Dec 292018

Here is the one hundred forty-sixth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. The winner is Republican Tea Party activist and conspiracy theorist, Gini Thomas. She is so honored for using the unjustly elevated office of her pervert husband so commit TEAbuggery and spread vile Republican conspiracy theories.

What is going on with Ginni Thomas?

She looks and sounds like the Washington wife of yore, with the pearl earrings, the Reagan-red cocktail attire, the sunglasses tiara’d atop her blond bob. At the holidays, she lays wreaths at Arlington and sings carols around the piano with her be-sweatered husband, Clarence, who happens to be the longest-serving justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. Memorial Day means a backyard barbecue with star-spangled tablecloths and a sheet cake that reads “God Bless America!”

But meanwhile, on Facebook, she’s behaving like your slightly paranoid neighbor who stockpiles bullets and astronaut food.

This month, Ginni Thomas shared a Facebook post [TEAbuggery delinked] that bizarrely described California as a war zone, with illegal immigrants scaling walls and carjacking U.S. citizens. Last month, she shared a post [TEAbuggery delinked] alleging that Democrats committed voter fraud in four midterm races. (Which ones? How? She didn’t say.) Then there was the post in August (since deleted) proclaiming that teenage survivors of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting are “dangerous to the survival of our nation” because of their gun-control activism. And the post in February [TEAbuggery delinked] that harangued Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for supposedly wiretapping Donald Trump — a baseless accusation indulged in only by conspiracy theorists.

Does it matter that the spouse of a Supreme Court justice is sharing such nakedly partisan, erroneous propaganda? Or have we hit the point at which this kind of rhetoric has been so normalized that, well, why wouldn’t a prominent party activist be doing this?

It hardly seems to have hurt her status in Washington’s elite Republican circles, where Thomas is admired by some as a conservative leader, a station she worked decades to achieve….

Inserted from <Washington Post>

I can’t believe that I’ve never given this woman a parade before.  Here’s an article I wrote about Gini Thomas 8 1/2 years ago.

Here’s a video from CNN:

Thomas could not enjoy the popularity and influence she maintains within the Republican Reich, if her husband, Injustice Clarence "TEAbag" Thomas were not a member of SCROTUS (Republican Unconstitutional VD).  Even Worse, both see Charles and David Koch socially and politically,m making them Koch Suckers.

Can you imagine what would happen, if the families of Justices Kagan or Sotomayor were to carry on so?



  15 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 12/29/2018”

  1. The highest rated Comment on the WaPo article hits the nail on the head:

    I hate to break it to Mrs. Thomas, but if it weren’t for liberal activists, her marriage to Mr. Thomas would be illegal, and he would probably be lynched.;

  2. I can’t improve on Nameless here.

  3. Word.

    Right on, Nameless, great comment!!! 

  4. Conspiracy theorists, especially Teabugging ones, have such mental difficulties, that if you ask one whether he/she believes that the Royals had Princess Di killed, she/he would say yes.  Then, ask a few days later, whether or not Di had her death faked, and she is actually living in Wisconsin, under an assumed name, and he/she would say yes, once again.  Conservatives are all about loyalty and authority, are fearful of change, anxious, and seem unable to see beyond the present moment, wishing for the “paradise” of past moments!

  5. Good point, SoINeedAName! These reich-wingers who mewl and howl about liberals have no idea how much they owe liberals. Frau Thomas is a complete ditz.

  6. ? ‘People’ like her are really SCARY!!!

  7. “I hate to break it to Mrs. Thomas, but if it weren’t for liberal activists, her marriage to Mr. Thomas would be illegal, and he would probably be lynched.”


  8. Nameless’ remark is brilliant!

    But as to the questions the article put forward:

    Does it matter that the spouse of a Supreme Court justice is sharing such nakedly partisan, erroneous propaganda? Or have we hit the point at which this kind of rhetoric has been so normalized that, well, why wouldn’t a prominent party activist be doing this?

    I’m afraid it’s the latter: it has become so normalized that narrow-minded simpletons can forge themselves a social career out of it.

  9. Great comments. Agree with so many of them.

  10. Eeeee gads!  Two cups of insaniTEA!!! . . . and high profile to boot!

    Oy vey!  The TEA is moldy and rancid!

  11. I have concluded Conservatives are deluded.

  12. Spot on Nameless.  Pooped Hugs to all. 24

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