Dec 062018

TC will be offline for a few days as he moves.  He did provide an “Emergency Update”.  Although the move was anticipated, he thought it would be another week before moving day arrived.  He said there was a bit of a snafu for the internet connection, but he will definitely be back in a few days.  So you know what that means — you will have to put up with me and my crazy cat universe for a few days.  JD and Nameless will be on hand, and I hope Lona with her View From Afar too.  Thanks to everyone for checking out our posts.  You are the reason we are here Fighting Rightwing InsaniTEA, one day at a time.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:45 (average 7:27). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes

AlterNet — As the dust refuses to settle from the 2018 midterms, there are stubborn reminders that there really are two Americas when it comes to voting and elections.

This week, Republican-majority legislatures in Michigan and Wisconsin—both created by GOP-led extreme gerrymanders in 2011—are trying to rush through legislation to strip power from Democratic statewide winners of executive branch offices in November.

In Wisconsin, the GOP wants to limit the power of the incoming Democratic governor and attorney general over how public benefit programs can be run, and on how regulations can be implemented—the fine print of governing. In Michigan, where voters elected a Democratic governor, attorney general and secretary of state, it’s even worse, as GOP legislators want to limit the attorney general’s power to litigate (and to create a new legislative power to do so) and to pre-empt campaign finance regulation.

“They lost and they’re throwing a fit,” was how Jon Erpenbach, a Wisconsin Democratic state senator, put it to the New York Times.

But that’s not quite correct. In many otherwise purple states, the GOP has been rejecting political norms—such as respecting popular vote outcomes—and grabbing power in any manner it can for years. The Wisconsin and Michigan moves echo what North Carolina Republicans have pursued since 2016 after that also GOP-gerrymandered state elected a Democratic governor, where its legislature targeted gubernatorial powers, state election boards and even its state judiciary.

Click through for the rest of this article on, in my words, the decline of American democracy.  On 14 July 1933, the German Nazi Party banned the formation of any other political party.  Prior to this, in February 1933, as borne out by history and as recorded in finding Dulcinea

“The following day [28 February 1933], Hitler issued a decree “for the Protection of the People and the State,” commonly known as the Reichstag Fire Decree. It stripped citizens of their constitutional liberties and allowed the Nazi government to arrest communist leaders. Many historians believe that the Reichstag fire was started by the Nazis to justify the decree. [emphasis added]

Hitler’s coalition government would gain a small majority in the March general elections and, with communist officials in prison, pass the Enabling Act on March 23. It stripped the Reichstag of its legislative powers and created the legal basis for Hitler’s dictatorship.” [emphasis added]

I am not particularly given to closely comparing Trump to Adolf Hitler, but when I can recall easily from my history studies such a similar track, I am going to mention it.  Is it any wonder why here at PoliticsPlus we refer to the current Republican Party as the Republican Reich!  As seen in states such as Wisconsin, Michigan and North Carolina to name just a few, Republicans are trying to stay in power any way they can by any means they can dream up.  Republicans have not as such declared the Democrat Party illegal, but they are certainly moving to limit its influence in various states.  American democracy is in trouble.  Rise up!  Resist!!!

Politico — Triumphant California Democrats returned to the state capitol in Sacramento this week with a mandate and a mission: defying President Donald Trump, whose enduring toxicity in the state helped power historic gains in the legislature and Congress.

Two years into a presidency whose policies are anathema to California’s dominant party, Democrats are picking up where they left off: challenging the Trump administration in policy and rhetoric as they seek to make America’s most populous state apart a counterexample to the dysfunction in D.C.

Newly introduced bills seek to rebuff the Trump administration on immigration and the environment while again working to pry loose his tax returns. Ambitious health care proposals seem guaranteed to energize the state’s liberal base, offering Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom an early opportunity to advance his oft-stated goal of making the state a shining alternative to Trumpism.

Even before they had been formally sworn in, Democratic legislators were rallying against the Trump administration’s proposal to bar immigrants who use public services from obtaining legal status.  …

“I was struck by not only have California legislators passed an agenda to counter what was done by the Trump administration but how much they ran on it and won,” Wright said. “It’s not just that California policymakers are taking a different direction than the Trump administration, it’s that the voters have endorsed and voted to take a different direction.”  (emphasis added)

Do you want that resistance supersized?  It appears good things are happening in California and Trump will not like that!  Go California!!!

Global News — In late 2015, as Europe grappled with a migration crisis of a scale not seen since the Second World War, the United Nations decided to convene a meeting to address how member nations can respond.

A year later, 193 member countries signed on to the New York Declaration, which called for the adoption of a migration pact by the end of 2018.

As a result, the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration was born. A draft of the pact was agreed upon by UN members — except for the United States — in July.

Here’s a look at the UN’s unprecedented international migrant pact, its objectives and arguments for and against adopting it:

What are the pact’s objectives?

The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration purports to set out “a common understanding, shared responsibilities and unity of purpose regarding migration.”

It claims to be rooted in a shared understanding that better international cooperation is needed to handle migration in a way that’s fair to states, but protects the human rights of migrants and refugees.

To that end, the pact proposes a “360-degree vision of migration” that recognizes that better cooperation is needed to facilitate safe and orderly migration.

That “vision” is laid out in the form of 23 objectives.

The GLOBAL COMPACT FOR SAFE, ORDERLY AND REGULAR MIGRATION can be viewed HEREPages 5 and 6 list the 23 objectives.  It should be noted that the document clearly states that the document is non binding, and it “reaffirms the sovereign right of States to determine
their national migration policy and their prerogative to govern migration within their jurisdiction,
in conformity with international law”, two very big concerns for many countries.  I am not a solicitor, but I do not see why a country would balk at signing on.  The US was the only country saying no initially but a few more are now not signing as well.  If we as part of the human family can’t come together to solve the problems that initiate migration, what are we prepared to do?

My Universe

TC getting some paperwork done while

exercising in preparation for his move!



Posted to Care2 HERE


Emergency Update

 Posted by at 8:11 pm  Blog News, Politics
Dec 052018

I learned less than three hours ago that I am moving tomorrow and there are issues with getting my Internet reconnected.  I’m offline until further notice.  Please take care of the site until I return.


Dec 052018

Here are the results of our “Predict the Midterms” Poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect thinking of the majority of those who actually do think.


And here are your comments.

Showing comments 117 of 17.

Posted by Rixar13  November 20, 2018 at 4:44 am. From:  FL (US)   


Poll was accurate.


Posted by Yvonne White  October 27, 2018 at 12:06 pm. From:  IL (US)    


I think they can take both the House & the Senate, but only a slim a majority in the Senate.


Posted by dave c  October 21, 2018 at 1:07 pm. From:  MN (US)    


hope the dems win both, but at least the house seems possible, can’t imagine the senate…..however, too much fear and anger which drive the average vote too much and suspect only helps GOP so sadly I don’t think either flip….surely hope I am way wrong


Posted by Jim Phillips  October 17, 2018 at 7:25 am. From:  CA (US)    


I want the Demos to win both the House & Senate. Positivism is what I really want. We need to be positive, forward thinking for the future. YES!



Posted by Lona Goudswaard  October 16, 2018 at 6:49 pm. From:  (AU)    


I wish Democrats would win both, but for now we’ll have to contend ourselves with just the House. It’s not enough, fr from it, but it could make American and global life a little more bearable.


Posted by Katie & Bill Dresbach  October 15, 2018 at 2:57 pm. From:  OH (US)    


we think the Dems will Win the House and Senate

we need this to happen!

Be sure to go Vote!


Posted by gene  October 15, 2018 at 12:47 am. From:  MN (US)    


Option 4. The chances of taking the Senate are much greater in 2020 and 2022. It would be enough, for now, if we can take and hold the House. ALL money bills have to originate there. That would be a check on the republicans that we desperately need while Mueller finishes and hopefully Trump and his regime are taken down.


Posted by Lynn Squance  October 14, 2018 at 6:33 pm. From:  BC (CA)    


OMG!!! I chose option 4 but I am truly hoping for option 3 — a clean sweep by Democrats that will give Diaper Don indigestion at just the thought of having to work with them. Republicans are doing their best (as always!) to steal the election through voter suppression and election fraud. Just the idea that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election and very little if anything has been done to secure the voting system since is reason to question any Republican wins. Dems, don’t squander the opportunity!


Posted by SoINeedAName  October 14, 2018 at 2:45 pm. From: MO (US)    


It’d be sweet if we took the Senate, too – but the cards are stacked against us from the get-go.

Just too steep a hill to climb with that many open seats to defend.


Posted by Yvonne White  October 14, 2018 at 12:55 pm. From:  IL (US)    


I think Democrats will win both, but by too small a majority in the Senate to Remove Kavanaugh & Trump after the House Impeachs them.


Posted by Animae  October 14, 2018 at 11:51 am. From: (AU)   


Fingers & toes crossed for BOTH!


Posted by Nita L  October 14, 2018 at 10:44 am. From:  TX (US)   


I think with the info that we have right now, the Dems will win the house. I hope I’m wrong about the Senate and we take it too.


Posted by Mitch D.  October 14, 2018 at 10:38 am. From:  NJ (US)    


If I tried to hold my breath that long, I might not get to see the results, but, I’m trying to keep my expectations fairly low. A surprise would be a wonderful gift!


Posted by Pat B  October 14, 2018 at 10:34 am. From: TX (US)    


I’d love to see the Dems get on board with both houses, however, my intuition is leaning towards the House. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we won both??


Posted by Diane  October 14, 2018 at 9:44 am. From:  PA (US)    


I hope the Dems will take both but, I don’t think it will happen. I’ll settle for the House for now and hopefully the Dems will start kicking some ass instead of rolling over and playing dead.


Posted by Colleen  October 14, 2018 at 9:15 am. From:  CA (US)    


I honestly hoping that with all that has been going on, especially with more people signing up to vote, that we the Dems, will get a chance at taking over the senate. We do need a chance especially NOW.


Posted by Joanne D  October 14, 2018 at 9:03 am. From:  CO (US)    


I hope I’m wrong … and I think if all votes were to be fairly recorded and counted we’d have a good chance of winning both. But I don’t think that is going to happen. I think we have such overwheming advantages to win the House that that will happen, though the recorded totals may underestimate the extent to which it happens. But I don’t think we have enough of an advantage for the Senate to overcome all the hacking and vote suppression. As i said, i’d love to be wrong.


I voted with the majority, as it seemed self evident.  We’ll take back the Senate next time.

The new poll is up.  Don’t forget to vote.  It is sponsored by SantaCat.

Dec 052018

Late yesterday afternoon, Anne came by to tell me they had found me a place, and I was overjoyed.  After dinner, I looked at the pictures she emailed, and am now thoroughly frustrated.  It’s too small to fit all my stuff.  Nevertheless, I’ll probably be moving there in eight days, until they can find me a better place.  ARGH!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:32 (average 4:59).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: The government of Iraq announced on Tuesday that it would seek to build an international coalition to establish democracy in the state of North Carolina.

Speaking to reporters in Baghdad, the Iraqi President, Barham Salih, said that Iraq had reached out to regional powers including Canada and Mexico to launch a military invasion of North Carolina’s Ninth Congressional District to “protect the North Carolinians’ right to self-determination.”

While many in the international community commended Salih’s desire to bring democracy to North Carolina, some critics warned that the effort could wind up destabilizing other American states.

“If North Carolina gets democracy, it’s only a matter of time before the people of Wisconsin, Georgia, and other failed states demand it as well,” Muqtada al-Sadr, the Iraqi politician and cleric, said. “Iraq could find itself in a quagmire with no exit strategy.”

Dang Andy! Can we trust them after the way the Republican Reich trashed their country? RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Robert Mueller Memo On Flynn Shows Cooperation On Three Investigations (52 min.)


I think she’s right that we are not in the end game after all. Dig in. RESIST!!

From Think Progress: In the lead-up to the enactment of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act, Donald Trump’s massive tax cut that mostly benefited rich people and big corporations, a coalition of powerful business interests formed with one major priority in mind: slashing the corporate tax rate. The Reforming America’s Taxes Equitably (RATE) Coalition comprised dozens of companies and trade groups that all insisted lowering corporate taxes would mean more jobs.

A ThinkProgress review found that about half of RATE Coalition’s members have made layoffs since the law’s enactment. In other words, not only did the expensive tax cut not bring more jobs, it couldn’t even forestall significant job losses.

In 2017, the RATE Coalition’s website identified 32 companies and trade groups who had come together around the singular mission to “reform the tax code, making it fairer and simpler and improving the prospects of growth and jobs in the U.S. economy by reducing the corporate income tax rate to make it more competitive with our nation’s major trading partners.” Together, they constituted a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization (first launched in 2011) and promised that a corporate tax rate reduction would “boost job creation and economic growth.”

Their membership list was a who’s who of Big Business: Aetna Inc., AT&T, Altria Client Services, Association of American Railroads, Boeing, Brown-Forman, Capital One, Cox Enterprises, CVS Caremark, Edison Electric Institute, FedEx, Ford, General Dynamics, Home Depot, Intel, Kimberly-Clark, Liberty Media, Lockheed Martin, Macy’s, National Retail Federation, Nike, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Reynolds American, S&P Global, Southern Company, Synchrony Financial, T-Mobile, UPS, Verizon, Viacom, and Walmart.

In just the second quarter of 2017 alone, their combined corporate lobbying on taxes and other issues exceeded $48 million.  [emphasis added]

That’s what happens when we give welfare to billionaires. RESIST!!



Seth 1 – Fuhrer 0

 Posted by at 1:03 pm  Politics
Dec 042018

To end the day on a more relaxing note, here’s something light.


Seth Meyers didn’t pull any punches against Trump on Monday’s Late Night.

Trump on the international stage always looks like “he just got kicked in the nuts. The way he stands looks like a freeze frame from America’s Funniest Home Videos. He looks like a dad who was standing on the wrong end of a seesaw.”

Meyers also noted that Trump pretended the feud he has with Justin Trudeau has led to a "great friendship." Trudeau’s body language told another tale: "Look at his face. Absolutely nothing. That face is the closest thing Canada has to a middle finger.”…

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

What a fool he is!


Dec 042018

It’s another crazy day here in the CatBox.  I’m getting closer to getting my on demand O2 system.  There is no more news on a place to live.  So far today, I’ve had visits from a nurse and a physical therapist.  I’ve also replaced my bio recovery company.  Finally, I emailed my grocery order to Store to Door.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:47 (average 5:17).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the news from our own fantasy football league.



Congrats to Vivian, Pam and me for winning our games.



Kudos to Wendy for leading the league.

This coming weekend is the last in our regular season.  Our playoffs begin the following week.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): TALKING ABOUT RAKING IN FINLAND – Parody


Don, I hope you agree that saying he isn’t too bright defames millions of low yield minds by comparing them to Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten. 🙂 RESIST!!

From Axios: Democrats are moving women into leadership roles in key party organizations, including the campaign arms for national and state races — and even in the moderate Blue Dog coalition, which will be led by a woman of color for the first time in its 23-year history.

Why it matters: It’s a recognition of the importance of women in the Democratic coalition — especially the role women voters played in the House midterm election victory — and a nod to the growing diversity of the party’s elected officials. Republicans haven’t made similar moves in their leadership ranks.

These positions carry tremendous influence in candidate recruitment, messaging, and securing donations in future elections. Elevating more women addresses some of the concerns from the party’s base and more progressive members who want fresh faces to lead the caucus.

It’s about time. Click through for a half a dozen examples. RESIST!!

From Robert Reich: Donald Trump’s “America first” economic nationalism is finally crashing into the reality of America’s shareholder-first global capitalism.

Last week, General Motors announced it would cut about 14,000 jobs, most of them in the politically vital swing states of Michigan and Ohio.

This doesn’t quite square with the giant $1.5 trillion tax cut Trump and the Republicans in Congress enacted last December, whose official rationale was to help big corporations make more investments in America and thereby create more jobs. Trump told Ohio residents “don’t sell your homes,” because lost automaking jobs “are all coming back.”

GM got a nice windfall from the tax cut. The company has already saved more than $150 million this year. But some of those Ohio residents probably should have sold their homes.

The Reich on the Left, Robert Reich, is right. There is a word for the auto workers, who believed the Reich on the Right, the Republican Reich. That word is fools! RESIST!!


Dec 032018

Yesterday was a busy day and I did not get to doing research for a post as I had wanted to do.  Before I knew it, it was mid evening and I decided sleeping was more worthwhile.  What a great and long sleep I had.  I did not even feel my cat Primo crawl into bed with me, all 11.5 kilos (25 lbs) of him.  My Winnie has been lounging under my chair, purring away as I write, and little Annie is sitting on my feet keeping them warm.  Truth be known, she’s hoping I’ll drop a bite of ham for her but lunch is done.  Well as TC says “OGIM”!  Have a great week.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:51 (average 4:48).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

AlterNet — Buckle in, folks. This past week was an exciting one, as more evidence arose implicating Donald Trump in a conspiracy with Russian forces to steal the 2016 election. That doesn’t mean that this horrible chapter in American history is coming to an end any time soon. Things are almost certainly going to get more hairy, if that can be believed, but the grim truth of the matter is that it’s still likely that Trump’s time in office will only end if and when voters throw him out in 2020.

By the same token, however, it’s critical not to despair. We’re looking at another two years of prying Trump’s fingers off the Resolute Desk, but in that process, there’s now good reason to believe we’ll finally see some of his closely guarded secrets getting exposed. I dare any reader to deny that after watching Trump humiliate this country for two years, there won’t be at least a little bit of fun in watching him experience humiliation.  …

That brings us to the bad news: Despite all the stunning developments of the past week, there continues to be no path that gets Trump out of office before the voters have a chance to throw him out. The same distortions in our electoral system that allowed Trump to gain the White House while getting fewer votes than Hillary Clinton have allowed Republicans to control the Senate, even expanding their majority while Democrats snag millions more votes.

And Senate Republicans, under the leadership of Mitch McConnell, have no intention of acknowledging Trump’s corruption or obstruction of justice, much less actually voting to convict him if the House of Representatives passes articles of impeachment. McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, is Trump’s secretary of transportation, after all. More to the point, McConnell himself is interested in seeing exactly how much power Republicans can seize even after the voters rejected them, so he has every incentive to back Trump, no matter how much of the latter’s likely criminality is exposed.  …

Things will get very bad, perhaps even worse. But after this week, the endgame is looking a whole lot better.

Click through for the rest of this interesting opinion piece.  I agree with much of it.  But one concern I have is whether or not Trump will try to seize power like a fifth rate dictator if he is defeated in the 2020 election.  We already have his own suggestion from the 2016 election campaign when during the last debate against Hillary Clinton, answering the moderator’s question about accepting the results of the election, he said ““I will look at it at the time,” Mr. Trump said. “I will keep you in suspense.”  (NY Times)  He could not and would not come out and definitively say “Yes.”  And as we know, McConnell and the Republican dominated Senate will try every dirty trick in their playbook to hold onto power.

Daily Kos — As a federal judge in Maryland planned to the open discovery process in an emoluments case involving Donald Trump, the government sought to advance an “unusual” appeal to halt the case from moving forward, according to Politico.  …

On Monday, Trump’s lawyers appealed those rulings using “a rarely invoked process”  that is intended to stop rogue judges from pursuing a line of legal reasoning that is deemed improper. In their request for what’s known as a “status conference,” Trump’s lawyers argued that he is “entitled to absolute immunity” as pr*sident and allowing discovery to move forward would violate that immunity.

“In sum, the President will suffer the very burdens from which absolute immunity is supposed to shield him,” wrote Trump’s lawyers, in an appeal that was reportedly approved by the solicitor general of the United States. [currently Noel Francisco appointed March 2017 by Trump]

I think the title of this piece says a lot: Trump’s lawyers make desperate bid to halt emoluments lawsuit against Trump (emphasis mine).  A reminder to Trump: Nobody is above the law, even you!

Alternet — A confused President Donald Trump was caught by a hot mic saying, “Get me out of here” as he wandered off the stage at the G-20 on Saturday.

This CBS News video shows the American President leaving the President of Argentina unexpectedly alone.

John Gruber    @gruber
TOᑭ ᖇOᑭE TᖇAViS@TopRopeTravis

Oh my lord.

Trump just wandered right off the stage, leaving the Argentinian president all by himself.

A staffer is then observed attempting to stop and retrieve Trump.

Ladies and gentlemen… Donald Trump.

OMG!  Trump’s elevator does not go all the way to the top!  Click through to the article and then click on the big red box from the Guardian.  It will take you to Twitter where you can see and hear Trump as people laugh.  Did you know that Fred Trump, the idiot’s father, had Alzheimer’s disease having been diagnosed at the age of 87.  Is it possible that Donald Trump is displaying early signs of the disease?  So this is the most powerful man in the world?

YouTube — With all the negativity in the news courtesy of Trump, Republicans, and Trump supporters, I thought we could do with some humour and a dose of nostalgia.  I am sure that you have all seen this before but enjoy this refreshing look back.  BTW, it is 32 minutes in length.

My Universe




Posted to Care2 HERE


The Courage of Bernie

 Posted by at 12:11 pm  Politics
Dec 032018

Bernie Sanders’ 2016 campaign was exciting and dynamic, albeit that his staff committed many errors, due to their inexperience.  In his magnanimity, Bernie threw his support behind Hillary Clinton.  Then the disaster happened.  Millions who claimed to support Bernie didn’t.  If they had, they would have done what Bernie asked them to do.  Instead, they either stayed home, wrote in Bernie’s name, or supported Traitor Jill, Putin’s pet pseudo-Green.  Those three factors gave us Trump.  Therefore the news that Bernie may run in 2020 worries me.  It is important that we support the courage of Bernie.

An insurgent underdog no more, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is laying the groundwork to launch a bigger presidential campaign than his first, as advisers predict he would open the 2020 Democratic presidential primary season as a political powerhouse.

A final decision has not been made, but those closest to the 77-year-old self-described democratic socialist suggest that neither age nor interest from a glut of progressive presidential prospects would dissuade him from undertaking a second shot at the presidency. And as Sanders’ brain trust gathered for a retreat in Vermont over the weekend, some spoke openly about a 2020 White House bid as if it was almost a foregone conclusion.

“This time, he starts off as a front-runner, or one of the front-runners,” Sanders’ 2016 campaign manager John Weaver told The Associated Press, highlighting the senator’s proven ability to generate massive fundraising through small-dollar donations and his ready-made network of staff and volunteers.

Weaver added: “It’ll be a much bigger campaign if he runs again, in terms of the size of the operation.”…

…Weaver, like Sanders himself in a recent interview, suggested that the senator would step aside if he believes another candidate has a better shot at denying Trump a second term. [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

Here’s how Bernie puts it.

To be truthful, Bernie is my second choice, behind Sen. Elizabeth Warren, but I would joyfully support either.

This is the courage of Bernie.  Bernie knows that denying Trump a second term is the be all and end all of the 2020 presidential campaign.  What happened in 2016 must NEVER happen again.

