It’s another dank sticky day here at the CatBox. I slept poorly last night and feel tired. I’m also suffering from the lack of Orb light. Tomorrow, WWWendy will be here and we have a full slate of tasks, so please expect no more than a Personal Update with no links messages on Care2.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:01 (average 5:05). To do it, click here. Hoe did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Jeff Merkley Channel): Merkley Supports Plan to Strengthen Social Security
That’s my Senator! Oregon leads the way! Scrap the cap! RESIST!!
From Alternet: Leftist scholar Noam Chomsky has a message for voters who refused to cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton to prevent Donald Trump from winning the White House: You made a “bad mistake.”
On both moral and practical levels, Chomsky told Al Jazeera‘s Medhi Hasan, the choice was clear.
“Do you vote against the greater evil if you don’t happen to like the other candidate?” asked Chomsky, who spoke out during the election against Trump’s candidacy—and in fact predicted his rise six years ago. “The answer to that is yes.”
With an argument similar to the one made by political scientist Adolph Reed prior to the election, Chomsky insists that voters did not have to ignore Clinton’s serious shortcomings in order to recognize Trump as the much more serious threat.
We’re not talking about a mere liberal here. He’s a Democratic Socialist that is well to the left of Bernie. His criticisms of Hillary were often used as ammo by the fools on the left that helped elect Trump. I didn’t like Hillary either, but once nominated, I supported her, fought for her and voted for her? Why? Putting one’s brain on hold during elections is a very foolish thing to do. Vote Blue! RESIST!!
From Think Progress: Late Friday afternoon, a flurry of activity by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office pulled back the curtain on their case against Donald Trump confidant Roger Stone, who last month was arrested in his Florida home and charged with lying to federal prosecutors, witness tampering, and obstruction of justice.
In documents submitted to the U.S. district court, the special counsel’s office detailed some of the evidence against Roger Stone, acknowledging for the first time they possess direct communications between Stone and Russian operatives known collectively as Guccifer 2.0, as well as WikiLeaks.
The communications were gathered in connection to an indictment that Robert Mueller brought against 12 Russian intelligence operatives last year. Those individuals, who were all members of Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU, operated under aliases including DCLeaks and Guccifer 2.0.
The only chance that Stone has to save his own ass is to flip on his Fuhrer and partner in treason. He should have learned from Manafart that, to the Fuhrer, loyalty is a one way street. RESIST!!
16 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/16/2019”
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Merkely rocks!
Chomsky rocks! The “Anyone but Hillary” mentality was worse than putting a brain on hold, it was imbecilic!
TP: Stone may just be reading stones for the rest of his scuzzy life! Poor baby?.
Mr. Merkley: Can I clone him to come here??? He’s awesome!!!
AN: Personally, I was stunned by her loss to the führer. I knew he was crazy bad news way back from the casino debacle in AC, NJ. Look where we are now. Sadly.
TP: Lordy, let that day come, for justice to clap back on this regime. Stone has a ‘gag order’ not to speak to the media about his case. But…will he comply?
Cartoon: Ain’t that the truth??
It’s chilly here, @54. Sleepy day here. Hope you have a good evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: dt @the golf course today: “Well, I guess we know where to find him during a real emergency, don’t we? ~ DE ~
I absolutely love your Senator Merkley!
Norm Chomsky is brilliant and is saying exactly what most of us were saying. Even if your don’t care for Hillary, you need to vote for her because Drumpf would be a disaster. Hopefully, people learned from their mistake and will do the right thing this time.
Poor Stone. He needs to turn on Dumpy because he won’t last a minute in prison.
Have a great evening. Tell WWWendy hi tomorrow. Thank you TomCat.
Well, it’s been a busy and bloody day here in KCMO. Nike, my Pootie, started acting under the weather on Thursday and really worsened throughout the day on Friday. Not eating or drinking like normal (although he had 3 pees & 1 poop on Friday – which is normal) and much more docile than usual. But no signs of pain or discomfort and he was alert.
This morning he started with the lip-licking and hiding under the daybed sofa – a bad sign. But I did get down on the floor w/ him a couple of times to pet & talk to him, and he was quite calm. So I called my vet and I got the last appointment of the day on Saturday – 11:30.
But we got 4″ of snow from afternoon to evening last night, so I fired up the blower and cleared one lane so I could get out. But I had to fill up the blower’s gas tank, and you can’t help but getting a little on your hands.
I had set his travel cage out before doing the snow blowing, so when I was done & came back in, I went to get the critter to put him in his cage – and he went BALLISTIC! I forgot from the summer grass mowings how he HATES the smell of gas.
Well I took a shower and opened a can of tuna and rubbed tuna water over my hands and went to get him. He was still having none of it and I got bit at least a dozen times on both hands before I got him in the cage.
I’ve had two episodes of cat-bite cellulitis before from him – but both were on my calf – he would attack me from behind. Cat-bites of the hands can be a very, VERY bad thing because of all the fascial planes covering all those little muscles. My uncle had to be hospitalized once for it years ago.
Turns out Nike had an anal abscess that needed draining under anesthesia. He still seems to be in a stupor from the anesthesia even six+ hours later. Certainly not full speed.
He had anal gland drainage once before (never knew cats even had anal glands) when the abscess opened on its own. But then he didn’t act sick – I could see the drainage and took him in. The vet today recommended removal of the anal glands after he heals. It’s a $450 procedure, but if we can avoid a repeat it’ll be worth it. (Not factoring in the cost of possible cat-bite cellulitis of my hands. That’s got me concerned. But I washed them right away, then cleaned them w/ rubbing alcohol, then hydrogen peroxide at the vet’s – apparently that works better WRT cat-bite cellulitis.)
I’ll keep you guys posted – the bites are very sore!.
Oh, Lord, I’m so sorry for both of you! My Mom went through that once; she recovered but it was awful to see.
I am not, of course, a doctor, but I swear by H2O2 for any kind of exterior bacterial infection. I even keep some around (in the refrigerator) that is 50% strength as opposed to the drugstore 3% (when necessary, it goes on with an eyedropper.) I am perfectly willing to believe this is an idiosyncrasy of my immune system, but it seems to work well for me.
As for viruses – well, warts, are viral, are they not? If you ever have one on a finger, and stick the finger with the wart into a glass or cup with even 3% H2O2, be prepared to yank it out in order to avoid getting scalded. That is how much and how fast the wart virus’s reaction to the H2O2 heats it up.
I’m so sorry to hear your and Nike’s sad tale. Yes, I’m quite aware of cats having anal glands and especially males getting them overloaded and infected. I used to have a vet which emptied them first thing any cat came on her table by quickly pressing on the gland – a trick – no matter the gender, and more often than not it was very necessary to do so. It’s a messy, dirty job, and most vets tend to avoid it, but she was of the caring type that was all for prevention. She told me I could do it myself, but with most of my cats of the Nike-type, or worse, that was not even an option in my wildest fantasies; especially not when I suspected a gland was infected (because of the smell). Then I’d rather risk another tetanus injection and take them to the vet.
Cat-bite cellultis is completely new to me, and having been bitten by cats so often over the course of a lifetime, I now wonder what it looks like and if I ever encountered it. It sounds very bad, so I don’t think so.
For now I wish you, and your furry companion Nike, both good healing and a quick recovery. Please buy some motor gloves with long cuffs with only your smell on it, before you approach Nike again for an appointment with the vet.
Oy vey! I hope both of you will heal properly in time. My Primo had to have his anal glands expressed a few years ago . . . not fun for him. As to the cat bites, I can relate. I stepped on Primo at 300 hours when I got up to the bathroom. He really did a number on my left leg. I ended up having IV anti biotics at the hospital everyday for 2 weeks. The ER doctor said 80% of cat bites become infected because of the flora in their mouths. Apparently only 20% of dog bites become infected. I still have the marks and scars from the bite and the cellulitis and it will probably never go away. It was extremely painful at the time.
You can count on kitty prayers for both you and Nike for healing from my furbabes and me. Take care Nameless!
Sincerely hoping you both do better!
Dang Nameless! I’m so sorry. I hope both feel better in short order. That said, we generally get violent to escape a trip to the vet! ?
6:59 Shades of the Bundy family.
Merkley – Well, of course he does, because of course he does! I wish we had more of him. (Speaking of Senators, my Repub Senator is up in 2020, and there is a group, starting 3 days ago, collecting news items involving him, and sending the list (and links) to a mailing list I’m on, to provide us with ammunition. Yay!
Chomsky – Some were so far gone they wouldn’t even listen to him. He said this at the time! Perhaps not quite as forcefully as this, but who knew more force was needed?
TP – I don’t think he even has the chance of flipping. If you were Mueller, would you ever believe a word he said? I sure wouldn’t! He is too slimy to flip, and too slimy to be allowed to flip.
Cartoon – Yuppers!
YT: Senator Merkley is awesome. Where has he been hiding? We need more like him. Love his ideas.
AN: Really is a shame that it ended up where it did. I just pray that with all of the horrid things tRump has done, that voters will give a hoot about it the next time. We’ve suffered enough.
TP: I agree with Joanne. He’s too evil and wants to stick with tRump. Good they will all end up in the proper location in penitentiary. Where all the evil ones can flock together.
Cartoon: Sad but so true.
4:04 Only eat when in need of CAlcium and Selenium.
JM: Three cheers for Jeff Merkley, continuing to lead the way on Social Security and other, what Republicans call progressive, much needed issues. Glad to see him team-up with Bernie.
Alternet: After two years that’s water under the bridge and Chomsky should focus on the future. I hope he then will point out that Democrats must learn their lesson both as voters and as a party. The Party should never cheat to push an unpopular candidate, who is popular mainly with the establishment, ahead of a very popular candidate with the people and the voters should be able to trust the party they’ve put the best candidate for this race forward and vote for that candidate without hesitation.
TP: Wow, direct connections to Guccifer 2.0, that’s really damning. But I don’t think that, at this point in time, Mueller is in need of more canaries. Manafort said he would sing and all he did was take up more time of Mueller’s people to prove that he was still lying and wh now need to prepare him after bars even longer. That is a serious waste of time, valuable time which could have been spent on indicting Drumpf’s inner circle, and finally Drumpf himself. Come back to these creeps later, if you have to, Mr Mueller, but for now focus on Drumpf. Democrats must win the 2020 election.
Puzzle — 4:12 That is dizzy making . . . around and around!
Jeff Merkley — Jeff and Bernie putting We the People back into the equation. Republicans want nothing more than to cut back on their definition of “entitlements”. The mark of a just society can be seen in how the most vulnerable in society are treated.
AlterNet — If you have to, hold your nose and vote for the Democrat candidate. Republicans don’t give a rat’s ass about anything but power and greed! That did not happen and look where the US is now.
Think Progress — JD, describing Stone as slimy is being rather kind don’t you think? I happened across this site: Who in their right mind would support Stone? Stone is probably hanging his hat on a Trump pardon.
Cartoon — That be it — barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.
Thanks and hugs to all!![29](
OOPS, i copied the waving smiley but it didn't show ☹️