Feb 072019
It’s that time of week again, and here are three excellent video clips from Sam’s show last night. Enjoy!
The State of the Union is Long
The SOTU is #$%&!
Elliott Abrams’ Bitchin’ Plan for Venezuela
Is Resident Bone Spurs trying to mimic balls? Invade Georgia!
Today’s current events are tomorrow’s history. Both are equally subject to distortion by the Republican bubble machine.
Sam had lots to learn!
15 Responses to “Samantha Bee from 2/6”
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Part 1 – The State of the Union is deeply divided. Incidentally, there is proof now that a significant percentage of late term abortions are literally caused by Republicans – Republican restrictions on earlier abortions, Republican delays and the like.
Part 2 – I don’t need to tell anyone here how totally incompetent Orange Judas or anyone who supports him is to deal with widespread hunger. Gag! And, oh, good grief! Those are indeed some eyebrows! Like demon horns! Oh, and I’m not sure the Hague is all that lovely in the winter, but that’s all the more reason to send him there.
Part 3 – I have found that Denise Oliver Velez over at Daily Kos is sound on black history. She has the academic qualifications to do the research, and she does it. For a crash course, PBS did a four-hour miniseries called “And still I rise: Black History in America since Martin Luther King.”
#1. I love the play and music of ‘Les Misérables. “So he can get a taste of what’s coming.” Well said, Sam!
#2. Gawd, how awful & sad. Detailed and very informative. YIKES!
#3. A video to view, and to remember. Passing this one on too.
*Joanne, love your kitty RESIST pic today!
It’s purrrrfect! ?
Part 3 really rocks! The victors, or, those in power, write the history.
Thanks for posting, TomCat. The recipe is known by now: ??? will have to wait until tonight to be viewed by a double audience.
Great videos. Sam Bee sure knows how to sock it to tRump.
Really enjoyed the 3rd video.Too bad tRump doesn’t know how to properly show them respect..
#1 — Love young Trump (no relation to the traitorous, tantruming toddler) falling asleep at the SOTU! Seems there were also some of his cabinet up past their bedtimes who were tired of Trump’s incoherent drivel!
#2 — Elliott Abrams to Venezuela? Isn’t it bad enough what he did in El Salvador, Panama and Guatemala?
Oil — Venezuela = Iraq! Have the Republicans not yet learned that all oil is not inherently theirs.
Oh, The Hague!
#3 — Mitch said “The victors, or, those in power, write the history.” — I disagree. The victors, or, those in power, write their version of history. There others too who we can learn from — John Lewis for one! Black history, of which I am woefully ignorant (it was not taught in Canadian schools in my day) but willing to learn, is a rich history deserving of illumination.
I also like Howard Zinn.
I have read some articles either by or about Zinn but not a lot. Strange, I think I first heard about Zinn here at PP several years ago.
You can see the whole book, one chapter at a time here.
Howard Zinn is also excellent, and not just on Black History but on all the dirt that gets swept under all the rugs. Sundown Towns by James W. Loewen, also good.
Thanks and TGIF Hugs to all.