Dec 232018

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace is in conversation with former FBI Director James Comey who was fired by Donald Trump on 09 May 2017 because he refused to play ball with Trump.  This very candid conversation shows a different side of Comey.

Please ensure you set the video to the beginning.  For some reason, it is set to start at the 43 minute mark and it won’t reset.

Part of the conversation is based on his book “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, And Leadership” which Trump has said is about him which could not be further from the truth.  Trump barely gets a mention.  I read the book during the summer and can say it is more about some of life’s lessons, about integrity, about being faithful to values.  I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.  BTW, it is an hour in length and I think I have listened to the conversation 3 times.


Posted to Care2 HERE

Dec 232018

It is Sunday evening and I was so tired after church and lunch that I decided a nap was in order.  I finished the updated version of the book “The Making of Donald Trump” by David Cay Johnston over lunch.  The book delves into greater detail of the spurious nature of Trump, his associates and methods.  To say Trump is nothing more than a third rate carnival barker and scam artist is an understatement.  I recommend reading this short book (217 pages).  Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I will be celebrating Christmas with friends.  Then on Christmas Day, I will spend lots of quality time with my fur babes and doing the dreaded task . . . again!  However you celebrate the season, may it be joyful filled with love, peace and hope.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:45 (average 4:50). To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes

The Guardian — The resignation of US defence secretary James Mattis was triggered by a phone conversation between Donald Trump and the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in which Trump abruptly decided to upend previous US policy and withdraw troops from Syria, according to new accounts of the call.

Mattis went to see the president on Thursday afternoon in a last-ditch attempt to change the president’s mind, and argue for standing by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which have take the lead role in ejecting the Islamic State from its Syrian strongholds.  …

“As soon as the US folds its tent and leaves, Turkey will immediately begin an air bombardment followed by a ground attack by the [Ankara-backed] Free Syrian army. Thousands will die, thousands will be displaced and will be given no haven within Syria. They will be turned away at the Turkish border,” said David Phillips, a former senior state department official, and the author of the new book: The Great Betrayal: How America Abandoned the Kurds and Lost the Middle East.

My Universe
Posted to Care2 HERE
Dec 232018

Wendy is about to arrive and we have a very busy day.  We did.  I’m pooped.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:26 (average 5:09).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: 10 Steps to Save American Democracy


Of course the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right, but how do we get a Constitutional Amendment past the many small states controlled by the evil Reich on the right, the Republican Reich? RESIST!!

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): FROSTY THE SNOWMAN – Parody


Don could not be more accurate. RESIST!!

From Crooks and Liars: Jimmy Kimmel introduced a children’s Christmas book called "How The Trump Saved Christmas," but I think it’s really more fun for adults.


Merry Christmas, or whatever seasonal greeting is appropriate for you. And if you are a Republican, Happy Holidays. RESIST!!




Everyday Erinyes #149

 Posted by at 6:57 pm  Politics
Dec 222018

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

Universal health care. “Medicare for All.” Socialized medicine. Regardless what one wants to call it, we need it. We need it desperately, and we need it now. Because we can’t go on like this:

[A] Michigan woman seeking a heart transplant publicized a letter she received from the Spectrum Health Richard DeVos Heart and Lung Transplant Clinic—named after the late father-in-law of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos—informing her that she is “not a candidate” for the procedure “at this time” because she needs a “more secure financial plan” to afford the required post-operation immunosuppressive medication.

The letter goes on to explicitly recommend “a fundraising effort of $10,000” to help pay for the drugs.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saw the letter. Her reaction was

“Insurance groups are recommending GoFundMe as official policy—where customers can die if they can’t raise the goal in time—but sure, single-payer healthcare is unreasonable,”

Hedda Elizabeth Martin is the woman who received this letter and posted it to Facebook. She also shared that “Only when I have raised that required amount, will I then be ‘reconsidered’ for [a] heart transplant. Not automatically added to [the] list but reconsidered…. This is new.”

This is insane.

Anyone who thinks this is OK needs a transplant themselves – a heart transplant, or a soul transplant, or both, because they are clearly lacking in those areas.

I could go on (and on and on) about the moral bankruptcy of this situation, but you would not find anything that hasn’t been already said, and said far better, by better writers and better humanitarians than I. But I am also a retired insurance professional, so I want to look at this for a minute as an insurance professional.

[A]s Common Dreams reported, a Koch-funded study published earlier this year inadvertently found that Medicare for All would save the American public $2 trillion in healthcare costs over ten years while covering everybody.

WELL OF COURSE IT WOULD. The whole principle of insurance is that you get a group of people together to each chip money into a pool which is then available to help people who experience a catastrophe which happens to few be “made whole” – car repair or replacement, housing repair or replacement, organ repair or replacement covered so the sufferer is not out of pocket, or only a little out of pocket (e.g., for a deductible). The theory is that the premium should be appropriate to the risk, but the larger the pool, the less that ends up mattering. With a huge pool enough in premiums can be taken in to cover pretty much anything that can happen. And “everyone” is the largest possible pool, a pool for which the best coverage can be provided for the least money.

So why the resistance? It can only be because that $200 BILLION per year which would be saved would be a saving to the American people. It would not go into the assets of existing insurance companies to be distributed to their shareholders (and especially to their executives.) It’s not, apparently, a question of how much could be saved, but of who gets to save it.

There are some Democrats who don’t seem to think that Medicare for All is a good idea. They need their feet held to the fire. We can do that, through petitions, letters, phone calls. Demonstrations. Marches. Those who have Twitter and Facebook can use those tools (though I would not advise anyone who doesn’t already have them to get them, since they can be dangerous.) No one other than we the people is going to do it.

Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, open our eyes to see all the petitions and sign every one. Open our hearts to find our own words to add to the words of others, as good as those can be. Light a fire under us.

Speaking of fire, as off topic as it is, I want to share it, for Christmas, with the caveat that, heartwarming as it is, it may warm your heart to such a degree that (as Otto Harbach didn’t exactly say) smoke may get in your eyes. You can blame George Takei for finding it, and of course me for agreeing with him that it’s worthy to pass on.

The Furies and I will be back.

Cross posted to Care2 HERE.



 Posted by at 10:37 am  Politics
Dec 222018

This was Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten a few days ago: Speaking to Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in the Oval Office, Trump said on December 11, “I am proud to shut down the government for border security, Chuck. … I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it.”  Of course, that was then, and now Republicans are trying to blame their shutdown on us.  Don’t let them!


President Donald Trump has vowed that the partial government shutdown that began at midnight — the second government shutdown to occur while Republicans control the White House and both branches of Congress — will last for a “very long time.” The shutdown is the result of Trump reneging on an agreement to pass a “clean” bipartisan spending bill. Republicans then threw in more than $5 billion in funding for the wall, the president’s vanity project, blowing up any agreement they had with Democrats to pass a budget.

Because of Trump’s shutdown, the country will go without a number of important services and employees indefinitely, until Congress can pass a spending agreement.

Almost 400,000 federal workers are furloughed without pay, and the shutdown impacts basic government functions like tax collection, transportation, and even domestic security — including border security.

The partial shutdown closes a number of important federal agencies: Departments of Agriculture, Homeland Security, the Interior, State, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Commerce, and Justice.

Essential personnel, like corrections officers, FBI agents, TSA agents, Customs and Border Patrol, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, will be forced to work without pay (after other shutdowns, Congress has paid such workers retroactively once a budget or continuing resolution is passed, but the payment is up to Congress).

Federal workers — who aren’t concentrated in D.C. but working at agencies and offices across the country — are often hit hard by shutdowns. Thousands of federal workers make less than $45,000 a year, and going without a paycheck or several could force those households to dip into savings. The bottom 20 percent of American households have an average savings of less than $8,750…. [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Leave it to Republicans to hit the poorest hardest.

Here’s a clip from CNN with a little more detail.

See?  There’s no doubt.  This is a Republican shutdown.  We must resist until they cave-in.


Dec 222018

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox, but a slow one for government workers.  Today and tomorrow are Holy days in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos play the Raiders on Monday night, but I can’t get ESPN here.  May the Orb shine its blessed light on your team, unless they wear eye patches and say HAR.  Tomorrow is also a Wendy day, and we have lots of work to do.  Please expect no more than a Personal Update or Open Thread with no links messages on Care2.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:08 (average 5:25).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Congressional GOP Saves Room For Cheese Amid Shutdown Crisis

These chemically and biologically altered Republican Supply-side cheeses are as phony and useless as Republican Supply-side Jesus (not the REAL Jesus). If you wanted more proof, here it is. This shutdown is 100% Republican. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Washington Post Channel): The most bizarre political moments of 2018

Barf Bag Alert!!

Wouldn’t it be easier to feature the moments in 2018 that were not bizarre, if there were any at all? RESIST!!

From YouTube (Full Frontal Channel): The Least Terrible Season of the Year | Christmas on I.C.E. Part 1

This is the first of nine parts.  Click here to watch the other eight.  RESIST!!


I made this in 2012.

Dec 212018


It’s a very rare pleasure for me to bestow someone’s very first award.  Animae is a denizen of Care2, where she has followed us for over two years.  She made a single comment here in the summer of 2016.  After that, she was gone until April, 2018.  Then she jumped in with both feet, started commenting every day, and became a valuable member of our community.

Animae lives upside down, as her feet are anchored in the land of Oz.  She is a Buddhist, and believes in unconditional goodwill.  She is an animal lover, and is also passionate about human rights.  I thoroughly enjoy her sense of humor.  She can’t stand the evils of the Republican Reich.  Her comments are compassionate and insightful.

Please join me in offering Animae thanks and kudos for making Politics Plus a kinder place to be and for her determination to…


Dec 212018

I got my blood test results last night.  It’s A-1 prime.  Tomorrow I will post Samantha Bee’s Christmas Special.  After that, I expect things to slow down for Christmas, or if you are a Republican, for the Holidays.  So, if I only have one article or do not send a links message, you will know why.  If you are traveling, please take every precaution to keep yourself safe.  You are too valuable to waste.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:47 (average 5:11).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): President Trump Infidelity To Allies Drives Jim Mattis To Resign In Protest (22 min.)

Fidelity is a word the Fuhrer does not know.  “Mad Dog” was the sanest person left in the White House. Nobody else the has the balls to challenge Putin’s Pervert. RESIST!!

From CNN: Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley is joining forces with a Republican congressman to stop Agriculture Department researchers from euthanizing kittens used in their work.

Merkley told CNN he introduced on Wednesday a Senate version of the KITTEN Act — officially, the “Kittens in Traumatic Testing Ends Now Act of 2018.”

“The USDA breeds up to 100 kittens a year, feeds them parasite-infected meat in order to have the parasite’s eggs harvested for use in other experiments, and then kills the kittens,” Merkley said. “This bill would essentially stop this process.”

I’m proud that my Senator is fighting the Republicans that hate kittens. Oregon leads the way! RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: Capping an extraordinary 2018, Donald J. Trump announced on Thursday that he had been named Man of the Year by the terrorist organization known as isis.

Trump made the announcement after receiving the news from the leader of isis, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, whom Trump called “a terrific, fabulous guy.”

“I got along great with him, and he said a lot of nice things about me,” Trump said. “He said isis didn’t even consider anyone else.”

Andy, that’s obvious. When ISIS has a traitor in the White House, they have no need to consider anyone else. RESIST!!

