Dec 022018

It’s a very busy day, here at the CatBox.  WWWendy de-packratted me.  She had to make four trips to her truck to haul out my donation to goodwill.  Tomorrow, I expect to be back in the saddle, with the caveat that the day may bring unexpected demands on my time.  This is my only article today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:00 (average 5:08).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In an unusual display of unity by an often fractious organization, the leaders of the G-20 nations voted unanimously on Saturday to deny Donald J. Trump’s urgent request for asylum.

Prior to the vote, Trump had been heard asking colleagues ranging from Angela Merkel to Xi Jinping for safe harbor in their countries, sweetening his request with offers of free luxury penthouses in Trump buildings around the globe.

In the most stunning insult to Trump, his closest allies, Vladimir Putin and Mohammed bin Salman, responded to his asylum request by laughing uproariously in his face and high-fiving each other.

Dang, Andy! Is this wise? He should be granted asylum, complete with a straight jacket, padded walls, and strong meds! RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Revealed: House Democrats Plan To Take Trump To Court In 2019


Next year’s fireworks promise to be quite explosive. RESIST!!

From YouTube (SNL Channel): Trump Argentina Cold Open


They’re getting realistic, but still funny. RESIST!!


We need to take it back.


  13 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/2/2018”

  1. When I moved in to my new house in 2004, after living in my previous one for 25 years, I thought a person should either move every ten years OR ACT like they need to move every ten years.

    By that I mean doing a thorough Sort-and-Purge of detritus.

    While I’ve not been as faithful to that as I would like, I have gotten much better at throwing/donating things I no longer need.  Not great – but better.

    Good luck w/ your sorting-and-purging!

  2. 5:11 Maybe Squatch can save him.

    Remember Larry Krasner, from HERE and HERE? Well if you read THIS down, you will find at the very end that he helped with this amazing accomplishment.

    Petition against Sinclair

    This article examines the phenomenon of people being willing to have less as long as they have more than someone else.

    TNY – Maybe they weren’t clear about what kind of asylum they were voting on.

    MSNBC – This is good news. Reich article and video on subpoenas:

    SNL – Cold Open – Very satisfying to watch (unless maybe you are Andrew Lloyd Webber, in which case it might give you nightmares.)

    Cartoon – We certainly do.


    • Chag Urim Sameach

      My best friend from medical schools is Jewish, so I try to keep up w/ the major holiday greetings or acknowledgement. He sent me this cute cartoon explaining the story WRT the Menorah’s celebration of the “Festival of Lights” via a contemporary analogy involving your phone’s battery:

  3. TNY: Hilarious, Andy! He should have tried to get a one-way ticket to Russia when he had the chance….but after G20, he knew the deal was off. lol

    MSNBC: YAY!!! Bring it on!!! I can’t wait!

    SNL: Wonderful show last night. Great and spot on!!

    Cartoon: Amen!

    I should do that, (purge) but I get nostalgic when I want to throw something away. Glad that you made a donation, we do that also, and get a receipt as one can use that when one files their taxes. Well, we won another one, vs. Cleveland, we’re up 9-3 now. Tell WWWendy HI, and glad that she’s feeling better too. btw..there’s nothing better than going to an elementary school, and watching/listening Kinder classes perform Christmas songs. So so sweet !! Hope you have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: “Things that upset the GOP – 2 women kissing at a parade, kneeling during the National Anthem, & Starbucks Holiday cups. Things that DON’T upset the GOP – Tear-gassing toddlers and parents, kids in cages, and school shootings.” ~ Anon ~ Here’s a link about the furor over Starbucks cups, lol ..

  4. Ahrg..moving house…ahrg. Don’t get me started, I’m still in recovery. But you moving apartment has one of the worst timings, right after you come out of hospital. Aren’t you up for surgery soon to set your eyes straight too? Please take care and ask for help!

    TNY: Drumpf should have asked to be taken to an asylum, not to be granted asylum, Andy. With the behaviour Drumpf displayed at the G20, nobody is willing to grant him anything. Even a padded cell, a straitjacket and two meals a day is to costly for this man.

    MSNBC: Let those dice roll.


    Cartoon: And was destroyed in 2017

  5. Andy: Really wish he would of done like Pat suggested and got a 1 way ticket to Russia. He’s going to be crying the blues soon with all of his criminal buddies. I can hardly wait.
    SNL: Excellent show. Really got a kick out of the tRump skit.
    Cartoon: Sure isn’t like it use to be….all thanks to tRump.
    Signed the petition Joanne listed.
    Good luck with the packing. Pray that you keep safe from getting run down. You need to take care.

  6. Puzzle — 3:50  Squatch to the rescue!  No dawg fricassée today Puddy Tat!

    The New Yorker — Poor little rich toddler.  Nobody loves him . . . well except for himself.  Who can blame them!

    MSNBC — Grab a drink, some popcorn and buckle into your front row seat.  2019 is going to be a wild ride!  Robert Reich has an excellent piece about subpoenas.

    SNL — 21  05  

    Cartoon — Born in 1970.  Executed by Diaper Don 2017!

    Happy Chanukkah!

  7. It’s going to be very interesting next year!! ?

    i hope the EPA will be reborn soon!!!

  8. Thanks all.  Tired Hugs. 19

  9. Your Goodwill haul reminds me that I need to do a lot of decluttering myself. Between looking for a new job and working on a book, I have been sitting on my arse too much. Time to do some exercise and cleaning.

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