I fell asleep during my morning nap, overslept, because I was so tired, and woke up to a big mess. The person who stole my ID when I used my number on a public network when hospitalized in 2015 attempted to steal my credit card last night. All the proper bells and whistles went off, but my credit card needs to be replaced. I have to go without a credit card until Thursday. When the new one comes in, I have to make the rounds of sites, where I regularly use it and change the numbers. ARGH!! This is the last thing I needed right now.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:46 (average 4:23). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): President Donald Trump Likely Faced Indictment But For Presidency
Whitaker is as representative of the Republican Party as Trump is. Now, how do we get rid of him? RESIST!!
From Washington Post: An audio recording tracking the dying moments of journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul has been shared with Saudi Arabia, Britain, France and Germany in addition to the United States, the Turkish president said Saturday.
“We gave it to Saudi Arabia,” said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke at Ankara airport before departing for Paris for commemorations to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. “We gave it to America. To the Germans, French, English, we gave it to all of them.”
The tape is a critical piece of evidence that Turkey says backs up its assertion that Khashoggi, a contributor to The Washington Post World Opinions section, was killed by a Saudi hit team after he entered the consulate on Oct. 2.
If we have a copy, the Republican Reich is covering-up and hiding it from the American people. RESIST!!
From Crooks and Liars: I cannot wait for Michelle Obama’s book to land on my doorstep next week. From the previews I’ve seen, she puts it all out there on the page like the amazing woman she is.
But this part really made Trumpy mad, and I always like it when Michelle Obama makes Trumpy mad. He ranted about her and President Obama after someone asked her about this passage in her book:
“The whole birther thing was crazy and mean-spirited, ” she wrote. “Underlying bigotry and xenophobia deliberately to stir up the wingnuts and kooks. What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls?”
“Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendoes, was putting our family’s safety at risk and for this, I’d never forgive him,” she vowed.
Who can blame her? Other people’s children have already died because crazy Republican terrorists have done exactly what she described. RESIST!!
15 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/10/2018”
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3:49 Sugar and sugar and sugar, oh my!
Krugman – “Easily played”
Ad being run by a new group – more info about the group at the link to Huffington Post.
Oh, and by the way, the US Marine Corps is 243 today (it was “born” in 1775. In a bar. Of course.)
I’m so sorry about your credit card. It’s bad enough making the rounds because it got a new expiry date, which is what I am now doing. Having it stolen is the absolute pits, even if you have a backup, which of course not everyone is in a position to do.
Rachel – Yup. Over to Nameless on this – the comment he made at Daily Kos is perfect.
WaPo – Of course the regime is hiding it. I’m just a wee bit surprised that Germany, France, and England aren’t pressuring us on it, or at least going through the motions of pressuring us.
CnL – It’s not possible for her (or anyone, for that matter) to forgive him for anything at all. It is not possible to forgive someone who does not repent, and Orange Judas has never repented for anything in his misspent life. Without repentance, the most one can exyend is to condone the action, and that would be a travesty. And NO ONE should think an eyelash less of Michelle for not doing the impossible.
Cartoon -Overheard conversation:
Trump: The less immigrants, the better.
Pence: “The fewer.”
Trump: Shhh! Don’t call me that in public yet!
WaPo says the death toll in the CA fires is 25 I say it will be a damn miracle if it doesn’t end up at least ten times that … especially the “Camp Fire” near Chico. That fire did’t “spread,,” it virtually landed on the town of Paradise, giving people no time to get out, and there are many retirees there. Even those who tried, – there are abandoned cars all over the roads including some with bodies.
When this was taken all the smoke was going south, but if it decided to go north, it wouldn’t surprise me if some got to Portland. Has it, TC?
MSNBC: wth??? Gawd, doesn’t get any worse than this!! Whitaker is a clone of dt. Take him out in the trash, is my answer, Tom.
WP: Silence with the media, and papers. Not one peep about this. Covering it up, anyone? You bet !!!
C&L: I’m planning on buying this one. I love the Obamas, and I personally am glad that she said what she said about dt. He’s like a petulant child with his comeback remarks to her as well. Evil, I say…..evil man.
Cartoon: Have mercy on America, Pleeeze!!
Went to the Veteran’s Parade this morning, Lordy, was it cold. 2 other female veterans marched in line with me, and stepped up ‘at attention’ with the ‘Armed Forces Medley’. Gosh, bummer about your credit card, I feel bad for you having to re-do everything. Hope that you have a good evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
*1) This just in: “Regarding Trumps absence from not attending WWI Grave site because of rain, (the site of a 1918 battle in which the American and French repelled German forces. More than 1,800 Americans died there, and are buried there @ Aisne-Marne Cemetery in France…… “I guess his bone spurs were acting up.” ~ Anon ~
2) “They died with their face to the foe, and that pathetic inadequate DT couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to the fallen.” ~Nicolas Soames, grandson of Sir Winston Churchill. ~
Regarding “This just in”: He shows the capacity for caring of a person with extensive damage to the pre-frontal lobes of the brain, especially the right pre-frontal. What a disgrace! How sad.
I agree, Mitch. He’s an out of control id, who is ruining this country by his actions.
He’s pathetic, confrontational, and imho, ….just a plain old ugly man. In words and deeds.
The Jamal Khashoggi murder makes me physically ill!!!
Nawwww trumpy is blowing his stack again, didums!!!! i look forward to First Lady Michelle’s book!
Meh!!! What a darn hassle with your credit card!!!
Rachel Maddow: Only two days ago Rachel pointed out that Whitaker needed to recuse himself from overseeing the Mueller investigation on grounds of expressed extreme personal bias, now it appears he needs to recuse himself from overseeing the FBI department in general because he was under their (criminal) investigation before he was sworn in. Something that will be fiercely denied by the White House of course. How many time does recusal needs to come up to make it clear to everyone that Whitaker isn’t what we’d call “the right man for the job”? ???
WP: The trouble with this tape is that it was “distributed” by the Turkish government, which first claimed that on the tape it was audible that Kashoggi was first tortured and then killed, but now state that Kashoggi was killed immediately after he entered the consulate. At first the Turkish government wouldn’t reveal how they got their audio record, but later claimed that it was sent by Kashoggi himself by his watch/phone?, and later still that it was mde by their intelligence service. At the moment the Turkish government is about as trustworthy as the Saudis, so I don’t think the countries which have been sent this tape, doctored or not, are very happy with it and ignore it out of fear making an even bigger diplomatic stink out of it.
C&L:The only good thing that has come out of the Drumpf era is the number of excellent books it produced.
So sorry to hear about your credit-card trouble, TomCat. Having your ID stolen is something that can apparently follow you around for years. Isn’t this the second card you needed to have replaced? I’m glad the card companies are alert and it doesn’t cost you money now, but it is a terrible hassle and something you could certainly do without.
Rachel: In my view, Whitaker may save us some grief: Trying to impeach this clown, given the current population of the senate, which would hold the “trial” if the House voted to impeach, would fail. Miserably! and the vehemence of the orange troll’s response would make anything we’ve seen so far, a walk in he park!!! As someone reminded me in a recent discussion “You don’t go after the king, unless you can kill him!”
“Think about this for a second….” No, think about this for a second: Paid advisory board member of a company that is being investigated by the FBI, for criminal activity—The Perfect Choice For A Trump Cabinet Position! What sheer brilliance, what marvelous consistency on the part of the Empty Orange!
WP: Well, what can one expect, after all, the killing appears to have ben arranged by our good friends the Saudis, who’s asses we have been kissing up to since before the Bush Boys were presidents, but who are such good friends of theirs, and the American oil interests.
C&L: Trump ALREADY has the blood of numerous people on his hands! Michelle is totally within her rights to suggest that his idiocy could have put any of the Obamas at risk.
‘Toon: There’s the answer…look at that excuse for a face (briefly, very briefly, I don’t want to have you accuse me of creating PTSD in you): He’s the ALIEN!
MSNBC: wHitaker isn’t the we need in there. I’m hoping Mueller’s report comes out quickly and more indictments follow, that we can see an end to this farce we have been living with for almost two years. WP: Certainly seems like there is a major cover up. Totally insane.C&L: Looking forward to Michelle Obama’s book. I understand her negative words about tRump. He has spoken ugliness about her, her husband, and so many others that it’s truly shameful and unacceptable. We have never had a leader as violent as tRump.Sorry to hear of your ID /credit card problems. Glad your credit card companies can alert you.
With Rethuglicanazis in charge of the Senate, we had better hope – and pray – that another SCOTUS justice doesn’t retire or pop off. You saw what happened even after our heroic efforts to stop that slime Kavanaugh. The next nominee could be even worse, and a 6-3 imbalance in favor of right-wing agendas will be bad news for this country. VERY bad news. Problem is, the justices most likely to retire are the left-leaning ones. Resist, persist, insist! Get geared up for the second surge of Blue Wave in 2020! At least Dems took the house, and half a loaf is better than none.
You need a new credit card company. When that happened to me a couple of months ago, my company Fedexed me a new card overnight free and gave me the new card number and security code over the phone so that I could use the card immediately and begin updating my automatic payments.
Jerry it happened at the beginning of a holiday weekend. The bank does not open until Tuesday, and they are sending it 2nd day air. It’s only a day difference.![29](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkkbabe/img/29.gif)
Thanks all. Swamped hugs.![26](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkkbabe/img/26.gif)
Puzzle — 4:13 Ah, three French maids just waiting for a rapacious Puddy Tat! Just don’t let them get the best of your blood sugars. I have never eaten a macaroon, well at least not this kind. When I was a child, my mother made a cookie she called a macaroon with coconut, egg, and sugar which she baked to a barely golden colour. I could eat those all day/all night!
MSNBC — Diaper Don says he does not know Whitaker. To quote DD from a very recent presser “Give me a break!” So much for due diligence on DD’s part! A criminal as the chief law enforcement officer for the country? I see another “Kavanaugh” debacle coming and you know what DD will say . . . it’s a conspiracy theory set up by the Dems. DD needs to learn and accept the ropes to government service, and that includes proper confirmation hearings for the job. If DD is going to leave Whitaker as AG, there must be a proper confirmation hearing, and now while Dems still have some say in the Senate.
If the RNC had done their homework properly a few years back, would DD be the resident in the WH today? I don’t think so. He thinks and acts like a criminal.
WaPo — Because the murder happened at the Saudi consulate in Turkey, as I understand, that is sovereign Saudi territory and beyond the reach of Turkish law enforcement. Too bad! And there is not a chance that Republicans will release the tape to the American people, IMO. DD is to enthralled with the Saudi régime . . . he likes those authoritarians.
Crooks and Liars — ““Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendoes, was putting our family’s safety at risk and for this, I’d never forgive him,” she vowed.” Diaper Don puts the whole country at risk every moment of every day! Michelle Obama is a class act.
As to DD dissing Barack Obama for the condition of the military, what a low life DD is! He did not even do his military service when called up because of some phoney bone spurs! He makes me sick!
Cartoon — Shouldn’t that be “Hell Fuhrer!” as in “To hell with you!”? He is so ugly, both in and out, he makes my skin crawl!
Sorry to hear that someone perpetrated a fraud against you. Having had a fraud against me in similar circumstances, it truly is maddening. In the first case which was years ago, I had to have picture ID to get everything sorted out. The problem, the thieves got my driver’s license too. What an annoying run around that was. Well I am returning to bed to rest. I picked up a nasty cold that is completely screwing with my breathing. My lungs are sore right now.
Lynn: Hope that you start feeling better! Get your rest, & take it easy!