Dec 282018

Having spent most of the week out-of-town enjoying Christmas festivities with my Aunt up in Illinois, this will be on the brief side.

Hat Tip to Joanne for bringing this to my attention:

A newly discovered blind, worm-like amphibian creature that buries its head in the sand has been named after Trump in hopes he’d change his environmentally disastrous policies.

Its name, Dermophis donaldtrumpi, was selected by EnviroBuild, which is a manufacturer of environmentally friendly building materials in the UK.  They won the right to name the little thing for $25,000 in an auction run by Rainforest Trust – a conservation organization.

There’s an amazing resemblance, don’t you think?


As you know, I am a devoted Pootie person who has always grown up with cats.  And by rights, this site has excellent coverage of those critters.  But I’m sure there are also Woozle people who visit this site.  So in the interest of fairness, I thought I would provide some “equal time” coverage for them.

The first is the pure joy of a “I’m-A-Dog” merrily romping in a huge new snowfall:

The next is a heartwarming story of a Christmas miracle, showing the transformation that loving care can do for any sentient creature …

No, this is not some newly developed military miracle helicopter that self-levitates without even using its rotors.

As noted, this is what happens when a camera’s frame rate is in perfect sync with a helicopter’s rotors.

I couldn’t let the last Friday of the year go by without covering what that goose-stepping Joseph Goebbels advisor in Twitler’s inner circle, Stephen Miller (and yes, I know he’s Jewish) recently tried.

Miller thought it’d be a great idea to try some spray-on hair to cover his bald pate.  And when I read all the comments making fun of him, I at first thought rather than mocking him we should solely be focusing our efforts to reverse his hate-mongering policies.

Then I saw the photo:

WHOA!  Just saw the “hair”.  We are going to have to multitask!

With all the Christmas bargains that have been going on – from Black Friday to Small Businesses Saturday to Cyber Monday to post-Christmas sales – I was hoping that Twitler would take advantage of “Mueller’s Early Family Resorts Package” offer for his entire mobster family.

Quite a deal, don’t you think?

We’ll close out the last Friday Fun of the year covering Twitler’s obsession with his “Wall”.

I think if they’re that obsessed with it, they should build it with Hillary’s emails – since they can’t get over them.

And about that $5 BILLION Twitler is demanding.  Whatever happened to Twitler’s promise that “Mexico will pay for the Wall!”?

He must have finally realized the former Mexican President Vicente Fox was telling the truth:

So a pithy way to summarize Twitler’s disastrous first two years occupying the Oval Office can be done in a single sentence:

An early HAPPY NEW YEAR! to all.

Dec 272018

It’s been a crazy day here in the CatBox.  First, my internet connection was down for most of the morning.  Second, I had chores to complete.  Third, my cannula (the tubes that carry O2 into my nose) broke.  I have around 20 spares, but WWWendy "put them away" in an organizing feist and forgot where.  Four phone calls and four guesses later we found them, but it took over an hour.  Fourth, it’s a mud slow day for news.  Because of all that, this is my only article today.  I plan to be back tomorrow.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:03 (average 5:34).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



This Must Never Happen Again!

 Posted by at 12:11 pm  Politics
Dec 262018

The Senate will soon release a new report that shows how Russia hoodwinked progressives into helping Putin’s Puppet, Donald Trump, take the White House.  The Russian trolls and intelligence operatives waged a massive propaganda campaign on social media to build left wing support for American traitor and pseudo-Green, Jill Stein.  She was a willing participant in this effort by her friend, Vladimir Putin [R-RU].  Progressives must never again allow their idealism to be used to help hand an election to the Republican Reich.


According to a report from NBC, Russian operatives gave a big boost to Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein just before the 2016 election to draw away voters from Democrat Hillary Clinton and boost Donald Trump’s chances of winning the presidency.

NBC claims a report compiled by the Senate shows Stein was the subject of a social media blitz designed to raise her profile and create a better playing field for eventual winner Trump.

1226Stein2“Building support for Stein was one of a ‘roster of themes’ the Moscow-sanctioned internet trolls ‘turned to repeatedly’ in their effort to disrupt the election, according to a research team led by the New Knowledge cybersecurity firm,” the report states. “The researchers also found that the campaign to bolster Stein gained in intensity in the final days of the presidential campaign and largely targeted African-American voters.”

Stein has repeatedly denied getting any help from the Russians despite questions about her appearance in Russia at a conference where she was seated at a table with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

According to NBC: “An analysis found that Russians working under the direction of the Internet Research Agency, the St. Petersburg-based firm run by a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, tweeted the phrase ‘Jill Stein”’over 1,000 times around the time of the election.”…

Inserted from <Raw Story>

Here’s a video:

As for Stein herself, she was a living spokes-person for Russian propaganda over and over again on Putin’s propaganda network, RT.  She knew what she was doing and who would benefit, making her a collaborator in an espionage attack against the US.

Note how the reporter talked about Stein’s upticks in key states.  He is right.  It’s very hard to tell exactly what effects this particular espionage campaign caused, but I can tell you this.  If the Stein voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin had voted Democratic instead, Trump would not be in the White House.  As much as many progressives dislike Hillary, we would be far better off complaining about her than suffering under Trump’s Republican Reich.

We progressives need to decide with our heads. Because many decided with their hearts, they voted with their sphincters.  NEVER AGAIN!


Dec 262018

Yesterday was a lazy Christmas, but today is a busy one, here in the CatBox.  A nurse from my health care company is stopping by.  I need to prepare an order for as Store to Door is closed for two weeks for the holidays.  And tonight is Christmas dinner with WWWendy.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:36 (average 5:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:
From YouTube (Media Matters Channel):
Awful commentary on race and diversity: 2018 edition


I disagree with the Republican, who said there’s nothing worse than being called a racist. What’s worse is being one. RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): CNN analyst: What to look for when Democrats take control of the House


The Democrats in the House will have one major disadvantage. They will obey the law. The Republican Reich will not. RESIST!!

From NY Times: Here’s what President Trump said to a child about Santa Claus on Monday: “Are you still a believer in Santa? Because at 7, it’s marginal, right?”…

…“Yes, sir,” the child, Collman, responded twice. She had spoken with the president for at least 10 seconds before he suggested that her parents had been lying to her all her life.

Isn’t it enough that the Republican Reich steals everything else? Must they steal childhood too? RESIST!!



Christmas 2018

 Posted by at 10:07 am  Politics
Dec 252018


This year, once again, I wish you a very Merry Christmas, or whatever holiday is appropriate to your beliefs.  I have collected a few Christmas Songs for your enjoyment, and sadly, for the third time, a warning for the coming year.


Performed by Olivia Newton John

Performed by the Harry Simeone Choir

Performed by Martina McBride


Performed by Celtic Woman

And also, Happy Holidays to our Republican visitors.  Here’s what you want most.

Finally, I must repeat this year’s warning for next year:

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name
that sat on him was Trump, and Hell followed with him.
And power was given unto them over the fourth part of
the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with
death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Dec 252018

It’s a lazy Christmas Day, and I have nothing special planned.  WWWendy and I are celebrating tomorrow evening, as it’s only fitting that her family gets Christmas Day.  May you have a safe peaceful Christmas, or whatever Winter holiday, if any, is appropriate for you.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:03 (average 8:13).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Agony:


The Browns last week and now the Raiders?  ARGH!!  I said last year that Vance Joseph should be fired.  I was right then and still am.

Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the news from our own fantasy football league.



Congrats to Wendy and I for winning our Semifinal games.  We meet next week for the Championship, and my sphincter already hurts from the beating it’s going to take.  Pamela and Vivian play for third place.  Patty Monster and the Squatch play for fifth place.  Good luck to all.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Democrats Aim To Build On Historic 2018 Win, Overcome GOP Skewing (19 min.)


I’m pleased to see that Democrats are willing to fight. We can’t win where we don’t run! RESIST!!

From Think Progress: At least in the short term, Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan will serve as acting secretary. Shanahan is a former top executive with the defense contractor Boeing, which received $20 billion in contracts from the Pentagon since Shanahan became second in command at the Defense Department.

That alone might not be disqualifying. Boeing, after all, received billions from the Pentagon long before Trump took office. And the company is allowed to compete for contracts even if a former executive serves in a senior role within the Defense Department.

Shanahan’s obligation, like other officials facing conflicts of interest, is to recuse himself from decisions involving his former employer. Yet a report in the Daily Beast suggests that Shanahan did not recuse himself from a $1.2 billion Boeing contract involving outdated fighter planes

The F-15 Eagle is a 45-year-old, “fourth-generation” fighter jet. The Air Force has not purchased new F-15s since 2001. And while Boeing released an updated version of this older airplane — the F-15X — Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson previously said that her branch of service has no interest in buying Boeing’s updated offering.

I have no doubt we’ll see far more corporate corruption by Republican lackeys. RESIST!!

From Palmer ReportDefeated and depressed, Donald Trump now sounds like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, if Eeyore were a racist traitor illegally occupying the White House. Trump appeared to bottom out today, tweeting “I am all alone (poor me)” – and he didn’t seem to mean it sarcastically. No one was about to let the moment go unnoticed.

Various people on Twitter compared Donald Trump’s self-centered pity party to the uplifting Christmas Eve message delivered by President Obama. One respondent to Trump quipped “Five kids and grandkids and none want to spend Christmas Eve with you. Sad.” Another mocked his failed border wall con game: “So Why don’t you run down to Mexico and grab that check since you have some free time.”

Another hit the nail on the head: “How is anyone suppose to take you seriously when you whine like a child and act like a lunatic.”

Of course he’s alone. Can you imagine a worse way to spend Christmas than with Trump? RESIST!!


Dec 242018

Here is the one hundred forty-fifth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Republican Supply-side pseudo-Jew, Dennis Prager. He is so honored for claiming that the War on Christmas has taught heathen youth to let strangers drown instead of saving them.


[C]onservative radio host Dennis Prager told Fox & Friends on Monday that he says “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy holidays” to honor his country.

During a Christmas Eve interview on Fox & Friends, host Brian Kilmeade asked Prager why it is important to say “Merry Christmas.”…

…“It matters because it’s a national holiday,” Prager explained. “People have to understand, I’m a Jew. Okay? Christmas is not my religious holiday, but Christmas is my national holiday, on de facto and legal grounds. On legal grounds, it’s a national holiday. I honor my country. Number two, the vast majority of my fellow citizens celebrate this holiday.”…“They don’t like ‘In God We Trust’ on our coins, they don’t like Christmas as a national holiday,” Prager complained. “I fear a radically secularized America. I fear it. As a Jew, I fear it.”

“I know what happens when people no longer have a God-based frame of reference for their ethics,” he added. “Two-thirds of the high school kids I’ve asked in the last in the last 40 years, ‘Would you save your dog or a stranger if both were drowning?’ [They] won’t save the stranger because ‘I love my dog, don’t love the stranger.’ But if you have a Judeo-Christian value system, you know that people are created in God’s image, dogs are not.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Raw Story>
Graphic credit:

Here’s the video:

What total BS!  First if 2/3 of the kids Prager asked really said that, he only asked three, and they were paid and told what to say.  One forgot his lines.

Second, as a lifeguard and lifeguard trainer in my youth, I had occasion to rescue several people from drowning over the years.  The notion that they were in God’s image never crossed my mind.  I did it because I saw people in need of help.

Third, I’m proud to be friends with several atheists, who do not have a "God-based frame of reference".  They are more ethical, responsible, and loving than any Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian.  The notion that religious is the same as moral is a lie.

Finally, I am a lefty, and I do not hate Christmas.  In fact, I am a Christian.  Many of the lefties I know are also Christians.  We are not waging war on Christmas, nor are the lefties we know.  I greet most people with "Merry Christmas" at this time of year.  I reserve "Happy Holidays" for Republican-Supply-side pseudo-Christians and one Republican Supply-side pseudo-Jew.


Dec 242018

I surprised myself.  I actually found a full slate of articles for today.  If you’re driving, please stay safe.  Holiday hugs!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:36 (average 4:55).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NY Times: Less than two hours after Defense Secretary Jim Mattis went to the White House on Thursday to hand a resignation letter to President Trump, the president stood in the Oval Office and dictated a glowing tweet announcing that Mr. Mattis was retiring “with distinction” at the end of February.

But Mr. Trump had not read the letter. As became apparent to the president only after days of news coverage, a senior administration official said, Mr. Mattis had issued a stinging rebuke of Mr. Trump over his neglect of allies and tolerance of authoritarians. The president grew increasingly angry as he watched a parade of defense analysts go on television to extol Mr. Mattis’s bravery, another aide said, until he decided on Sunday that he had had enough.

In a tweet later that morning, the president announced that he was removing Mr. Mattis from his post by Jan. 1, two months before the defense secretary had planned to depart. Mr. Trump said that Patrick M. Shanahan, Mr. Mattis’s deputy and a former Boeing executive, would serve as the acting defense secretary, praising him as “very talented” and adding that “he will be great!”

That means tiny hands can reach the button two months early. Duck world! RESIST!!

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): AWAY IN A MANGER in 2018 – Parody


Amen Don! Republican Supply-side Jesus is the invention of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians to justify their gospel of injustice, hate and greed. He is the exact opposite of the real Jesus, and if the real Jesus were here in the flesh, Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians would crucify Him all over again! RESIST!!

From YouTube: Track Santa Claus on Christmas Eve with NORAD (live)


Don’t let this fool you. The REAL Santa is a cat! RESIST!!


