Nov 062018
It’s not quite that time of week again, but here are three excellent video clips from Sam’s show last night. Enjoy!
Listen to Sam! Vote!!
Vote for a Democrat for Dawg Catcher and work up the ticket!
Get Your Fudgin’ Money Out of My Democracy!
Money is NOT speech. Corporations are NOT people. Corporations ARE corrupt and greedy!
Thanks Sam
7 Responses to “Samantha Bee from 11/5”
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Sam rocks! Loved #3!!!! Vote like your life depends on it. It does. For all of us.
Sam – Act I – Only Sam could make this even remotely funny. (I’m not sure whay McSally does to the National Anthem is quite as offensive as the anthem itself.)
Act II – We don’t elect Dawg Catchers in my county; we contract it to the Humane Society. The bottom of the ticket here this year is coroner. We do vote for state legislators (I voted straight Dem), but county commissioners and city officials are voted on in odd numberred years – in April IIRC. Voting straight Dem was easy. The propositions required a little help from activist groups to decide how to vote.
Act III – I would be more open to considering corporations to be people if they were bound by the same election laws that bind people – like allowed to give no more than, what is it, $2000 to one candidate in any campaign. Hey – out of those seven candidates – ONE OF THEM IS MINE – Rocky Mountain Rose! (I wish I could hope she will win.)
i’m watching ;
US midterms 2018 live results ;
I’ve been signing petitions left and right, and promoting them on Care2. And I voted – early!
Thanks for posting, TomCat. I’ll watch later with hubby.
Great videos. Really enjoy watching Sam.
Thanks all. Exhausted Hugs!![35](