Dec 072018

I suppose we can be thankful that the Bush family was gracious enough to extend an invitation to Twitler to attend 41’s funeral – and wise enough to NOT have him speak!

But that didn’t mean he still couldn’t embarrass an entire nation with his thoughtlessness.  Like not joining the congregation in the reading of the Apostles’ Creed.  How any religious person can support this man is unfathomable to me.

And he provided further evidence that even the simplest gestures of respect elude him.

But someone perfectly captured the essence of Twitler at the funeral.  (Hard to tell, but I think it’s Photoshopped.)

Personally, I was hoping for a reprise of the moment during the Barbara Bush funeral (that Melania attended just by herself) when Pres. Obama commented to her about her smile

Apparently Twitler is being riled up by the Mueller investigation and getting the feeling that the walls are finally closing in.  We all enjoyed reading between the lines of Mueller’s heavily redacted Michael Flynn court filings this week.

In fact the speculation of what was redacted was so rampant that it forced Mr. Mueller to issue a clarification:


Any similarity between our redacted report on Michael Flynn …


And prison stripes …


Is purely coincidental.

And Twitler’s bad news was compounded when Michael Cohen agreed to plead guilty to lying to Congress.  And in those filings we learned who “Individual 1” is – which created the need for some major changes to Twitler’s campaign logo for re-election …

And the official presidential seal …

And the renaming of his New York Home

And it only got worse when Twitler’s top cybersecurity advisor, Rudy Giuliani, accidentally created a website (G-20.In) in his Tweet, and a prankster immediately took claim to it and is using it to bash Trump.  (You have to click the above G-20.In link, or the one in the Tweet to view it)

Giuliani is his top cybersecurity advisor?!?  Proving yet again that Twitler hires “only the best people”.  Righttttttt.

And I’d appreciate someone explaining to me why CNN felt the need to insert this correction at the bottom of this article:

Seems perfectly accurate to me!

Closing out with a few more seasonal observations, I got a kick out of some ducks who experienced snow for the very first time …

And ending with a PSA: Please be careful when putting up your Christmas decorations.  Think things all the way through first to avoid embarrassing faux pas like these:

And be especially careful when decorating palm trees:



  10 Responses to “Friday Fun: This, That & the Other”

  1. Cross posted to Care2 HERE

    • Sadly, he did not lose a single Talibangelical by not saying the Creed (Melania didn’t either BTW).  They are Non-Creedal.  They not only do not believe in creeds for themselves, they believe that creeds are actively wrong.  I know, crazy, but what else is new?  Not placing his hand over his heart may have lost him one or two “patriots,” but after he colored an American flag with a blue stripe and didn’t lose anyone, I doubt it.

      I did run into a couple of new names for him this week.  I’ve already shared one – “Quicker F**ker Upper” (you may have to be old enough to remember those commercials for Bounty paper towels to get that one); the other is “Tangerine Idi Amin.”  It never occurred to me that “Individual 1” could also be one, but I love it.

      And – umm – I don’t decorate for Christmas, and those are good reasons not to start.

  2. Enjoyed the baby high chair meme of dt sitting in the front row, suits him perfectly. His posturing is atrocious!! Of course, it wasn’t about him either.

    Redacted report from Mueller & prison stripes….fantastic! Individual 1 pics…spot on!

    Mama Duck to the flock: Ok, girls, let’s go back inside quickly now, nothing to see here. lol Meanwhile, the dog lying there is enjoying the weather/snow.

    PSA: Giggle……!

    Thousands lined the train track as George Bush’s 4141 train carried him from Houston to College Station (Texas A&M) yesterday. Very somber. I watched the events on the news.

    Thank you, Nameless for post, and Joanne for cross-posting.

  3. “How any religious person can support this man is unfathomable to me.”
    WOW i had missed that video, i’ve come to the conclusion cheeto pays them!!!

    “You’re thinking of Donnie in that coffin, aren’t you Melania?” said the real President!!!PRICELESS!!!

  4. Drumpf is watched like a hawk whenever he’s out in public, with every mistake magnified and televised.But it seems he can’t be bothered…no I mean literally, he can’t. He’s so far gone, locked up in his own geriatric thoughts, he’s no longer able to follow protocol without it having been reduced to less than 10 points on a piece of paper. Individual 1 is going to have a really hard time in prison if someone doesn’t give him a crib with rules ?

    Had a big, long belly laugh from your article, including X-mas decorations. Thanks for that, Nameless.

  5. Dumpy was, in effect, trapped into attending 41’s funeral, by 41, who is probably still laughing froths grave.  Individual One had to be there, after having been particularly invited, could not run any twitter storm over being left out, and was just a bystander, which is not his thing.  The “Creed?” His only creed is about keeping his hair colored in that same way, all the time.
    The ducks are cute, but whose dog is that watching them?
    The Christmas decorations are a howl!  The testes are in proper perspective, too.

    • Yeah – Like you, I wondered WRT how “docile” that dog was.

      Maybe s/he just was fed. Otherwise can’t help but think s/he thought “DINNER”

      • Someone, I don’t remember the username or the dog’s name, but someone who regularly posts on the “pootie diaries” on Daily Kos has a dog who is TERRIFIED of ducks.  And , as I say, I’m fuzzy on details, but I don’t think it’s a terribly small dog.  Maybe a miniature or a standard.  Animals are such individuals – if one knows a particular one well one can maybe predict what he or she might do, but if one doesn’t, it’s a crap shoot.

  6. tRump was a disgrace at the funeral. I watched it live an the TV and thought of a brat at school getting bored in class. He showed no respect what so ever. Crossing his arms showing a grumpy face, like he’thinking I don’t wan to be here. instead of a caring sad face. I do like the baby chair you created for him.’
    Not reading/reciting the creed/prayers like we do at masses. Then not saluting/or showing respect when the coffin was carried by.. Boy…talk about a real loser.
    Love the little video of the ducks. So adorable. I would be the same way in the cold/snow. My furnace broke two nights ago and I haven’t been having fun with the cooler nights.
    Like the Mueller reports, shirts and Christmas decorations.

  7. I am amazed that Trump didn’t say “Get me out of here.” after sitting at the funeral for 15 minutes.  He is such a big L loser!

    Love the T shirt!  So appropriate!

    I wonder if those palm tree lights were hung by an over compensating male. 

    Thanks for the laughs!

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