I’ll keep harassing one more day as long as there’s a possibility this might fall under the eyes of someone who has not voted. I’m as nervous as a long-tail TomCat in a rocking chair show room.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:30 (average 4:54). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Fantasy Football Report:
Here is the latest news from our own fantasy football league.
Congrats to Wendy, Vivian and me for winning our games.
Congrats to me, Wendy and Pam for leading the league.
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Democratic Gains Require Overcoming Extreme GOP Gerrymandering
To flip the House, we need to win by 11 points, because Republicans stacked the deck. That’s why every vote is so important, especially YOURS! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!
From YouTube (NY Times Channel): Why Americans Don’t Vote (and What to Do About It)
These are good ideas. Election Day should be a national holiday, with bars closed until the polls close. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!
From The New Yorker: Employing the fear tactics that have typified his midterm campaigning, Donald J. Trump told a rally audience on Sunday that electing Democrats would drag the nation back to the dark days of tolerance and decorum.
Trump made his closing argument to the Chattanooga, Tennessee, audience by raising the spectre of a return to the dignified and restrained discourse that plagued the nation during the regime of his predecessor, Barack Obama.
“We had eight years of talking about people of different genders, races, and nationalities as if they were human beings,” Trump warned. “Do we want to go back to that?”
“No!” the crowd shouted.
“Do we want our public figures to consider the consequences of their words and actions?” he asked.
“No!” they thundered.
Appearing on Fox News, Vice-President Mike Pence defended Trump against charges that he was irresponsibly stoking his supporters’ worst fears about a return to compassion and civility.
Andy, that just accurate reporting. That would be a disaster for Republicans. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!
15 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/6/2018”
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MSNBC: Lordy, I hope we win with a cushion!!! VOTE BLUE if you haven’t already!!!
NYC: Everyone I know has voted, I took several to the polls in town, then had lunch today.
NYer: Word, Andy. Word!
Cartoon: Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!!!!
I’m praying that we come through, with high numbers reflecting how I, and many more….feel at this time. … and it’s importance in voting. Not only for us, but for our young generations, and those who follow. Now’s the time to VOTE BLUE, with hopes of singing to the rooftops, the song Hallejuah, this time tomorrow.
Hope that you get some rest this evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
This just in: Has anyone seen the article and heard the song? From People: Ahead of Tuesday’s midterm elections, some of the survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting in February are releasing a new song to commemorate their slain classmates and to urge Americans to vote.
Kudos to those kids! I look forward to the book also.
Those kids are amazing. I’m so proud of them. Thank you for sharing Pat.
6:04 Glad I’m not responsible for taking care of those.
Just for fun, I kept track of how many emails I got yesterday, not counting spam or replies. It was 330. I think I’ll do that again today.
Rachel – Sigh. “The rain, it raineth on the just/And also on the unjust fella,/ but mostly on the just, because/the unjust steals the just’s umbrella.”

NYT – “Election Day should be a national holiday, with bars closed until the polls close.” And, I suppose, in states that have them, dispensaries too.
TNY – Ah, back to straight reporting.
Cartoon – Word.
i just received this petition ;
Make Election Day a Holiday!
Only 1,664 Signatures
Signed and shared. 1,687 OF 2K GOAL
Related to cartoon in Joanne’s box.
One thing is for certain: Do not pay any attention to the polls saying that the Demos are ahead. You start thinking, “Hey, if the Demos are ahead, I don’t need to vote”
Wrong! Get out there and VOTE! Every VOTE matters and counts!
Remember, if you don’t vote, you are not allowed to complain.
Gerrymandering must be made illegal.
Voting should be made into a National Holiday.
I’ve done my part! Not only have I voted, I have phone banked, sent postcards and mass-texted to get people to the polls. The results are encouraging.
Love Mitch McTurtle getting Photobombed while voting with a Thumbs Down!
I voted, and have not missed a vote since JFK first ran.
New Yorker: Just what Dumpster will complain about if the Dems take the house!
As of this writing, O’Rourke is a bit ahead of Cruz. If Cruz looses, which party will throw the bigger bash?
Election Day Holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those wonks among us who enjoy taking a closer look at the numbers, you might want to check out the New York Times sites.
Yeah, I know they haven’t been fair to Democrats in their coverage and they LOVE doing that “Bothsiderism” crap that I HATE (not to mention they pay David (Bobo) Brooks to do whatever it is he does) – but they do a good job with the nitty gritty on numbers.
I subscribe, but I do NOT think these are behind their usual paywall because I also accessed it from Chrome – the browser I use when I don’t want to accept ANY cookies – and I still was able to view it. They do that at election time … I think.
I got in to all and didn’t get any warnings about article limits. I think you are right.
I took my ballot in and it felt so good knowing I voted all Blue. Will be watching the results tonight, hoping for positive news in favor of the Democrats.NYT: Yes election day should be a holiday. I signed the bill on Bernie Sanders website https://www.sanders.senate.gov/democracydayIt shows 90166 supporters.so far. Cartoon: Yes for Sure.
Thanks all. Exhausted Hugs.