Oct 222018

Last night I was exhausted, but I did not sleep well.  Today, I feel so burned out that I just need to tale a day and rest.  I should be back in the saddle tomorrow.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:08 (average 6:42).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



  16 Responses to “Personal Update – 10/22/2018”

  1. 8:35 So JigZone fell into the chord-cord trap.

    It looks like a good day to take a break, so far. I’m not seeing anything in my newsletters that won’t wait. Of course I’m a bit behind, having had to go out this a.m. to pick up scrips (and take my all-Dem ballot to the Post Office), but I would think I would have at least seen a headline if something wild had broken.

    Cartoon – Yup. And especially in Georgia this year.

  2. A day of rest (like naps) are a good thing to enjoy … on a regular basis.

  3. Good for you!
    Sometimes one needs to take a day off, and to rest, and take it easy. It’s food for the Soul, and we all need that! Take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: “White Old Republican Men.” = WORMS

  4. Best to take a break to settle one’s nerves. TC, you do deserve a nice nap. A very nice and warm nap. Comfy. 

    “Outrage fatigue is real”. I don’t know about you, TC, but I am feeling it quite a bit. An overload for sure. I do the best I can to remain calm these days. sigh…


  5. I’ve had many nights like that, where I was so exhausted and went to bed and had the hardest time sleeping. It’s so frustrating. Then I drag the next day.
    You deserve a break today.. and I don’t mean at McDonald’s. 

  6. Rest up my friend! ?

  7. If your so exhausted:

    then make sure to get some of this:

    followed by a bit of this:

    and some more of that:

    enough to have your batteries recharged and get back to:

    Enjoy your day of rest, TomCat!

  8. Puzzle — 4:55 Diamonds . . . a girl’s best friend . . . and also my birthstone!

    Cartoon —  That plan undoubtedly extends to women too even though they make up 51% of the population.

    I think you need to ask Lona for some nice warm and fuzzy cuddle-up cat naps! Please look after yourself . . . or I might have to come down there and kick your puddy tat butt!!!

    • Were my grandpa alive today, he would be 127 years old. As it is, he died at the age of 99.5 years old having lived a wonderful and eventful life. Happy Birthday grandpa! (he and I were very close)

  9. Thanks all.  I needed that. 23

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