Compared to September, October results were up in every category, except uniques, which was down only slightly.
Here is our latest summary:
Reported period |
Month Oct 2018 |
First visit |
01 Oct 2018 – 00:01 |
Last visit |
31 Oct 2018 – 13:33 |
Unique visitors |
Number of visits |
Pages |
Hits |
Bandwidth |
Viewed traffic * |
37,928 (8.36 visits/visitor) |
213,530 (5.62 Pages/Visit) |
433,940 (11.44 Hits/Visit) |
20.00 GB (553.02 KB/Visit) |
Not viewed traffic * |
821,311 |
942,054 |
17.24 GB |
Reported period |
Month Oct 2017 |
First visit |
01 Oct 2017 – 00:00 |
Last visit |
31 Oct 2017 – 23:59 |
Unique visitors |
Number of visits |
Pages |
Hits |
Bandwidth |
Viewed traffic * |
30,218 (3.26 visits/visitor) |
121,949 (4.03 Pages/Visit) |
274,997 (9.1 Hits/Visit) |
9.63 GB (334.05 KB/Visit) |
Not viewed traffic * |
432,632 |
505,617 |
12.12 GB |
Compared with last October, we are way down in Uniques, and way up in all other categories. Fewer visitors doing much more is a win.
Here out ClustrMap for 2018 YTD. This is ten months’ traffic. I partially fixed the problem we had last month
ClustrMap misses a lot of visits, because many visits can’t be easily traced to a location.
Here are our top five articles:
Fuhrer Financial Fraud 10/3/2018 1,099
I’m Going to Puke! 10/5/2018 866
Merkley Gone Wild! 10/17/2018 706
Bill Maher from 10/12 10/13/2018 675
Republicans on Parade – 10/8/2018 10/8/2018 580
The count represents only the people who opened the page for that specific article. All were from this year. All were from October. I wrote all five. I would have been happier to see more of our other authors’ work represented here. JD, Nameless, Lona and Squatch have written fine articles.
Here are our top non-blog/news referrers (100 referral minimum):
Google .com 3,738
Care2 2,285
Google was up from last month. Care2 was slightly down.
Here are our top blog/news referrers:
We had 4 sites with 2 or more referrals, down 2 from September. Putting blogs’ links here increases the ratings of their sites, so this “linkey love” is our thank you for their referral support. We still need to improve this. Since May, I cleaned up our blog roll and found most of the sites either were gone or had not published for years. Now I still need to visit the few who remain.
As of midnight November 1, we had 8,570 articles and 102,773 comments.
Pat B won a another Big Mouth Award for the 102,000th comment on October 5. We think she’s taking it over. More kudos for Pat, please. From now now on, Big Mouth winners at 10,000 levels will have their choice of a PP mug or a PP T Shirt. Staff will remain eligible to be winners at the 1,000 levels, Winners at prize winning levels will be the first non-staff commenter. If any staff member wants a mug or a T Shirt, let me know.
I recommend using your own avatar. Go to Gravatar. Sign up using the email address you use to post comments here and upload the image you want to use as your avatar. Whenever you comment under that email address here or on any WordPress blog (several others too), that image will become your avatar.
Your Administrators are Lynn Squance, aka Sasquatch or Squatch, SoINeedAName, aka Nameless, and I, aka TomCat, the Founder. Your Editors are Joanne Dixon, aka JD the Erynator and Lona Goudswaard, aka Lona the Napster. I promoted them from Author in August 2017 to give them the ability to add graphics to comments and the ability to correct my innumerable typos.
This is our policy on links. We do not embed links to extreme Republican websites, like Faux Noise, Breitfart or World Nut Daily. However I leave notes in square brackets when I delete such links, (example: [faux noise delinked]) so readers, who wish to follow them can click through to the source article. I also remove topical links. Finally, I blank the target on all links, so they open in a new tab or window.
We now have just 4 days, before we will have a major opportunity to reclaim part of our nation from the fascist Reich that possesses all three branches of government. Please do every thing you can.
Thank you for your support here, and kudos for all the good you do, everywhere you do it.
4 DAYS!!
11 Responses to “Monthly Report for October 2018”
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Speaking as an author, I’m not convinced my output during the month of October was competitive with yours. The one from October 6th was filled with hugely important information, but it was also pretty technical, which can be off-putting. And I know darned well I can’t compete with Bill Maher. Everything up except uniques … well, that’s good.
Looking good. Although the numbers visiting appears down as other graphs also suggest. Nevertheless, the numbers are rising overall.
Honestly, I don’t know how you do it, with everything going on, but I am ‘BIGLY’ grateful for what you do, say, and get out, and non-stop too. Kudos to you, Tom!!
Most importantly….THANK YOU, as well to your Administrators, and Editors. Awesome team!!
I had expected the October numbers to be as low as September’s, with midterm fatigue having set in, but everything was up except for uniques. Excellent. This could also mean that September was a fluke. Nobody could explain it anyway.
Now hope for a blue tsunami, TomCat, a big happy blue wave on which you can surf too. If nothing changes after November 6 and Drumpf and his GOP enablers can continue to wreck the US and the rest of the world, I’m not sure if I can keep any enthusiasm for American politics going. For me that’s OK, but you’d all have to live with it for another two years. But let’s stay positive and prepare to surf on top of that big blue wave.
Interesting numbers….Agree with others that you sure do a lot of work getting all of this information out each and every day.
Technical question:
I read the articles on the homepage (just, then I open them w/ the “Responses” button at the end on the bottom right to see the Comments.
I do NOT open the article from its title link – just the “Responses” button. Would that still count as a “specific view”?
I ask because you say:
“The count represents only the people who opened the page for that specific article.”
So I’m not sure if opening it from “Responses” counts as opening for that specific article, or if you have to open if from its title link at the top.
Yes. Once you have the article off the Home page, it doesn’t matter if it’s from title or response.
Thanks. Us oldsters hate to change our ways, you know.
YVW, my friend!
I am with Pat when she says:
“Honestly, I don’t know how you do it, with everything going on, but I am ‘BIGLY’ grateful for what you do, say, and get out, and non-stop too. Kudos to you, Tom!! “
And I shall endeavour to comment daily and write more often! I do at least read the articles, everybody’s, even if I don’t comment! The quality is GREAT and thought provoking!!!
Thanks and hugs to all. It’s why I’m always pooped when I’m done.