Nov 032018

It’s a chilly muggy day, here at the CatBox.  Tomorrow is a WWWendy day.  It’s also a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  The Texans are visiting my Broncos.  The game will not be televised here.  I’m afraid Pat and I get to be foes for an afternoon.  May the Orb shine its blessed light on your team, unless they are named after Ted Cruz’ state.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 6:01 (average 8:37).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Secret Waiver Clears Possible Donald Trump Russia Rod Rosenstein Replacement


Frankly, Putin’s Pervert does not play close enough attention to the nuts and bolts of governance and is not bright enough to have come up with this scam on his own. He is the effect of the Republican Reich, not the cause. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

Also from YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Barack Obama Stumps For Stacey Abrams In Georgia


I had almost forgotten what it was like to have a President! For 1 1/2 hours of Obama campaigning in Florida, click here. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Daily Kos: This is a wonderful development. Green Party candidate Angela Green has just pulled out of the race and is asking her supporters to vote for Democrat Kyrsten Sinema.

The Kyrsten Sinema/Martha McSally race is one of the most hotly contested in the country. RealClearPolitics has it as a tie.  NBC News/Marist shows Green polling at 6%. If those 6% go to Sinema, that might make this race winnable.

In any event, Sinema’s chances have just vastly improved. One thing is for certain, election night is going to be a nailbiter.

Thanks and Kudos to Angela Green. If only Traitor Jill Stein had done the same in 2016 instead spouting Russian propaganda on Kremlin TV! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



  18 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/3/2018”

  1. 7:11 I can see why the average is so high.

    Well, this is encouraging,

    Rachel – All of those people who have pleaded guilty to felonies, and there are still people who approve of him. Sigh. Did you ever think you would say that you DON’T WANT Jess Sessions to resign or be fired?

    Obama – I barely remember myself what it was like to have a real President. Sigh. Go, Stacy! Go, Andrew!

    DKos – Angela Green of the Green Party has just demonstrated more understanding of political strategy than a whole heck of a lot of Democrats did in 2016. Now that Jill’s voters would have made eenough difference, probably. Democrats staying home are, I suspect, the biggest culprits.

    Cartoon – Accurate.

    • Democrats staying home were the biggest culprits, but she convinced hundreds to do so.  If the people who voted for her in Wisconsin, Ohio and Michigan had voted BLUE, Hillary would have won. 01

      • That’s true.  But that damage was already done.  If she had done what Green did, the same number of days before the election, she only had at best her own voters to throw, and it wouldn’t have been enough.  Green’s action may make a real difference.  She has 6% IIRC in the polls.

  2. Rachel: WOW! That’s crazy! Yeah, I’m keeping my headlights on, …for this one. WOW!!!

    MSNBC: What a treat! Isn’t this just WONDERFUL? Love this!!! Gawd, I miss him..sniff !

    DK: Good news!! Kyrsten Sinema for the WIN in AZ !!!

    Cartoon: ick!!

    I’ll still be civil (while I yell at the tv) and hope for the best for a win. We’ll see how the guys do….(either way) lol. Beautiful day here, it’s kinda like one of those days that I should rake all the leaves in a big pile and jump in it. lol. (but I’m not gonna rake). Have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: Why is it that the folks that won the last election are so mad all the time? ~ Barack Obama ~

    If you haven’t….get OUT & VOTE!!!! BLUE all the way!! 

  3. Joanne above: Well this is encouraging. Have a read. Transgender Rights.

    Rachel Maddow: Suspense in the making. Trump really does not understand how the government rules, regulations, laws work as he does not have the brain capacity to think. He simply lashes out.

    Barack Obama Stumps For Stacey Abrams In Georgia: Good to hear Obama again. A real President speaking out. I miss him! Maybe he can run against trump in 2020. 

    KOS: Wow! Big kudos for Angela Green of the Green Party. Angela Green has just pulled out of the race and is asking her supporters to vote for Democrat Kyrsten Sinema. Angela has, as a side effect of, a ripple effect,  perhaps, allowing those Green Party voters in other states to consider voting for other candidates of the Democratic Party.

    Cartoon: Yup, so true.


  4. I’ve been volunteering my ass off for Abrams – phone banking, postcarding, mass texting. And of course I voted for her. How can anybody vote for a creep who shamelessly practices voter suppression? At least a Georgia court has ruled in the voters’ favor. I hope Abrams wins, and I worry that if she loses by a hair there will be hell to pay.

  5. Wishing, hoping & sending Light to the BLUE!!! ?

  6. RM: Ditto, Jim. I agree with Jim’s comment 100%.
    Obama: Sure do miss having him as President. Glad to see that he’r out there for Stacey Abrams. I seen Oprah yesterday on the world news going door to door for her. I pray she wins against that illegal creep kEmp.
    DK: Good news. I applaud Green for telling her supporters to vote for Kyrsten Sinema. 
    I’m voting Blue and pray that everyone out there will do the same.

  7. I didn’t know that there was a team called the Texan cow pies!

  8. RM: In general, we tend to forget that a new government isn’t in place and functioning on the first day after the elections, and now it appears that the GOP is well-prepared for that ‘blank’ period between election and swearing in new people in case they would lose that election. And kicking out Jeff Sessions followed by Rod Rosenstein and then handing Mueller’s investigation to Noel Francisco who has already gotten clearance to kill the investigation on such short notice with a waver prepared for him in March. Of course this wasn’t the work of Drumpf, he barely understood what he signed, as usual, but of a party which will try to rule across its grave, right into the next election, when all this is forgotten.
    Make sure they lose all power and are prevented from ever returning: VOTE BLUE!

    MSNBC: Joy Reed expressed the feeling she was living in two different worlds at once, Drumpf’s world for the rich amd the reality of Abrams, where people worried about their healthcare, for the rest. Those worlds shouldn’t be allowed to co-exist, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed people heard, and felt, what Barak Obama had to tell them. I hope they listen and accept it when he tells them the GOP sells lies to gain their votes, and I dearly hope they take that message to the polling booths to VOTE BLUE! and vote for Stacey Abrams.

    DK: Double Kudos to true Green Angela Green, who did the right thing, stepped out of the election race and encouraged her voters to switch to Democrat Kyrsten Sinema. May Sinema now become the winner!

  9. Puzzle — 6:58  Oy vey!!!

    Rachel Maddow — The Diaper Don régime is full of snakes spitting venom!  I wonder id DD is going to go off the rails about the leak?  If the DD campaign did nothing wrong, why is DD so obsessed with Mueller’s  investigation?  I believe DD and members of his campaign team are as guilty as sin.  I hope that Mueller is able to get his case made w/o interference from the toddler in the WH.

    The Last Word — Obama is such a breath of fresh air!  May his entreaties translate into positive action in the voting booths!

    Daily Kos — Kudos to Angela Green for doing what is correct for her state and not dividing the vote.  I was reading earlier that Republicans lead by McSally are encouraging some voters to vote for Green even though they know that Green withdrew.  I did not know there was so much slime in the desert!  Republicans . . . (sigh!)

    Cartoon — Yup! . . . very sad!!!

  10. Thanks all.  Hugs! 19

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