It’s another busy day here in the CatBox. I’m feeling a bit queasy, because I watched the speech last night. I’m waiting for Store to Door to deliver my groceries. WWWendy comes this evening. Before we destink the TomCat, we’re going to lower my ears. I woke up at Midnight and could not go back to sleep. Groceries are now put away. Happy Hump day to all.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:10 (average 5:05). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rips Trump For Systematic Attack On Immigrants
In theory, this segment wasn’t about Trump’s speech, she rebutted it more effectively than Pelosi and Schumer. RESIST!!
From Daily Kos: How can you tell when Mike Pence looks ashen? Does his complexion change 10,000 shades of white, all the way from ecru to ivory to eggshell to scared-shitless-Mike-Pence*?
Regardless, he sure doesn’t look comfortable here as he swears in a bisexual woman who’s opted to take her oath with her hand on a law book. (I suppose the only way this could have been worse for him is if she’d brought her own table and bowl of pasta and forced him to sit down to dinner.)
Oh my! Does that hateful, pseudo-Christian homophobe look like he just ate a bad clam or what! RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: MSNBC will preëmpt Donald Trump’s national address on Tuesday night by airing Barack Obama’s keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, network officials have confirmed.
Harland Dorrinson, an MSNBC spokesperson, said that the network elected to air the Obama speech “in order to best serve our audience.”
“Based on the data gathered by our research department, the number of MSNBC viewers who were planning to watch the Trump speech was approximately zero,” Dorrinson said. “This seemed like a better way to go.”
Dang Andy! I sure wish they had! RESIST!!
9 Responses to “Open Thread – 1/9/2019”
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5:59 Ionian, I see.
Just in case anyone here is dependent on it and on a different schedule from mine, you’ll be relieved to know my Social Security was deposited today, right on schedule.
Rachel – It takes less time to tell lies than it does to rebut them. It doesn’t surprise me that it took (at least) Chuck, Nancy, and Alix at least an hour to rebut 8 minutes of Traitor Tot – and Chuck and Nancy didn’t have an hour.
DKos – Aldous J. Pennyfarthing is one of the more straightforward of the humorists at Daily Kos. I read everything of his that his the rec list and haven’t been disappointed. Murfster35 is close. Did anyone expect anything else of Mike Pence? It may be difficult for him to restrain himself, but he doesn’t throw obvious tantrums like Orange Judas. It’s still not difficult to tell what he is thinking, though.
TNY – A nice thought. PBS DID air it and pre-empted Henry Louis Gates to do so. I am not a happy camper today.
Cartoon – At least Maine can color him GONE.
MSNBC: She is on target with the lies (dt) and pinning them back on him. Ms. AOC is going to go places, for sure! Well said!
DK: Love this!!! Look at her smile.
NYer: Yes, good choice! I wish they would have.
Cartoon: Go back in the hole you came from! (and stay there).
Hi WWWendy! Hope that you start feeling better, listening to dt can do that to a person. Enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: “I see right through you, and so do the American people!” New Congresswoman Rep. Ayanna Pressley. (she was reprimanded on the House Floor for calling out Trump’s behavior since taking office.)
re: This just in : Complete text of Rep. Pressley’s remarks HERE. It only took her a little over a minute to say it, so it won’t take long to read it, and it’s pure poetry.
MNBC: Ocasio-Cortez is my newest American hero!
DK: Pence is probably scared of his shadow, as it seems to touch him everywhere he goes.
New Yorker: Dorrinson has his priorities straight!
‘Toon: People are so good at saying that they are wonderful people, and finding excuses, rationalizations, for not being so wonderful “this time.”
MSNBC: Power to Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. Nice seeing another congress woman ripping tRump apart. He’s a racist creep and needs to be put in his place..
DK: She’s probably getting a real kick out of since he’s so anti bisexual people.
NY: Good choice. Way smarter too.
4:26 (Average 5:05) Someone’s holiday pics from the Acropolis?
Rachel Maddow: Good of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez to make some time to answer Rachel’s questions as she is an expert on immigration and the contribution of immigrants to American society. And she hit the nail right on the head when she said racist Drumpf wasn’t fighting illegal immigration but immigration of all non-white people. Remember when he praised (wrongly, of course) the Norwegians or Fins, or whatever was his favourite Scandinavian flavour of the week, for their policies and said he wouldn’t mind a couple of thousand Norse or Finnish immigrant to enter the US? Remember how they laughed and declined?
DK: A openly bisexual woman not swearing on a bible? That will have done nothing but confirm all his prejudices all the more. A god-fearing would never be bisexual or lesbian and certainly not be taking a seat in Congress; she’d be home at the kitchen sink, barefoot and pregnant.
TNY: One of those times I wish you were straight reporting, Andy.
Cartoon: Time to replace his head with Drumpf’s and hope the latter will soon follow him into oblivion.
AOC wow what a DYNAMO!!!!
Kyrsten Sinema, another new awesome senator!!!
A big raspberry ? to clam-face!!!
Someone said Pence looked like a dinosaur looking at the oncoming meteor.
Thanks, pooped hugs, and Amen to all.![17](