It’s a slow day here in the CatBox. As the Ellipsoid Orb passed under the horizon until Fall, it left us a bitter taste in our mouths. The NE Trump-kissers won the game fairly. It’s a slow day for news as we hope Northam steps down, and his Republican-like behavior dominates the airwaves. But I did find material.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:56 (average 5:54). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Washington Post Channel): Washington Post Super Bowl message: Democracy Dies in Darkness
Super Bowl commercials like this are the reason to go pee when the game comes back on. RESIST!!
From YouTube (CNN Channel): Trump and the red button | Drawn by Jake Tapper
Interesting! How about making the Fuhrer’s red button a permanent off switch for the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise. RESIST!!
From Nation of Change: The first 2020 Democratic presidential primary is still over a year away, but Wall Street executives are reportedly already freaking out about two likely progressive candidates: Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).
“It can’t be Warren and it can’t be Sanders,” the CEO of a “giant bank” anonymously told Politico, which reported on Monday that Wall Street executives are “getting panicked” about the presidential prospects of the Senate’s two fiercest financial sector critics.
Warren launched an exploratory committee for president last month, vowing to take on the “corruption” that is “poisoning our democracy.” Sanders, for his part, has yet to publicly announce a bid for the White House – but Yahoo News reported on Friday that the Vermont senator plans to launch his campaign “imminently.”
Both progressive senators have placed scrutiny of Wall Street’s size, record of large-scale fraud, exorbitant CEO pay packages, enormous political influence, and lack of stringent regulations at the center of their political agendas for years, and deep-pocketed bankers who have profited immensely from President Donald Trump’s tenure are worried that one of the two could ascend to the White House and threaten their pocketbooks.
I hope all Democratic frontrunners, and especially the eventual nominee, earn Banksters’ fear, not just Liz and Bernie. RESIST!!
For the record, I’m on Oxygen. Being a member of the Republican base makes one a moron. not a disability.
14 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/4/2019”
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One word for the Super Bowl: B-O-R-I-N-G!
WPC: Boy, one for the ages. Memorable, for sure. I sure did get choked up in viewing this. I’ve saved, and passed on too.
CNN: I would add that it is probably to order some more hamberders, so he can munch on them while watching tv, or tweeting his lies.
NoC: I have a wait and see attitude, but both contenders would be formidable to Wall street & their bankers. They are both expeditious in this matter, and I say, good for them!!
Cartoon: Yep! They’re terribly good at what they do. (R’s).
Sad, sad, sad game, as we were all cheering for the team. The Rams couldn’t get a handle on it, only 3 points! Meanwhile, my chili was a success, though I felt it backfiring on me later on after the game. Wondering if it was the loss that caused it? lol There’s a picture of McConnell pictured in front of a Confederate flag too. Hope that you have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: “It’s been leaked by staff that nearly 60% of Trump’s schedule is ‘Executive Time’. Can you imagine how much MORE damage he could cause if he actually worked?” ~ Rafael E. ~
*Nameless, we gave up watching start of the 4th quarter….
6:40 Clumsy today.
WaPoComm – Can’t stop watching.
CNN – I vote for an eject button which would launch him into outer space.
NoC – Actually, I find it a little discouraging that (a) right now it’s just those two that Wall Street fears, (b) Wall Street doesn’t get that what they fear is the will of the people, which means, sooner or later, what they fear is what they’ll get. I’m not as discouraged about the other candidates not having yet spoken out, because I’m fairly confident most of them will – eventually – and that it will be part of the party platform in the end.
Cartoon – Too close for comfort. (If Republicans had enough oxygen in their brains, they would not be Republicans.)
This just in – The explanation of the SuperbOwl – “These teams are playing like they know whoever wins goes to the White House.” – Jess Dweck (@TheDweck)
That’s good!
Didn’t watch the Big Game (I don’t care) but did catch a few commercials on-line. The WP one is really more like a PSA, but it has an important point.
CNN: Yep, more hamberders with covfefe. His diet is so unhealthful, I’m amazed he’s lasted this long.
NofC: We definitely need a real Progressive as our Democratic nominee for POTUS. I hope the Dumbocrats learned their lesson with Hillary. But they probably didn’t.
Cartoon: Rethuglicans need oxygen?
WPC: Saw it and love it!!!!!!!
CNN: I brings him the Pee-Pee tape, in 3D! “I only have the best people peeing on me.”
NoC: May they Pee their pants!
‘Toon: Republican intelligence!
3:34 No use for it in a draught.
WP: Excellent commercial.
CNN: If Drumpf had any sense of humour I’d go along with it, even if the main reason for the button seems to be intimidation. But as he hasn’t, I think the joke is on CNN.
NoC: Banksters wetting themselves at the prospect of Bernie and Liz as presidential candidates? They should feel their bowl loosening because any progressive should have the same agenda where the financial world is concerned as Bernie and Liz. Because that is what You, The People, want!
Cartoon: The idea that this might refer to you too because you’re on oxygen, TomCat, never crossed my mind.
WPC: Excellent…. truthful and says so much;
CNN: Red button???? I agree with Joanne that I wish it was a eject button.
NoC: We need a strong Democrat with experience. This being rich without experience is a major NO NO. We’ve suffered enough with the idiot in there now.
Cartoon: Yep.
The Super Bowl wasn’t a good game at all. I was really hoping that the Rams did better than just the 3 points they got.
How about the ‘red button’ releases the trap door under his desk!!! ?
That would work too, provided the basement is full of crocodiles or alligators (which has the stronger digestive systems – I don’t want to be cruel to animals.)
WP: Great commercial.
CNN: I wish it was an eject button too.
Thank you TomCat.
Puzzle — 4:15 I was hosed!
WaPo — Democracy Dies in Darkness —AMEN!!!
CNN — There is a red button in stores that says “easy”. I am certain that Diaper Don thought being POTUS would be easy! But the other suggestions are good too!
Nation of Change — “I hope all Democratic frontrunners, and especially the eventual nominee, earn Banksters’ fear …” — AMEN!!!
Cartoon — Yup!
Thanks and frigid hugs to all. ☃
I like the trap door idea. He’ll pass
on the way down.