Here is the one hundred forty-second article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Republican Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith [R-MS]. She is so honored for supporting the proud KKK heritage of lynching.
Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) demanded a public apology — for all Mississippians — from Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.), who drew harsh criticism for a line made while campaigning in early November.
“If he invited me to a public hanging, I’d be on the front row,” Hyde-Smith is heard saying in a video posted to Twitter by journalist and blogger Lamar White Jr. on Sunday morning.
Thompson released a statement Monday, calling the senator’s comments on public hanging “beyond disrespectful and offensive,” adding that Mississippi’s history includes “one of the highest numbers of public lynching, that we know of, than any other state in this country.”
Hyde-Smith, who in a Sunday statement called the remark an “exaggerated expression of regard,” refused to elaborate Monday when reporters asked for more context. She appeared in Jackson, the state’s capital, with Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant (R) — who appointed Hyde-Smith to Congress earlier this year — after accepting an endorsement from the National Right to Life Committee… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <Washington Post>
This racist went even further by refusing to apologize.
They don’t get much more Republican than this.
17 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 11/13/2018”
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The phrase “Republicans On Parade” makes me think of the ancient advertisement slogan “Quick, Henry, the Flit!” If only there was a pesticide that got rid of Republicans.

Having never heard the slogan, “Quick, Henry, the Flit” I decided to look it up.
Turns out the ad was created by Theodor Geisel – better known as Dr. Seuss. And he did a LOT of ad work before he started writing and illustrating his books – and boy you can sure see his style in those ads!
LOL! I must be older than you. I remember that series.
Or have a better memory.
GEEZ, I choked on that crap more than once.
I figured you would not pass up Cindy. I think it’s quite possible she was trying to exaggerate. But the fact that it was a public hanging that leaped to her mind is telling. At best it was tone deaf, at worst it was directed at her opponent. The phrases I’ve heard enough times to think they are in common usage would be “dog fight” and “skunk rassle.”
Unreal!! She tries to deflect her statement…..better get your boots on, the sheet fest is getting deep. Sad, sad, sad!!!!
Boots??? One needs at minimum hip waders! Better still, a full body suit! Republican BS is that deep!
If you’re running in Mississippi and you’re so tone-deaf that you don’t realize the implications of uttering the phrase “public hanging” – then you don’t deserve to be elected.
She clearly represents the voice of bigots who wear white sheets with pointy hoods.
I too was pretty sure you would add her to the parade. She is despicable.
You want to thank someone a little more than usual and the first thing that comes to mind if you stand in front of cameras and microphones in Mississippi is: “If he invited me to a public hanging, I’d be on the front row”; really? Even if it were a very long slip of the tongue, it makes me wonder what the conversation would sound like during Thanksgiving diner at the Hyde-Smith’s. What opinions will they ventilate if this is just an expression of regard in the family, nothing to apologize for? What terms of endearments will Cindy whisper in her husband’s ear if this is their norm?
Oh dear! Now I need brain bleach, and you weren’t even specific!
Simple sickness!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TC, you will never be out of a job, here, there are sooooooo many crazies out there posing as Republicans…oh, sorry, that is what Republicans are, nowadays.
Ditto all of the above comments. Fits her perfectly.
Just in case you missed this part, Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.), is standing in front of the Confederate Flag.
Thanks all! Pooped Hugs!