Dec 032018

It’s another very busy day, here in the CatBox.  I expect to be in the saddle tomorrow with the caveat that my life is too hectic at present to be sure. Oh God It’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:31 (average 6:02).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Ecstasy:


Way to go Ellipsoid Orb!

Short Takes:

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Fraud allegations could cause new NC election


To win, Republicans need and love to cheat. That’s why when voter fraud rarely happens, they are the guilty ones. RESIST!!

From YouTube (BuzzFeedVideo Channel): Climate Change Explained In 5 Minutes Featuring Al Gore


This is a message we cannot repeat too often. RESIST!!

From CBS News: Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi vowed to pass legislation that would put so-called Dreamers — young undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children — on a pathway to citizenship when her party retakes control of Congress’ lower chamber in January.

"America draws strength from our long, proud heritage as a nation of immigrants. In the Majority, Democrats will work to reverse the Republicans’ destructive anti-immigrant agenda," Pelosi said in a statement Saturday, responding to a letter sent Thursday by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. "Our House Democratic Majority will once again pass the Dream Act to end the uncertainty and fear inflicted on patriotic young men and women across the country."

Lawmakers in the Caucus urged Pelosi — who is vying to secure her second spell as speaker of the House during the upcoming congressional session — to schedule votes on legislation to codify protections for recipients of the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and for immigrants with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) within the first 100 days of the 116th Congress.

"We will protect TPS recipients and those fleeing unimaginable violence," Pelosi added in her statement.

This is a move I fully support. RESIST!!



Dec 022018

It’s a very busy day, here at the CatBox.  WWWendy de-packratted me.  She had to make four trips to her truck to haul out my donation to goodwill.  Tomorrow, I expect to be back in the saddle, with the caveat that the day may bring unexpected demands on my time.  This is my only article today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:00 (average 5:08).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In an unusual display of unity by an often fractious organization, the leaders of the G-20 nations voted unanimously on Saturday to deny Donald J. Trump’s urgent request for asylum.

Prior to the vote, Trump had been heard asking colleagues ranging from Angela Merkel to Xi Jinping for safe harbor in their countries, sweetening his request with offers of free luxury penthouses in Trump buildings around the globe.

In the most stunning insult to Trump, his closest allies, Vladimir Putin and Mohammed bin Salman, responded to his asylum request by laughing uproariously in his face and high-fiving each other.

Dang, Andy! Is this wise? He should be granted asylum, complete with a straight jacket, padded walls, and strong meds! RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Revealed: House Democrats Plan To Take Trump To Court In 2019


Next year’s fireworks promise to be quite explosive. RESIST!!

From YouTube (SNL Channel): Trump Argentina Cold Open


They’re getting realistic, but still funny. RESIST!!


We need to take it back.

Dec 012018

Well Puddy Tat is back to posting so I hope everyone is tuning in.  I said at the beginning of November that I hoped to post more often.  TC’s illness kick started that for me so I will continue.  I probably won’t post daily because it definitely takes a lot of time to research and write.  Is it any wonder that Puddy Tat gets tired and run down!  Welcome back Puddy Tat!!!  On another note, I received the blood test results from my Winnie’s vet and they were very good . . . so good that he no longer needs insulin.  In addition he has lost a total of 2.3 kg (5 lbs) over the past 8 weeks.  I wish it were that easy for humans.  Hope you are having a great weekend!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:55 (average 6:42).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?  This is not the same puzzle as on TC’s OT.

Short Takes:

Common Dreams — For ten years, Jim Hightower’s weekly column – Little Puffs of Populism – has been distributed week in and week out by Creators’ Syndicate to newspapers around the country.

Not one problem.

Until this week’s column titled Free The Free Press from Wall Street Plunderers.

Earlier this week, Creators’s Syndicate informed Hightower they were not going to distribute this one.

Why not?

“The big, hedge-fund owned newspaper chains that Hightower calls out in his column are big customers of theirs, and as such, they don’t want to risk offending them,” said Hightower assistant Melody Byrd.  “But while Creators’ reluctance to anger these powerful interests is somewhat understandable, the implications are frightening. It’s one more example of this dangerous time for America’s decreasingly-free press that, ironically, Jim lays out in this very column.”

In a note to newspapers urging them to run the column anyway, Byrd wrote – “the American people deserve to know more about the entities that are squeezing so many of our community newspapers for cash and, in the process, choking our democracy.”

Byrd said that Creators’ Syndicate told her that while the hedge funds that Hightower fingered in his column don’t own the syndicate, they do own many of the newspapers that the syndicate distributes to.

“The demise of the real news reporting by our city and regional papers is a product of their profiteering owners,” Hightower wrote in the column. “Not the families and companies that built and nurtured true journalism, but the new breed of fast-buck hucksters who’ve scooped up hundreds of America’s newspapers from the bargain bins of media sell-offs.”

There be “fake news” out there, but it be not the news that Trump calls out and condemns because he does not agree with him.  The real “fake news” are the ones like those that Jim Hightower mentions, the ones guilty of profiteering at the expense of democracy.

DC Report — Its [Wednesday’s New York Times article] sole named source is Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s television lawyer. Giuliani acknowledged that information gleaned from Manafort’s meetings with FBI agents and prosecutors as a cooperating witness was being passed to Team Trump by Manafort lawyer Kevin Downing.

That one fact could well doom Trump’s presidency and perhaps land Trump and others behind bars.  …

That Mueller’s team knew enough to say it can prove Manafort lied repeatedly and committed new crimes in doing so had to vex Trump.  …

Two days after the election, Trump told a Rupert Murdoch-owned newspaper, the New York Post, that he would not “rule out” a pardon for Manafort, a signal to the jailed felon that he was still in good stead with Trump. Today Trump reiterated that position, which could be seen as obstruction of justice by dangling a pardon to cover up Trumpian crimes.  …

If Trump and his lawyer relied on what Downing passed on from meetings with Team Mueller, using it to shape the written answers to Mueller’s questions, this double-agent legal game may blow up in Trump’s face.  …

If I’m right about this, it may become crucial for state-level prosecutors in New York, Virginia, and the District of Columbia to indict Manafort sooner rather than later for felonies that he admitted under oath in his now broken cooperation agreement with Mueller.

I hope you will click through for David Cay Johnston’s entire article and the NY Times article he highlights.  Rudy Giuliani?  Now in my mind, Giuliani is a joke and has zero credibility for the most part.  Does he really think he is helping Trump?  More like helping him break into prison!  You should also know that Trump can only pardon federal crimes, not state crimes.  So if Trump pardons Manafort, state prosecutors should be ready to jump in and charge Manafort, something that Trump cannot touch with his pardon promises.

Common Dreams — With the Dec. 10 deadline for the House of Representatives to reverse the FCC’s deeply unpopular repeal of net neutrality rapidly approaching, a coalition of websites, prominent celebrity activists, and advocacy groups representing millions of Americans are participating in an internet-wide day of action on Thursday to pressure members of Congress to back the legislative effort to restore net neutrality protections before it’s too late.

During the day of action and in the week leading up to the final deadline, advocacy groups are urging supporters of the free internet to flood the phone lines of their representatives and sign on to their open letter to Congress demanding that they act to save net neutrality.

Read the full open letter and sign on here.

Fight for the Future@fightfortheftr

Congress is running out of time to overturn Ajit Pai’s repeal. Join us for the last epic push at…

Continue reading the article to see if your congress critter has signed on to “pass the CRA that would overturn FCC chair Ajit Pai’s net neutrality repeal.” 
I signed the open letter.  How about you?
Democracy depends on the free flow of thoughts and ideas. One need only look at China and other nations as examples where the free flow of thoughts and ideas are not allowed by the state. What is to stop Trump with his dictatorial bent (or any other “leader” for that matter) from taking over the internet? The first amendment in the 21st century depends on it!  — Squatch

AlterNet — With President Donald Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen spilling the beans on Trump’s participation in his team’s illicit negotiations with the Russians in a plea agreement with special counsel Robert Mueller, the allegations of collusion are looking more serious by the day. And one person who does not come off looking good amid the whole affair is outgoing House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA), who will cease to lead the committee next year as Democrats assume the House majority.Nunes, a close ally of Trump, has gone to great lengths to twist his committee’s investigative power away from Trump’s ties to Russia and onto the supposed misconduct of federal investigators who were looking into Trump’s ties to Russia, from writing a shoddy, partisan memo that alleged the FBI improperly obtained FISA warrants against the Trump campaign, to traveling to London to try to get British intelligence officials to discredit ex-MI6 spy Christopher Steele’s dossier on Trump.

I predict that it won’t be chestnuts roasting on an open fire come January.  It will be Devin Nunes’ gonads roasting on a Democratic fire of justice.  Somebody put a guard on the House Intelligence Committee records buried in the basement of the Capitol before Devin Nunes gets in there and removes the records of concern.  I certainly would not put it past him.

My Universe

. . . and I barely got my feet wet!!!





Progressive Foreign Policy

 Posted by at 12:12 pm  Politics
Dec 012018

Rachel Maddow is my favorite journalist, because she weaves many distinct parts of a news story together in a way that they all make sense.  Fortunately we also have a politician who does the same thing with a policy plan that Rachel does with news.  Elizabeth Warren addressed students at American University on Thursday for 35 minutes.


Americans who seek an enlightened alternative to the crudely nationalist and frequently antidemocratic ideology of Trumpism, and to a broader misdirection of US foreign policy that began long before the current president took office, got it this week from Elizabeth Warren.

She delivered a striking rebuke to the president and his policies in a speech that many saw as framing the outlines of a 2020 Democratic challenge to Trump. But the speech was about more than political positioning. What Warren said challenged not just the awful turn that Republicans have taken under Trump but the failures of her own Democratic Party.

“Our country is in a moment of crisis decades in the making, a moment in which America’s middle class has been hollowed out, working people have been betrayed, and democracy itself is under threat,” Warren told an audience at American University on Thursday. “While it is easy to blame President Trump for our problems, the truth is that our challenges began long before him. And without serious reforms, they are just as likely to outlast him.”

To counter the drift of the United States and its best ideals, Warren is proposing to break the grip of billionaire campaign donors and corporate interests on American policy-making. “We need to refocus our international economic policies so that they benefit all Americans, not just wealthy elites,” the senator argued. “At the same time, we must refocus our security policies by reining in unsustainable and ill-advised military commitments and adapt our strategies overseas for the new challenges we’ll face in this coming century. And we need to end the fiction that our domestic and foreign policies are somehow separate, and recognize that policies that undermine working families in this country, also erode America’s strength in the world.”

In other words,” she concluded, “it’s time to create a foreign policy that works for all Americans, not just the rich and powerful. Authoritarianism is on the move around the world, there is no time to waste.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Nation>

Here is the speech in its entirety.

I still think we need this woman in the White House!


Dec 012018

It’s a busy weekend.  Tomorrow I may have nothing more than a Personal Update.  It depends on the time.  I have to start getting ready to move.  I don’t know exactly when or where.  I just know that two weeks from now I won’t be here.  I won’t get the place I wanted.  The other management company had several applicants for the one unit, and they chose one of the other ones.  Anne at CCC is trying to get me into the Madrona Studios.  I’ll know early next week.  There will be no Monthly Report for November.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:30 (average 5:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: If I were laughing any harder right now I might rupture a gonad. But at least I’d still have one, unlike my Trump-supporting brethren.

A new study from Sarah DiMuccio and Eric Knowles, psychology researchers at New York University, has concluded that men who support Donald Trump are insecure in their masculinity.

Of course, this should be obvious to anyone who’s paying attention, but it’s nice to finally get some academic cred behind the theory.

Writing in The Washington Post, the duo concludes that “Trump is not necessarily attracting male supporters who are as confidently masculine as the president presents himself to be. Instead, Trump appears to appeal more to men who are secretly insecure about their manhood. We call this the ‘fragile masculinity hypothesis.’”

This is easy to understand, because sex among Republican Sheeple is so very BAA-A-A-A-A-AD!! RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Lifting Russian Sanctions Key To Trump Deal Exposed By Michael Cohen (26 min.)


Nobody knows how to count the beans in the can like Rachel. RESIST!!

From Washington Post: George H.W. Bush, the 41st president of the United States and the father of the 43rd, was a steadfast force on the international stage for decades, from his stint as an envoy to Beijing to his eight years as vice president and his one term as commander in chief from 1989 to 1993.

The last veteran of World War II to serve as president, he was a consummate public servant and a statesman who helped guide the nation and the world out of a four-decade Cold War that had carried the threat of nuclear annihilation.

His death, at 94 on Nov. 30, also marked the passing of an era.

95% of the time I disagreed with him, and can never forgive his failure to use a condom EVERY time, but compared to today’s Republicans, he was a saint. My condolences to the Bush family and to all who loved him. RESIST!!



Everyday Erinyes #146

 Posted by at 10:56 am  Politics
Dec 012018

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

Climate change is real. Climate change is a scientific fact. And I can’t believe I even have to say that.  The Fourth National Climate Assessment was released last week, on Black Friday, deliberately, so as few people as possible would see it. However, many major news sources did cover it, simply because the bottom line was so grim: we have at most twelve years to turn around. Failing that – the planet will be fine, but human life and much other life will disappear.

For us in the United States, that translates to, we will not turn around, we will keep pushing forward, for two years, at the end of which time we will have, at most ten years to turn around (and maybe only eight, since we will have two more years to overcome.) In case anyone missed it, Donald J. Trump issued a brief statement on this report. He said he does not believe it.

The same day, another related report was also published: the Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2). To summarize briefly, for hundreds of thousands of years that we know of, carbon in our atmosphere was in balance. It isn’t any more (earth’s levels of carbon dioxide are now the highest they have been in about fifteen million years.) Every year, over 2 megatons (one megaton is roughly 2.2 billion pounds) of carbon in North America alone is emitted into our atmosphere. Oceans, as well as forests and other vegetation, suck up about half of that. The other half remains in the atmosphere. The oceans, incidentally, when they suck up this much carbon,  become more acidic.

Scientists refer to oceans and vegetation as “carbon sinks.” What happens in your house if the tap is running twice as fast as the sink drains? Yup, mine too. (But don’t try a demonstration. We can’t afford to waste water.) In this case the tap is humans burning fossil fuels. And 80% to 85% of carbon emissions from this activity are produced by the United States.

Katherine Hayhoe, an earth scientist, is one of the authors of the Fourth National Climate Assessment has a YouTube channel called “Global Weirding,” which features short videos on various aspects of climate change. Here’s one on, among other things, some of the crap that scientists get, as compared to the truth. She’s easy to listen to (and there is CC) and easy to understand.

As she points out, signs of climate change are all around us – starting with trees and flowers blooming earlier than they used to – and about 26,499 other things (no, she doesn’t list them all in seven and a half minutes.) One of them is the way wildfires are now happening in California. I grew up there, and, yes, there were fires, but nothing like what we have been seeing the last few years, and this year especially.

Louise Dunlap is a teacher and a writer. She has taught at MIT and at Tufts university. Recently she attended a retreat where she and others brainstormed about ways to deal with our “burning world” – meaning climate change but also mass shootings, burning hatreds, personal pain, government militancy. To get there, although she was about 150 miles south of Paradise, the epicenter of the Camp Fire, she had to drive through its smoke.

She writes:

These fires say it all. As I write, the one in Paradise, alone, has destroyed twice as many homes as last year’s fires and moved even faster across the land. It has killed 88 people, with hundreds still missing, many more homeless, and millions exposed to the sick air….

These dry-season fires bear close relationship to what the land evolved with—many native plants here can’t reproduce without a good burn. I’m glad to say some of them on our hill are thriving anew after last year’s fire. But modern fires burn differently, thanks to interlocking factors of our own making.

What no one else that I have read is talking about is how deeply our rape of the land, in California and elsewhere, is tied to colonization – our colonization – that white Californians in their first year as a state legislated against practices of indigenous peoples – practices which had for thousands of years protected the land from catastrophic fires. And those practices had nothing to do with raking, incidentally.

The people who evolved with this land had learned to work with gentle, controlled burning at milder seasons of the year, supported by ceremony and traditional knowledge. Their burning killed pathogens, fertilized the soil, stimulated biodiversity and healthy creeks, and cleared tinder buildup—leaving a park-like ecosystem that our European ancestors found lovely and rushed to exploit. 

Ms. Dunlap goes into mote detail about what we could do, individually and as groups, and as a nation, to make things better. But this sentence struck me – and at least two editors – as being the bottom line – the one thing that truly might save us, if we can only have the wisdom and the will to see it and do it:

I want us to go humbly to the very people our culture tried to exterminate to listen to what they can teach us.

That will require us to renounce arrogance and all that goes with it. Renunciation is always painful, and this is one that may be more painful than most. But it may be our only hope, and is likely our best hope.

Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, if you can bring this about – there truly are no words to describe what a transformation there would be. May it come to pass. May it be.

The Furies and I will be back.

Cross posted to Care2 HERE.
