5 Worst Trump Moments of 2018

 Posted by at 11:42 am  Politics
Dec 312018

At this time of year, we often get a chance to look back, at some of the highlights, or in this case lowlights, of the year.  Kelly Eleveld, a Kos staffer wrote an interesting piece on the 2018 lowlights of President Donald Trump, aka Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten, aka Putin’s Puppet, aka Tangerine Traitor.


Let’s face it—Donald Trump has logged one of the worst political years of any modern American president, save perhaps Richard Nixon, who was actually driven from office in 1974. From his abysmal domestic and foreign policy to his administration’s boundless corruption, Trump’s incompetence has really outshined that of every U.S. commander in chief dating back to Watergate. Outside of managing to install Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court as Justice Anthony Kennedy’s replacement (a big win, to be sure), Trump has pretty much laid a goose egg in terms of accomplishments. Yet on the negative end of the ledger, he has truly stacked up loss after political loss. So here’s a look back at Trump’s worst moments in 2018—may they bring you a little joy and good cheer at the end of a hard-fought year. (**Editor’s Note: This was written before Trump’s epic end-of-year meltdown on wall funding, Syria, etc., so please keep cut me a little slack.)

5. Helsinki

There was nothing quite like watching Trump fold like a house of cards on the international stage as he kowtowed to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the man who directed millions of dollars toward a concerted effort to subvert the will of the American people…

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

I shared only the fifth of five.  Click through for the other four.

I’d say the author did a good job.  However,  the Fuhrer has so many “worst” moments that a different author might have been equally valid choosing different examples.


Dec 312018

I’m feeling quite pooped, because yesterday was so busy, and today, it took me a ling time to find stories.  Please be careful tonight.  My celebration plans are making a few Z’s.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:58 (average 5:59),  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Agony:


Disappointing, but expected.

Fantasy Football Report:

Here are the final results this year for our own Fantasy Football League.



Congrats to me.  I won the championship, leaving Wendy in 2nd place.  Vivian won the 3rd place game, leaving Pam in 4th.  Patty Monster won the 5th place game, leaving Squatch in 6th.  Winning the Championship surprised the hell out of me!  What can I say?  CAT is where it’s AT! ;-)  We’re done until next year.  Remember, you can keep two players instead of using your first two draft choices.  It was a fun season.  Hugs and love to all.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Elizabeth Warren forms 2020 exploratory committee


I’m most pleased that Elizabeth has decided to run. She has been my choice to be America’s first woman President for years, so I expect to support her, with the caveat that events between now and then may stimulate a change in my view. RESIST!!

From ESPN: Having just completed their first back-to-back losing seasons since the early 1970s, the Denver Broncos fired Vance Joseph on Monday, a day after the team finished 6-10.

Joseph, who still has two years remaining on the four-year deal he signed in 2017, lasted just 32 games with the team. The Broncos now are on the hunt for the fourth head coach in John Elway’s tenure as the Broncos’ top football executive.

WOOOO HOOOO! That is way past due! RESIST!!

From Washington Post: The big myth in U.S. politics has been that the GOP is the more “adult” of the two parties. The bigger myth that was inaugurated along with Donald Trump was that these “adults in the room” would keep the new reality show in check. Instead, the so-called adults surrounding President Trump in the White House have been emptying like a toy box into the dumpster out back on a regular basis. And then the so-called adults in Congress staged a romper-room raid on the cookie jar, passing a deficit-busting tax cut for the rich. And collectively, all these so-called adults tried to finger-paint Trump’s lies to look like responsible governing, including the lie that climate change can be addressed by ignoring it and burning more coal.

In effect, the Republicans have instead rebranded themselves as quislings, collaborators and fellow travelers, or, more accurately, fellow toddlers. Why did they do this? Because they wanted to get what they could get when they could get it. See also: toddlers.

Now they are stuck with Trump on his sinking ship of fools. They can’t get off the ship or stay on it. They can’t live with Trump or without him.

Voters don’t love Democrats, but what are you going to do at this point? Democrats are the only ones who have talked any sense whatsoever on taxes, health care, budgets, climate, immigration, you name it.

Every Republican in elected or appointed office is one Republican too many. RESIST!!



Dec 302018

WWWendy is due shortly, and we have a very busy day.  Done.  Exhausted Hugs!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:24 (average 6:39).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From NY Times: More and more Democrats, fed up with private health insurance companies, are endorsing the goal of a government-run, single-payer system like Medicare for all Americans. But they have discovered a problem. More than one-third of Medicare beneficiaries are in Medicare Advantage plans, run not by the government but by private insurers.

Whether to allow younger Americans to enroll in such private Medicare plans has become a hotly debated political question as Democrats look to 2020.

When liberal Democrats started advocating “Medicare for all” more than 25 years ago, Medicare was the original fee-for-service program run by the government. Since then, it has changed in big ways. More than 20 million of the 60 million beneficiaries are in comprehensive Medicare Advantage plans sold by private insurers like UnitedHealth, Humana, Kaiser Permanente and Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

Enrollment in private Medicare plans has shot up roughly 80 percent since 2010. Older Americans are attracted by the prospect of extra benefits, a limit on out-of-pocket costs and a doctor or nurse who can coordinate their care.

“Medicare for all” has become a rallying cry for progressive Democrats, though it means different things to different people. Supporters generally agree that it is a way to achieve universal coverage with a system of national health insurance in which a single public program would pay most of the bills, but care would still be delivered by private doctors and hospitals.

One-third of Senate Democrats and more than half of House Democrats who will serve in the new Congress have endorsed proposals to open Medicare to all Americans, regardless of age.

Frankly, I love my Providence Medicare Advantage Plan. I would prefer to keep it unless a single payer plan offered full coverage with lower out of pocket costs than I now pay. RESIST!!


Dec 292018

Here is the one hundred forty-sixth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. The winner is Republican Tea Party activist and conspiracy theorist, Gini Thomas. She is so honored for using the unjustly elevated office of her pervert husband so commit TEAbuggery and spread vile Republican conspiracy theories.

What is going on with Ginni Thomas?

She looks and sounds like the Washington wife of yore, with the pearl earrings, the Reagan-red cocktail attire, the sunglasses tiara’d atop her blond bob. At the holidays, she lays wreaths at Arlington and sings carols around the piano with her be-sweatered husband, Clarence, who happens to be the longest-serving justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. Memorial Day means a backyard barbecue with star-spangled tablecloths and a sheet cake that reads “God Bless America!”

But meanwhile, on Facebook, she’s behaving like your slightly paranoid neighbor who stockpiles bullets and astronaut food.

This month, Ginni Thomas shared a Facebook post [TEAbuggery delinked] that bizarrely described California as a war zone, with illegal immigrants scaling walls and carjacking U.S. citizens. Last month, she shared a post [TEAbuggery delinked] alleging that Democrats committed voter fraud in four midterm races. (Which ones? How? She didn’t say.) Then there was the post in August (since deleted) proclaiming that teenage survivors of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting are “dangerous to the survival of our nation” because of their gun-control activism. And the post in February [TEAbuggery delinked] that harangued Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for supposedly wiretapping Donald Trump — a baseless accusation indulged in only by conspiracy theorists.

Does it matter that the spouse of a Supreme Court justice is sharing such nakedly partisan, erroneous propaganda? Or have we hit the point at which this kind of rhetoric has been so normalized that, well, why wouldn’t a prominent party activist be doing this?

It hardly seems to have hurt her status in Washington’s elite Republican circles, where Thomas is admired by some as a conservative leader, a station she worked decades to achieve….

Inserted from <Washington Post>

I can’t believe that I’ve never given this woman a parade before.  Here’s an article I wrote about Gini Thomas 8 1/2 years ago.

Here’s a video from CNN:

Thomas could not enjoy the popularity and influence she maintains within the Republican Reich, if her husband, Injustice Clarence "TEAbag" Thomas were not a member of SCROTUS (Republican Unconstitutional VD).  Even Worse, both see Charles and David Koch socially and politically,m making them Koch Suckers.

Can you imagine what would happen, if the families of Justices Kagan or Sotomayor were to carry on so?


Dec 292018

It’s another busy day here in the CatBox.  Safeway.com delivered groceries, and I unpacked and put them away.  I worked on my year end paperwork.  I took out the garbage a day early. (My can runneth over).  I also overslept, so I’m running late.  Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  My Broncos play the Chargers.  I won’t even bother to beseech the Orb for its blessing.  At this point, I’ll just grit my teeth and grab my ankles.  Tomorrow is also a WWWendy day.  We have so many chores, that I will probably have no more than a Personal Update or an Open Thread, with no links messages on Care2.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:59 (average 4:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Michael Moore On How 2019 Could Be Even Crazier Than 2018

Triple the number of women running for office. Amen. Do not allow Trump to set the agenda of what we discuss. Difficult, but Amen. Fight for the people. Amen. Pass bills in the House that put Senate Republicans on the hot seat. Amen. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): CNN and Fox News repeatedly gave climate deniers a platform in 2018

Coverage like that could kill us. RESIST!!

From NY Times: A disputed congressional seat in North Carolina could remain vacant for months after incoming Democratic House leaders in Washington on Friday declared they would not seat the apparent Republican winner because of unresolved allegations of election fraud in that race.

Even before Democrats made that fresh vow on Friday afternoon, the chaotic fight for the Ninth District’s House seat had already plunged into deeper turmoil: North Carolina’s state elections board dissolved at noon on Friday under a court order, two weeks before it was to hold a public hearing to consider evidence of the fraud allegations.

“We have entered no man’s land,” said J. Michael Bitzer, a professor of politics and history at Catawba College in Salisbury, N.C.

Friday’s political drama came more than seven weeks after Mark Harris, the Republican nominee for Congress in the Ninth District, seemed to defeat Dan McCready, the Democratic candidate, by 905 votes in November. But Mr. Harris’s apparent victory was soon overshadowed by allegations that a contractor for his campaign engaged in illegal activity to compromise the election. According to witnesses and affidavits, the contractor, L. McCrae Dowless Jr., and people working for him collected absentee ballots in violation of state law.

The accusations led the State Board of Elections and Ethics Enforcement to refuse to certify Mr. Harris as the winner and to open an investigation that has so far involved more than 100 interviews and at least 182,000 pages of records. It also gave Democrats a powerful argument to keep Mr. Harris out of office, at least for now — a pledge they made unequivocally on Friday — under the House’s constitutional authority to be “the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members.” Democrats had been signaling such a plan for weeks.

That’s exactly what they should do. When NC’s own state board of ethics refuses to certify, the Republican criminal has not been elected. Why is it that, whenever we actually see a one of the very rare cases of election fraud, the culprit is a Republican? RESIST!!



Everyday Erinyes #150

 Posted by at 10:36 am  Politics
Dec 292018

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

Anyone who keeps up with the news has probably seen this headline, or some variation of it:

IRS cuts audits of the rich while stepping up audits of the poor after budget cuts

But, at least at AlterNet, even the sub-head should be enough to lower ones anger with the IRS and turn it where it belongs:

Thanks to GOP budget cuts, the IRS allows rich people to avoid paying billions while persecuting the working poor.

And the first sentence spells it out even more clearly:

Republican cuts have crippled the Internal Revenue Service’s ability to audit rich tax cheats, while pressure from those same Republicans has led the IRS to increase audits of the working poor.

So, how did we get to this point? ProPublica can tell us. Their summary of their investigation starts off with the story of one man, and I’ll quote that (and maybe a chart) and then recommend you read the full article.

In the summer of 2008, William Pfeil made a startling discovery: Hundreds of foreign companies that operated in the U.S. weren’t paying U.S. taxes, and his employer, the Internal Revenue Service, had no idea. Under U.S. law, companies that do business in the Gulf of Mexico owe the American government a piece of what they make drilling for oil there or helping those that do. But the vast majority of the foreign companies weren’t paying anything, and taxpaying American companies were upset, arguing that it unfairly allowed the foreign rivals to underbid for contracts.

Pfeil and the IRS started pursuing the non-U.S. entities. Ultimately, he figures he brought in more than $50 million in previously unpaid taxes over the course of about five years. It was an example of how the tax-collecting agency is supposed to work.

But then Congress began regularly reducing the IRS budget. After 43 years with the agency, Pfeil — who had hoped to reach his 50th anniversary — was angry about the “steady decrease in budget and resources” the agency had seen. He retired in 2013 at 68.

After Pfeil left, he heard that his program was being shut down. “I don’t blame the IRS,” Pfeil said. “I blame the Congress for not giving us the budget to do the job.”

Starting in 2010 – which you may remember was the first Congress in an unbroken line until now to be majority Republican in the House, which has the power of the purse – the budget of the IRS has declined every single year. In 2018 dollars, a budget of $14 billion has sunk to a budget of $12 billion. Could anyone reading this afford to take a permanent 14% cut in your income? Yeah. I didn’t think so. So it’s no wonder the IRS is not accomplishing what it used to accomplish before 2010. Pro Publica’s investigation led it to the conclusion that – speaking conservatively – the government has lost revenue to the tune of $18 billion per year on account of the cuts (yes, the IRS more than pays for itself, if allowed to.)

And there’s one big reason the IRS has difficulty pushing back. No one – NO ONE – loves it. Everyone fears it. People who have little money, whose lives could be improved if the Federal government could collect some or all of the $18 billion don’t see that – they see a fear that they might lose some of the little they have. And, of course, that’s how Republicans want it. That kind of fear is how they control their base.

In fact, since 1994, when Newt Gingrich became the Speaker, abolishing the IRS entirely has been a plank, not always obvious but pretty generally present, in the Republican platform. They have suggested openly replacing income tax with a universal sales tax, which they claim is “fair.” Sure, because, compared to the poor, they do not buy as much. They do not spend nearly as much of their income on commodities.

I could come up with a fairer system (for Federal Income Tax.  I’m not prepared to start talking about withholding for Social Security and Medicare, except to support “Scrap the Cap.”). Every individual and every entity would be treated the same. There would be no special rules for businesses and no exemptions for charities or churches. My lowest tax bracket would be $0-$99,999.99, and the tax rate for that bracket would be zero. The next bracket, $100,000-$249,999.99, would have a rate of 1%. The increases would get steeper – if I had the data I could do the math, but I don’t, so I can’t. But it could be done.  If this sounds like a quote from JFK, it is, sort of.  He got it from Luke 12:48:  “And unto whomsoever much is given, of him much shall be required”  (Douay)

And the IRS would certainly still be needed. Like the apocryphal diaper which ain’t gonna change itself, pal, enforcement would still be necessary. Taxes ain’t gonna collect themselves.

Of course this is a fantasy. But the reality is that, since Republicans are no longer going to do it, Democrats need to stick up for the IRS. The best tax system in the world is not effective if it is not enforced. Republicans are not willing to enforce it because they cheat. We must be willing, both to reform the system, and also to enforce the system we have while we have it.

Additionally, the best governmental principles in the world cannot provide for the general welfare if that government has no money with which to do it.  There is nothing wrong with the concept of “tax and spend” (it beats the heck out of “spend and tax,” as Republicans are wont to do.)

Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, I realize sticking up for the IRS will be a hard sell, and will be made harder by the pushback from Republicans, who will push back expertly, using every fear in the playbook. But it’s going to have to be done. Eventually. And a beginning has to be made. Somehow. Help us find the people who will be good at it, and encourage them to work on it, and help them with resources needed to get it right, and stand by them when they are selling it.

The Furies and I will be back.

Cross posted to Care2 HERE.


Trump Lying to Cannon Fodder

 Posted by at 12:02 pm  Politics
Dec 282018

Since my birth, I have opposed almost all of America’s wars.  However, I equally believe that it is our responsibility and privilege to love, honor, and care for our troops because we owe them such a major debt of gratitude.  Politicians who lie to our troops do not respect them.  Such people are manipulating them to treat them as cannon fodder.  Rep Adam Smith [D-WA] knows this.

Congress Defense Spending

The incoming head of the House Armed Services Committee has called out Donald Trump, giving the president a taste of what he’s in for with a new Democratic majority.

“Constant misinformation from the president is a real problem in a democratic society, and we in Congress have got to do our best to hold him accountable,” warned Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.), who’s taking over leadership of the committee in January.

Earlier this month, Smith vowed that the committee would no longer allow Trump’s falsehoods to go unchallenged, The Stars and Stripes reported.

Just this week Trump claimed that he had personally boosted military pay by 10 percent in the troops’ first raise in 10 years. In fact, the military was given a 2.6 percent raise and has received wage hikes each year for the past 30 years…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

When Democrats passed annual raises for our troops, they did so over Republican opposition.

Don Lemon on CNN called out Trump for this and other lies to our troops.

Furthermore, the doctor that diagnosed Trump’s bone spurs lied.

In short Democrats try to take care of our troops out of respect.  Republicans just use them as cannon fodder.


Dec 282018

After all yesterday’s craziness, I did not sleep very well, so call this pooped Friday.  TGIF Hugs!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:57 (average 5:48).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): See Why U.S. Voters Overwhelmingly Opposed Trump From 2016-2019


The Blue Wave seemed smaller than it was because the deck is so stacked against them. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): Sexism on Fox News in 2018

Barf Bag Alert!!


The Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, propagates the misogyny rampant in the Republican Reich! RESIST!!

From NY Times: Republican leaders gave up hope on Thursday of reopening the government before the new year, leaving the border wall impasse to House Democrats as they assume the majority next week — and presenting Representative Nancy Pelosi with her first major challenge as speaker.

House Democrats, who take control on Wednesday, are weighing three approaches to getting funds flowing, none of which would include additional money for President Trump’s proposed wall along the southwestern border. Whichever path they choose, party leaders said they would vote promptly on Jan. 3, hoping to project the image of Democrats as a steadying hand in Washington even as Republicans try to blame Ms. Pelosi and her party for the shutdown and lax border control.

“We will vote swiftly to reopen government and show that Democrats will govern responsibly in stark contrast to this chaotic White House,” Ms. Pelosi said in a statement.

Ms. Pelosi is determined to prevent the shutdown brinkmanship from interfering with the Democrats’ assumption of power and her ceremony-soaked return to the speakership. But it appeared almost certain that the careful rollout of Democrats’ legislative agenda — including a sweeping anticorruption and voting rights bill — would be at least partly eclipsed by the funding crisis.

The shutdown has affected about a quarter of the government, left 800,000 federal workers furloughed or working without pay, and on Thursday entered its sixth day.

Mr. Trump and his allies showed no signs of letting up. Though the president said on national television that he would proudly shut down the government to secure wall funding, Republicans are no longer embracing the mounting crisis.

There is a key difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats govern. Republicans destroy. RESIST!!


When Republicans attribute this to the founding fathers, they are lying.
