Oct 052018

It’s been such a busy week that I’m feeling so burned out that I thought it was Thursday, until just a few minutes ago.  Pardon my brevity.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:15 (average 5:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): KAVANAUGH – A Parody


Thanks Don. Pervert Kavanookie can’t wait to have a pervert party with Clarence Thomas and Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Daily Kos Channel): CNN 10 04 2018 Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says NO to Kavanaugh nomination


This has never happened before. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From AlterNet: In a new piece for the New York Review of Books, historian Christopher Browning warns that there are troubling parallels between the present-day United States and the days of fascism’s rise in Europe.

Browning, a specialist in the areas of the Holocaust, Nazi Germany, and world war-era Europe, isn’t arguing that President Donald Trump is a modern Adolf Hitler or that Trumpism is akin to Nazism. But he does argue that certain stress fractures in the society and the international order appear to be re-emerging and that these patterns portend troubling trends for the United States and the rest of the world.

And there is one figure in American politics that Browning does see as a relatively direct — and troubling — analog to a crucial world war-era figure. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the Kentucky Republican, is becoming "the gravedigger of American democracy," Browning wrote, a role played for Germany beginning in the 1930s by President Paul von Hindenburg… [emphasis added]

Click through for more.  Now why I call them the Republican Reich should be clear. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



  9 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/5/2018”

  1. 7:04 Many jasmines are toxic, and I wouldn’t trust this one an inch.

    PP – I figured you would be posting Don. Here’s Randy (“When they go low, we go Lerner & Loewe”)

    DKos vid – Judge Stevens is the same one who recommends repealing the Second Amendment. So no Republican will listen. They’ll likely be calling him senile in 3… 2… 1…

    AlterNet – Nothing you, TC, haven’t been saying for years. Nice to have a pro confirming it.

    Cartoon – A sad day for humanity (though not for Republicans).

  2. It’s worth mentioning that Justice John Paul Stevens is a lifelong Republican who was appointed by Pres. Gerald Ford.


  3. If Kava-nut is confirmed, we can kiss progress in this country good-bye – even if we get a blue tsunami next month. The Orange Ogre has appointed so many right-wing judges, our so-called justice system will need decades to recover.

  4. PP: Spot on, PP, as is RR. (thx, Joanne)

    DKvid: Good for Ret. Judge John Paul Stevens, though I doubt the gop will listen to him.

    AN: Absolutely frightening article, it’s all about him gaining power. Passing on as well. Kentucky has voted for MM for the past 33 years, but the Bluegrass State remains among the poorest in the country. RR is an apt name for them also, which you’ve been writing for years now.

    Cartoon: So tragic and sad.

    Hang in there, Tom. We need you !!! Get your rest, take good, good care, enjoy your evening, and Thanks, Tom.

  5. YouTube ( Parody Project Channel ) Could not watch the parody on the Parody Channel. I really dislike Kavanaugh so much that I cannot watch him spew his outrageous comments and behaviors. sigh…

    YouTube: I am glad that Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens says NO to Kavanaugh nomination. Big kudos!

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the Kentucky Republican, is becoming “the gravedigger of American democracy,”. Bought Bitch Mitch McConnell is enabling Drumpf to fulfill his obligations to Putin and “clear” his debt. Time for Bought Bitch McConnell to die!Bitch has done so much damage to the American People over the years. When are the people going to wake up about their “Bitch”…

    Cartoon: A very sad day when Chief Joseph surrendered… big sigh.


  6. Alternet:  We did it agin, TC!: https://www.care2.com/news/member/565542931/4121898
    PPC: Seen and sadly acknowledged.
    DK Channel: Right but, of no use!
    ‘Toon:   sad.

  7. I remember once when I was much younger, I fell asleep one afternoon after return from lunch with friends where we consumed a bit of beer.  Later, I woke up, look at a clock that said 7:00. I did not know if it was 7 am or 7 pm.  I actually called up the time on the phone (shows you how long ago it was) to see if it was am or pm.
    Dont feel so bad that you didn’t realize it was Friday. 

  8. PP: Don doubts if there could be a worse choice than Kavanaugh. No need to doubt, Don. I’m absolutely certain there isn’t.

    DK: Sad that Kavanaugh’s performance during the hearing didn’t change the minds of those who will vote on his nomination. Nothing can change their minds, they’re beyond that, no longer thinking rationally and of their own accord. They’re pathetic zombies, yet they decide the faith of millions of women in case of Kavanaugh and America in general in case of Drumpf. Things must change!

    Alternet: Little new here, perhaps sharper and more aggressive than before, but a lot of people have been saying this, including non-pundits like myself, for the past two years. If things don’t turn around after the midterms I fear for the worst.

    Cartoon: Another one of those sad days.

  9. Thanks and sad hugs. 19

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