A lot of the energy surrounding the 2020 presidential campaign is focused on opposition to Donald Trump. That, in my opinion, is an error. Democrats need to focus, not on what he says, but on what we are doing. Elizabeth Warren was trying to make that point, when she suggested that Trump might be in jail in 2020. The crowd went wild! But is locking him up by then a good idea?
Countless Democratic leaders have urged the party not to spend the 2020 campaign tangling with President Trump over tweets and taunts. But Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts made a novel argument on Sunday for ignoring the president: He could soon be in jail.
Addressing a crowd of several hundred at the Veterans Memorial Building in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Ms. Warren said it was up to Democrats to decide whether they would spend every day parrying “a racist tweet, a hateful tweet, something really dark and ugly” from the president. She said the party should ask: “Are we going to let him use those to divide us?”
“By the time we get to 2020, Donald Trump may not even be president,” Ms. Warren said. “In fact, he may not even be a free person.”
Prodded by reporters to explain the remark a few hours later in Iowa City, Ms. Warren said she was simply noting the proliferation of inquiries into the president… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <NY Times>
Here’s a video clip from TIME:
When they made Donald Trump their Fuhrer, the Republican Reich did the most devious thing they have ever done. Trump is do thoroughly deplorable in so many ways that he provides them public deniability every time he acts out their hated, commits their crimes, enacts their policies, appoints the evil judges and Injustices they want, and robs 99% of Americans to give welfare payments to their billionaires. They can say, it was Trump, not us. Liz knows better. I know better. You know better. But the vast majority of the American public does not know better. They are likely to believe those lies. They just aren’t politically sophisticated enough to do the Limbo when confronted with a pay toilet.
Seriously, as much as I agree with those screaming supporters that the thought of Putin’s Puppet in an orange jump suit borders on the divine, I’d rather we run against him than a liar that claims to have opposed him, while we are focusing on what we are doing.
18 Responses to “Lock Him Up?”
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My opinion hasn’t changed that Pence is in up to his neck or deeper in everything Orange Judas has done and is doing. However, he won’t go down with him automatically. We must work for it and we mist time it precisely – and if timing it precisely means timing it for November 2020, then it does, even though I’d love to see it sooner.
I also believe we must run on a combination of opposing Trump(‘s policies and pinning them to all Republicans) and our own achievements, combined with how much more we could achieve if we had a free hand.
What we totally must not do is run on any hint of bipartisanship, nor can we afford to allow bothsiderism.
I do think we need to be open to compromise, if Republicans ever negotiate in good faith.![13](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkemoticons/img/13.gif)
Oh, sure. But available letters are not big enough to show the size of that “if.”
Wouldn’t that be nice if we had a grand revolution that tossed tRump’s orange arse out of the Oval Office before the 2020 election? Just as long as it is bloodless, and gives this country a much better leader, one who actually cares about The People.
That happens only if Pence goes too.![05](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkkbabe/img/05.gif)
He feeds on the negativity, and the callous remarks he states. One action that would be great, is not have so much public (fawning) coverage for him for what he says on a daily basis,…and those awlful tweets! (faux).
I agree, that we need to focus on what’s growing in the garden, rather than the weeds in the concrete.
I’m wondering if Sen. Warren’s “He may not even be a free person” comment might well be a notification that she will not engage with Twitler’s toddler taunts.
At this stage, all of our candidates should be focusing on THEIR plans and policies for being President, and not engage in tit-for-tat with Twitler.
No problem in them correcting outrageous claims against them he might make, but not to get down in the mud with him. The country has grown tired of his tiresome bullying, I think. We’re looking for something positive.
I thought Liz meant that, when I wrote this. Mr response is intended for those who want to oust him today.![09](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkemoticons/img/09.gif)
Yes, the Dems need to focus on their platform, on what they ca, will do, to make things better, rather than get caught up in fending off demented tweets, and the like. They need to take the stage, and spotlight, away from Fat Orange!
Democrats should spend their time putting forth their policies and proposals, not trashing Trump, or getting into his pissing fights. Trump’s negativity speaks for itself. Revenge is for suckers. Democrats need to tell America where they are going to lead this country.
I fully agree with Nameless and Jerry: Democrats need to give Drumpf the cold shoulder and focus on what the American people need and what this palnet needs, and present solid plans how to meet those needs and lead the country forward.
WTG Liz!!!
But it’s OK to dream!!!
I agree with Joanne is saying about the other evil ones who work for and under tRump I feel that they’re just as much involved with a lot of his evil doings and will end up paying for their sins too.
I’m hoping that it will be happening way before our next election. Maybe tRump and all of his cronies will all be taken away and we will have special election.
As for the the Democratic candidates who want to run, they need to be telling us what they will be doing for our country if they were to be elected into office.
Not arguing back and forth with the idiot tRump. Them having battles with him is a waste of time. Time that is important for them to be coming up with ways that they can get voters on their sides.
We need someone that will get in there and turn our country around, facing forward and back on a positive road/direction and keeping it going that way too.
I agree. We must not engage with the giant orange when he is being childish and we must stick to our platform.
The new American Dream = Trump taken out of office in a most conspicuously embarrassing way (ideally along with Pence) to the Big House where he wears orange for the rest of his miserable and despicable life.
TomCat: “… I’d rather we run against him than a liar that claims to have opposed him …”
My thinking on Trump’s removal from office has changed over the past year. I want the bastard out of the WH now but, it is problematic. It is better to run against the devil you know rather than a devil you don’t know! Also, since there are less than 2 years until 2020, there is insufficient time to really get to know Trump’s replacement if he is successfully impeached or goes to prison prior to the end of term. Dems have a big job holding his feet to the fire (of hell!) for that time. Dems also need to work on their platform for We the People and not just on the Despot-in-Chief. They must clearly articulate their plans unlike Trump in 2016, and HR 1 is a really good start. It may not make it through this Congress, but a solid Democratic congress (and ideally Democratic POTUS) should be able to put the people first.
Thanks and tired hugs to all.![47](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkemoticons/img/47.gif)
it only makes sense that a parallel, empathetic crowd, to her societal cancer, is a captive group of inmates, screaming with her “lock em up!”
Welcome Tom.![19](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkemoticonssk/img/19.gif)