I’m feeling quite pooped, because yesterday was so busy, and today, it took me a ling time to find stories. Please be careful tonight. My celebration plans are making a few Z’s.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:58 (average 5:59), To do it, click here. How did you do?
Religious Agony:
Disappointing, but expected.
Fantasy Football Report:
Here are the final results this year for our own Fantasy Football League.
Congrats to me. I won the championship, leaving Wendy in 2nd place. Vivian won the 3rd place game, leaving Pam in 4th. Patty Monster won the 5th place game, leaving Squatch in 6th. Winning the Championship surprised the hell out of me! What can I say? CAT is where it’s AT! ;-) We’re done until next year. Remember, you can keep two players instead of using your first two draft choices. It was a fun season. Hugs and love to all.
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Elizabeth Warren forms 2020 exploratory committee
I’m most pleased that Elizabeth has decided to run. She has been my choice to be America’s first woman President for years, so I expect to support her, with the caveat that events between now and then may stimulate a change in my view. RESIST!!
From ESPN: Having just completed their first back-to-back losing seasons since the early 1970s, the Denver Broncos fired Vance Joseph on Monday, a day after the team finished 6-10.
Joseph, who still has two years remaining on the four-year deal he signed in 2017, lasted just 32 games with the team. The Broncos now are on the hunt for the fourth head coach in John Elway’s tenure as the Broncos’ top football executive.
WOOOO HOOOO! That is way past due! RESIST!!
From Washington Post: The big myth in U.S. politics has been that the GOP is the more “adult” of the two parties. The bigger myth that was inaugurated along with Donald Trump was that these “adults in the room” would keep the new reality show in check. Instead, the so-called adults surrounding President Trump in the White House have been emptying like a toy box into the dumpster out back on a regular basis. And then the so-called adults in Congress staged a romper-room raid on the cookie jar, passing a deficit-busting tax cut for the rich. And collectively, all these so-called adults tried to finger-paint Trump’s lies to look like responsible governing, including the lie that climate change can be addressed by ignoring it and burning more coal.
In effect, the Republicans have instead rebranded themselves as quislings, collaborators and fellow travelers, or, more accurately, fellow toddlers. Why did they do this? Because they wanted to get what they could get when they could get it. See also: toddlers.
Now they are stuck with Trump on his sinking ship of fools. They can’t get off the ship or stay on it. They can’t live with Trump or without him.
Voters don’t love Democrats, but what are you going to do at this point? Democrats are the only ones who have talked any sense whatsoever on taxes, health care, budgets, climate, immigration, you name it.
Every Republican in elected or appointed office is one Republican too many. RESIST!!
19 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/31/2018”
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6:02 Not being a hooker …
Congrats on FF!!
YouTube – My best hope at this point is that we (at least here) can all stay out of what Daily Kos calls “pie fights’ as well as what Mother Jones calls “cat fud.” Because bothe of those are going to be going around in earnest now, and will increase as more candidates emerge (and they will emerge.)
ESPN – No comment.
WaPo – Dear God, how on earth did that party of squalling babies ever convince ANYONE they were the more “adult” party! I might note that is was probably primarily that myth which pushed the Democrats into actively taking the high road, and thus (and mistakenly) giving people the impression that Democrats have no spines. Well, we are, thanks to the infantile GOP, at least in a good position now to turn around from allowing them to define us, and I hope we will. I have confidence in Nancy; Chuck, not so much, but I’d love to be proved wrong on that.
Cartoon – Can hardly wait to see the kitten tomorrow.
No pie fights! No cat fuds! (What’s a fud?) And especially, no dawg piles!
“Cat fud” is a reference to this cartoon. It’s a form of dirty trick, where the guilt lies in throwing out the bait. You can elaborate on that definition … but the cartoon probably will still say it best.
Aha “fud” is food baiting a trap.
Not necessarily even real food. It could merely be an empty promise – as so often with Republicans,
Good Point!
Well, this wasn’t the Broncos’ year. Keep your chin up – better times are coming. And another Lombardi Trophy.
Nice to see your fantasy team kicked patooty in the finals. I’m sure that is a nice compensation.
Elizabeth Warren for President? I’m sure she’d make a good chief executive. And no doubt she’d be better than our current so-called leader. Heck, 99.9999% of US citizens could do a better job than Squirrelwig Stalin!
The Rethuglicanazis have devolved into bickering spoiled brats, while the Democrats are improving. The Donkeys still have some kinks to work out and bugs to fix (pardon the mixed metaphor), but if they have any sense they’ll give their party a real platform for 2020 and kick elephantine butt. The House this year, the Senate and the other house in 2020!
MSNBC: Good for her! I wish her well on the trail, I’ll wait and see how everything goes before I make a decision, though I do like her, (and Beto).
ESPN: Heard about this last night, and hubs was sayin’ that this was overdue, and a good call on his termination.
WP: The repuglacons have created this situation of their own accord, (while getting rich), and while they have had a daily opportunity to bring their sanity and honesty up to par, they have cowered, and went along with dt, with his ramblings, and horrible deeds. Back in the day, they used to be a respected party, but not anymore. imho.
Cartoon: Cats carry their age well though.
Well, congrats to you, Wendy and Vivian and to the others who participated!! Sorry about your guys. I would like to wish everyone here on your post, a most Happy & Safe New Year’s Eve/New Year!! Take good care, and Thanks, Tom. (I’m going to stay home, and take a nap. lol)
*This just in: “An Angel Returned ~ Kyrie Among Nations” ~ performed by TSO (Trans Siberian Orchestra)
*This just in 2: Trump: “Most of the government workers affected by the shutdown are Democrats.”
Workers: “Well…we are now.”
I saw that statement by Trump quoted on Daily Kos. One of the commenters replied, “I know that ALL of the Government workers affected are AMERICANS.”
Right on, Joanne!
Both of those rejoinders are GREAT!
Congrats on the championship! Let us hope 2019 is a better year for our country and world!
MSNBC: Glad that she is joining the fight to run. It should get interesting with all who say they are. I can hardly wait to hear tRumps insults about her in the coming days. He’s too involved with his stinking wall and the shutdown he caused all by himself. Plus he’s whining to be all alone for the holiday. Good now he can see how we feel with not having a leader running our country like we should.
ESPN: Never really understood why they blame it all on on the couch?? ‘Not much into football rules.
WP: All whining brats.
Cartoon: Looks so wise.
Sorry the Broncos did so poorly. Maybe next year. Good luck with your fantasy football playoffs/games.Wishing you and all others members a safe New Year Eve. Happy New Years too,
Here’s hoping 2019 is a much better year for the Voiceless, the Environment & all of us!
Health, Peace & Love to all on P.P. & C2 ?
3:53 It should have been called red hook top, tipped over pictures are disorientating.
MSNBC: Even if it turns after out not to be prudent for Liz Warren to run, but for example a younger person instead, by that time she will have shaken up Wall Street and made sure the final Democratic candidate is a true progressive who’ll take Liz’s lessons to heart.
WP: How is it possible that the myth that the GOP is the more mature party is still around? Even the GOP itself does no longer believe that, right? Compared to their leader, they may appear a little more mature, but to keep in touch with any of their base, they can’t show him up for the two-year-old he really is. This year (2019 has started more than 13 hours ago for me) leave governing to real adults, please, GOP.
Cartoon: Yeah, most of us took a real political battering in 2018! Let’s intend to turn the cards on Republicans this year.
Happy New Year, Y’all.
If, perchance, you note that you have enjoyed a little TOO much bubbly …
And people are now noticing your behavior …
And you, yourself, realize things are a bit a kilter …
Well, it’s probably time to take a break – and brew yourself a steaming cup of java …
Thanks and 2019 hugs.
Me winning the Championship was a fluke. Wendy had the better team.
Congrats to the TOP CAT!
Warren being in the race is good news to me.
WP: So, who defined the GOPIGGIES as the adults, the GOPIGGIES themselves? Just like they called themselves the Grand OLD Party within months of creating the party? Screw them…oh non, let them do it themselves, they’ve become so adept at that!