortunately the Coast Guard as a whole is smarter than any of its members, and actively led the investigation into him.
There is a philosophical disagreement as to whether morals and reason are perceived through the same, or through separate faculties. It is a question which will probably never be answered. I’ve always felt that it’s the same faculty, and certainly goodness and intelligence often do go together, as do stupidity and venality. But not always. Guys like this cause me to seriously question my own opinion. Maybe he’s an exception – but the fact that there are exceptions like him demonstrate that my belief, if it has any truth, is definitely not universal.
Nota bene: This Coast Guard bugnut was either a U.S. citizen or naturalized resident – and my money is on the former. He is clearly NOT Latino. And tRump and his chumps are worried about hoodlums swarming across the border! The worst ones are already here!
Very sick, and disturbing to actively pursue this…
A homegrown terrorist is indeed, to me….very frightening. The fact that he was in the military, and an officer makes this even more dire. One needs to not look out, but instead…within the country for plots of mayhem, and acts of violence against it’s citizens.
Unreal. Glad he was caught too!
Seen this last night on the world news. What in the heck is going on with our country?
What a sick minded terrorist. Ever so grateful to the Marine Corp getting someone to check into all of his mischievous actions/behaviors.
If it wasn’t for their quick actions, no telling where it would of ended up?
All of the prominent people he had on his list.
Truly scary. Grateful that he got caught.
I thought you might have featured him, once I saw that the posting was a Parade!
I just noticed an article, in e-mail referring to the “deafening silence” of the Drumph! I hd thought that last night, seeing no comment by the bozo, on the topic. “Walls won’t help, when the enemy is within!” I hope some hero journalist asks him what he thinks of this.
I’m so glad that the Coast Guard and FBI caught him before he could actually carry out his plan. Very scary indeed.
This is really scary and goes to show how much a person with some warfare knowledge can plan and stock-up on while staying under the radar. As was pointed out, Hanson wasn’t flagged until he became too brazen and made mistakes which were possibly picked up on by the Coast Guard in DC. Thank goodness neither Coast Guard nor FBI are focused only on outside terrorists, as this administration undoubtedly wants them to be, but have realized that home-grown terrorists have shown themselves the biggest terrorist threat in America and kept their vigilance turned inward too.
As for Hanson, he of cause needs to be in Republicans on Parade, undoubtedly being the poster boy of all extremists, white supremacists, white “nationalists” and what have you that have come crawling out of the woodwork in the Drumpf era.
Dearly wish the media was NOT so obsessed w/ Jussie Smollett & gave THIS story the coverage it deserves.
While reprehensible, no one was going to die from Smollett’s malfeasance.
Hasson? That’s a whole other story (that’s NOT being covered)!
Oh, but you know the Hasson story is just not “colorful” enough!
Thanks and hugs to all.
OMG!!!! A grand scale psycho!!! ?
YES & why wasn't this on any 'MS media'?!?