Other than the Republican Party itself, few things are a greater blight on America than the Republican Reichsministry of propaganda, Faux Noise. They are so disingenuous that Faux Noise sheeple are more poorly informed than people with no news at all. What Faux Noise does best is to spread hate, such as the hate that inspired the Nazi Caravan Synagogue Murderer. I agree with others that it’s time to close the wallet to Faux Noise advertisers.
Fox ‘News’ makes their money brainwashing their viewers and filling their minds with hateful views, conspiracy theories, racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic viewpoints. Their reign of terror has gone on for decades, unchecked.
It has reached a breaking point and we must act. Just watch the above clip from Laura Ingraham’s show. It is vile, despicable and hateful. After days of venom aimed at the helpless and terrified people walking in the caravan to the southern border of the United States, Ingraham is now directly saying that these innocent people are unvaccinated (how do they know this?) and infested with diseases, like rabies and typhoid.
Edward Luce, the US National Editor of the Financial Times, is calling for a boycott on Fox News…
Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>
Here’s the embedded video:
Barf Bag Alert!!
Click though to C&L for a list of advertisers to boycott.
Sorry guys! This means no more vacations at Viagra Falls.
8 DAYS!!
16 Responses to “No Faux!”
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It’s time? No, it’s past time! The C&L link is a good place to start, but my link is a permanent link, updated weekly, with periodic summaries, and the ability to target specific shows.
I grant that I don’t know whether mine has Twitter handles, becaus I don’t tweet.
Thanks to Pat B ….


does Ms. Ingraham know that rabies is pretty much 100% fatal?????? there have been a few people survive once infected if diagnosed early and treated aggressively, but once you get sick you tend to get very very sick…..
Sure is too bad intellectual rabies doesn’t work as swiftly or as terminally.
Good for Edward Luce calling on a boycott of Faux Newz. We watch football that’s streamed in on that channel, but other than that, it’s no go for Fox, in this household. period.!!!
Tweet: to tweet or not to tweet. I don’t as I do not have a Twitter in hand. For those of you who do have an account, twitter away. Time to boycott Faux Noise! Faux Noise is a pox, a pest on american news and culture. Fear mongering!
But, it is way past time for Faux Noise to cease and desist broadcasting. It is, after all, as many of you already know, Faux Noise is a propaganda tool for the republican party. They are simply awful. Needless to say, I do not watch it. Shudder.
I used to believe the B.S. that Faux News was “fair and balanced.” Fortunately, I have seen the light. Faux News is unfair and unbalanced.
Faux news is like tRump, nasty and truly gross…both pure trash .Personally never watched the channel. I don’t tweet either. Boycott Faux Noise and their sponsors now.
IT IS TIME AND THEN SOME! I had hoped foursome good change after Roger Ailes got his just desserts…but NO!!!!!!
It is beyond time, WAY BEYOND! I had thought there might be some positive change after Roger Ailes got his just desserts….but NO!!!!!!!!
Faux News, and of course later Drumpf, have already maintained in 2015 that illegal immigrants, then from South and Central America as they are now, were not vaccinated and were responsible for outbreaks of Measles and the like. Fact checkers quickly did away with that, showing that people from countries south of the USA are in general better vaccinated than Americans. Now Faux News tries those same old lies again. They couldn’t even be bothered to think up some new lies.
Faux News owes its viewers, and perhaps more of its advertisers than we like, to telling people increasingly more vicious porkies. I hope that those advertisers which do not depend on telling porkies themselves, are willing to abandon Faux News under the pressure of a boycott of their products, as a direct boycott of Faux News would have no result at all. Activists will not watch Faux News no matter what, their boycott has been ongoing for years and nobody has noticed the difference. ? We’re not the people they cater for, but some of their advertisers may be, which is worth a try. A previous boycott did seem to harm Ingraham quite a bit, but its effects apparently didn’t last very long.
Thanks and pooped hugs to all.
I understood that Faux Noise (Fox News) was not allowed to operate in Canada because there was an issue of truthfulness in broadcasting that is contained in the Canada Radio Act. According to SNOPES.com, I was partially wrong. While the law does call for truth in news reporting and journalism, it only applies to Canadian companies and Faux is American. I think we need to do something about that! Faux does have a digital license in Canada so it can be included in cable packages, unfortunately! I do not have cable at all.
Having said that, I will boycott as many of these advertisers as possible. However, some of my medications are made by Pfiser and Boehringer Ingelheim so that makes a complete boycott impossible.
As for this poor excuse for a human being, Laura Ingraham, she is vile! As Lona noted, and I remember this, “Fact checkers quickly did away with that, showing that people from countries south of the USA are in general better vaccinated than Americans.” Racist tropes emanating from disgusting Republicans.
We get faux in Australia but i believe it’s only on cable, which i do not have!
i would never risk soiling my brain cells by watching it!