The Courage of Bernie

 Posted by at 12:11 pm  Politics
Dec 032018

Bernie Sanders’ 2016 campaign was exciting and dynamic, albeit that his staff committed many errors, due to their inexperience.  In his magnanimity, Bernie threw his support behind Hillary Clinton.  Then the disaster happened.  Millions who claimed to support Bernie didn’t.  If they had, they would have done what Bernie asked them to do.  Instead, they either stayed home, wrote in Bernie’s name, or supported Traitor Jill, Putin’s pet pseudo-Green.  Those three factors gave us Trump.  Therefore the news that Bernie may run in 2020 worries me.  It is important that we support the courage of Bernie.

An insurgent underdog no more, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is laying the groundwork to launch a bigger presidential campaign than his first, as advisers predict he would open the 2020 Democratic presidential primary season as a political powerhouse.

A final decision has not been made, but those closest to the 77-year-old self-described democratic socialist suggest that neither age nor interest from a glut of progressive presidential prospects would dissuade him from undertaking a second shot at the presidency. And as Sanders’ brain trust gathered for a retreat in Vermont over the weekend, some spoke openly about a 2020 White House bid as if it was almost a foregone conclusion.

“This time, he starts off as a front-runner, or one of the front-runners,” Sanders’ 2016 campaign manager John Weaver told The Associated Press, highlighting the senator’s proven ability to generate massive fundraising through small-dollar donations and his ready-made network of staff and volunteers.

Weaver added: “It’ll be a much bigger campaign if he runs again, in terms of the size of the operation.”…

…Weaver, like Sanders himself in a recent interview, suggested that the senator would step aside if he believes another candidate has a better shot at denying Trump a second term. [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

Here’s how Bernie puts it.

To be truthful, Bernie is my second choice, behind Sen. Elizabeth Warren, but I would joyfully support either.

This is the courage of Bernie.  Bernie knows that denying Trump a second term is the be all and end all of the 2020 presidential campaign.  What happened in 2016 must NEVER happen again.



  21 Responses to “The Courage of Bernie”

  1. Apologies … but I am not ready to go here yet. For one thing, too much is at stake. I realize it’s your blog and you kind of have to. I’m just not ready.

  2. What Nita wrote, thx!!! Exactly!!

  3. I wish that I could create a couple magical youth potions. I’d give one to Bernie Sanders, and the other to Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

  4. Bernie is not to old and if he is on my ballot I will vote for him.
    No other Democrat is jumping out and Clinton is a losing candidate even if she decides to run again. Biden is still considering.
    The Republicans are already gearing up because they know it’s an uphill battle with Trump as their candidate. Even if Trump is not their candidate the Republicans have been told by the 2018 elections they will have a hard time winning in 2020.
    A split vote by either party could ensure a Trump win in 2020. Democrats need to get behind one person in 2020. That’s why Bernie has said this early that he would step aside for a better candidate.
    In my opinion, we need a sharp turn to the left. Bernie is my candidate.

  5. I wish that Bernie and Elizabeth would plan on being a team. Whomever want to run as President does and the other one as VP. 

    • Would not that be absolutely fabulous!  I would have Bernie as POTUS and Warren as Vice.  Then after 8 years, Warren could run as POTUS for 2 terms if she so chose.  After 8 years, Bernie will be in his late 80’s and likely wanting to retire from elected office but not from speaking out.

      Feel the Bern!!!

  6. It’s a sad state of affairs that progressive America needs 77-year old Bernie to kick Drumpf out of office. There are so many young and talented people out there now, changing America for the better at its roots, but too inexperienced to run the country.  And a newbie has to take on Drumpf on while he has a two year head start because he never stopped campaigning.

    Beto had hopes going, but he didn’t make it into Congress, the experience of which is the minimal requirement, I would think, considering what damage inexperience can do. So if Bernie, or nearly 70-year-old Elizabeth Warren, are all progressives have, so be it. If either of them is the Democrat’s final choice, vote for him or her and don’t let your vote go to waste.

    • “If either of them is the Democrat’s final choice, vote for him or her and don’t let your vote go to waste.”

      We have already seen what happens when people don’t exercise their constitutional right to vote — 4 years of the criminal, Diaper Don with his hate, divisiveness, all his bullshit, not to mention the Republican Reich.

  7. Trump is also 72.
    Don’t forget that many voytes were not counted in WI, MI, PA and other states which gave the electoral votees to Trump. They should be sued! .

  8. During the mid term campaign, and more recently, Beto O’Rourke, although he lost his seat in pursuit of Ted Cruz’s senate seat (Cruz barely won), is being touted to run for POTUS in 2020.  I don’t think he has the credentials yet for that and then I saw this article.  This lengthy piece by Jacobin (I have to admit that I don’t know the provenance of Jacobin) lays out the author’s points quite well, and also points out to problems with actions by the Democrat party in years past.  Talk about infrastructure — the author’s point was that Democrats have allowed the party infrastructure to decay.  That is, they have ignored the municipal, county and state races to mostly target the golden apple, the WH.  And when they did that, Republicans moved in.

    I like the idea of Bernie and Warren both.  I am a social democrat but of the Canadian variety so I cannot vote.  I said above in response to Colleen,

    “Would not that be absolutely fabulous! [a Sanders/Warren ticket]  I would have Bernie as POTUS and Warren as Vice.  Then after 8 years, Warren could run as POTUS for 2 terms if she so chose.  After 8 years, Bernie will be in his late 80’s and likely wanting to retire from elected office but not from speaking out.

    Feel the Bern!!!”

    I don’t think that the field is limited to the 3 names I have mentioned. Whomever is chosen, they must be progressive almost to a fault!


    • Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about Jacobin magazine.  It is a magazine and it has an editor, so one doesn’t have to be familiar with each individual writer, though if one read it for a while one probably would get familiar with some at least.  Sounds reasonable. (The magazine.)

      I agree on not-Beto this time, but not because he’s “just a celebrity” like the others mentioned. Of all of those, he’s the only one I think would be competent. But it’s just too soon.

  9. Thanks and pooped hugs to all! 19

  10. i love Bernie!!!

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