Dec 212018


It’s a very rare pleasure for me to bestow someone’s very first award.  Animae is a denizen of Care2, where she has followed us for over two years.  She made a single comment here in the summer of 2016.  After that, she was gone until April, 2018.  Then she jumped in with both feet, started commenting every day, and became a valuable member of our community.

Animae lives upside down, as her feet are anchored in the land of Oz.  She is a Buddhist, and believes in unconditional goodwill.  She is an animal lover, and is also passionate about human rights.  I thoroughly enjoy her sense of humor.  She can’t stand the evils of the Republican Reich.  Her comments are compassionate and insightful.

Please join me in offering Animae thanks and kudos for making Politics Plus a kinder place to be and for her determination to…



  10 Responses to “Animae Has a BIG Mouth! ;-)”

  1. Well, Glory BE!!! KUDOS!! 
    Such a wonderful lady who I call my friend here on C2. Love your comments here on PP. 
    My congratulations to you, Animae for your first Big Mouth Award!! 
    You can borrow my gown, tiara, and high heels if you’d like, when you get up on the stage. lol 
    Again, my sincerest congratulations!! and Hugs! 10

  2. Congratulations to you, Animae.Your first Big Mouth Award, Wonderful job. Keep up the great work.

  3. Congrats & Kudos!  I enjoy your input and glad to have you participate!

  4. Ohhhh WOW i am truly honoured!!!
    i’m a newbie compared to most here & pleasantly surprised that i have reached this milestone,
    i may need to take you up on that offer Pat ? ?

    Thank you so much dear TC ?

    & friends above for your beautiful comments! ?
    ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

  5. Cool Animae!! Way to go!!! ??????

  6. How nice! And about time. So happy the number fell on your comment this time. Your comments add so much! Do keep the mouth open here!

  7. Congrats, Animae. As an Aussie it won’t be too much of an effort to keep that big mouth going, will it! But being spot-on and funny in your comments is a characteristic all your own. Kudos to you, mate.

  8. You are both most welcome and most deserving Animae. 35

  9. Congratulations, Animae!

  10. Congratulations AniMae!!!  Please keep those jaws flapping!  Makes no matter whether you’re upside down or not, your comments offer a perspective on the evil Republican Reich that is appreciated.

    Kudos!!!  28    Kudos!!!   03  Kudos!!!     28    Kudos!!!   03

    I hope you are looking after yourself! It causes me concern to hear you have not been well lately. I will say healing prayers for you. Namaste

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