It’s another busy day here in CatBox. Store to Door has delivered my groceries, and I have stowed them. WWWendy is coming this evening to de-stink the nasty TomCat. Hump Day hugs to all.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:09 (average 5:13). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Democrats Could End Up Picking Up 40 House Seats From Midterms
Still not a tsunami, but definitely a wave! RESIST!!
From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Andrew Wommack Says Conservatives Who Oppose the Liberal Establishment ‘Wind up Dead’
Barf Bag Alert!!
This is an extreme case of projection. Republican domestic terrorists are the ones committing mass murders, not liberals. RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: Calling for an “immediate end” to the recount in Florida, Donald J. Trump warned on Monday that it could set a dangerous precedent of the person with the most votes winning.
Speaking to reporters at the White House, Trump said that those in favor of the recount had a “sick obsession with finding out which candidate got the most votes.”
“Democrats are going on and on about counting every last vote until they find out who got the most,” Trump said. “Since when does getting the most votes mean you win?”
Trump said that, if the recounts are allowed to proceed, “We could be looking at a very bad, very sad situation where to be considered legitimately elected you have to get more votes than the other candidate.”
Dang, Andy!! How does your crystal ball see through all that orange hair goop? RESIST!!
15 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/14/2018”
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5:22 Do you ever get the feeling you’re being watched?
Oh crap.
Brian – Of course Rick Scott has declared victory and headed for Washington. He probably sabotaged the machines that burned up yesterday. Some of these races are what I would call critical, others less so – but of course, this year, ever race is critical.
RWW – Oh, Jesus copulating Christ on a crutch! The party that supports and practices retroactive abortion is not us, it’s the Republicans.
TNY – More straight news. I liked Colbert’s analogy too – like “saying that because your team was leading in the seventh inning when you fell asleep means they won the game.”
Cartoon – No kidding.
This is not the Blue Wave, but the first surge. We can get a bigger surge in 2020, when Democrats hold on to the house and retake the Senate – and the White House.
And more governor’s mansions and state houses – and tackle gerrymandering.
MSNBC: I sure hope/pray that our Dems come through for the WIN!!!!
RWW: Gawd, how can they sit there and spew these lies, and keep a straight face? ugh!!!
NYer: He’s getting paranoid,Andy! lol dt’s behavior is getting more frantic by the day. He’s holed up in the WH now, not doing much, but I surmise that he’s packing his bags ahead of time for when Mueller comes crashing through the door.
Cartoon: Of course!!
Hi, WWWendy, hope all is good with you. Thank you for taking such good care of Tom. It’s still cold (to me) here, but word is out that it will be back in the high 70’s this weekend. Go figure. Hope that you have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
*This just in: ‘Smokey the Bear’: “Only you can prevent forest fires. We’ve been de-funded. Seriously! ~ Raul R. ~
Pat, I just saw your “This just in” from yesterday. Talk about being timeless.
Word, Joanne, word !!!

MSNBC: I wonder if dumpy and his cultists are tired of winning yet.
RWW: What a bunch of bull hockey.
NYer: Andy is reporting straight news again.
Tell WWWendy hi.
Thank you TomCat
MSNBC: “…upward of 40 seats….”: Sounds GOOD to me!
RWW: Sickness on the right!
New Yorker: C’mon, now, who needs to count votes, just give the race to he who yells louder!
‘Toon: Will? Will? How about he’s been there, done that?
I disagree.
MSNBC: “…upward of 40 seats….”: Sounds GOOD to me!
RWW: Sickness on the right!
New Yorker: C’mon, now, who needs to count votes, just give the race to he who yells louder!
‘Toon: Will? Will? How about he’s been there, done that?
I agree!.
MSNBC: Democrats ….40 seats?….wouldn’t that be wonderful? Yes Yes Yes!RWW: Agree with Pat.NY: Who the heck does tRump think he is demanding they stop the ballot counting??? Stupid idiot….or can I already say he’s going to be a sore loser when more Democrats win?
MSNBC: Looking good, looking more and more like a wave to be reckoned with. Next step is to unite this wave and give it the clout it needs to end 2020 with a tsunami.
RWW: Sorry I have no appetite to listen to such foul drivel.
TNY: I don’t know where you hide your microphones in the White House, Andy, but could you add a few cameras? I’d love to see some footage accompanying desperate Drumpf in dressing gown, trailing down the empty halls, lamenting his misery to the portraits on the walls.
Thanks all. Hectic Hugs!
Puzzle — 4:35 The morning after the night before!
MSNBC — If Republicans did not bend and twist the vote, they would be extinct by now. This is one time where extinction would be good! An additional 40 seats is good! A clean sweep is much much better! Keep going for the blue tsunami in 2020! DD is reportedly so pissed about the election results that he is meaner than usual. He tried to make the election about him, but he does not get it . . . the election results were about him and Republicans . . . people don’t like nor trust him! To pout and carry on as he is, that’s not the demeanor of a leader!
RWW — “If your party platform is to kill unborn babies …”??? Which party would that be?
Dems, no. They want women to have decision making over their own bodies and their reproductive rights.
Republicans, no but with a caveat. Republicans wait until the baby is born and then they deny the child healthcare etc. And once they are an adult, presuming they live that long without healthcare, Republicans send them off to be killed in useless wars.
These idiots are so off the mark it isn’t even funny! Total drivel and lies!
The New Yorker — “Since when does getting the most votes mean you win?” — Diaper Don ought to know this since he lost the last presidential election according to the popular vote, and lost by 3 million votes!!! He is such a paranoid idiot!
Cartoon — Yup!!!