Oct 032018

It’s a busy day here in the the CatBox.  I’m waiting for Store to Door to deliver groceries, so I’ll need to unload and stash them.  It’s actually a bit chilly here, and I’m enjoying that.  I made the graphic and collected the data I’ll need for tomorrow’s monthly report.  ClustrMap is on the fritz and I have no idea why.  WWWendy is back on schedule so she comes this evening to destink the TomCat.  My plan is to finish my work shortly after lunch, as I’m still quite tired.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:17 (average 5:00).  To do it, click here.  How did you do? (I ate a big bowl of killer green cloud chili last night, hoping to blow that Sasquatch back, long enough for me to get that dawg!)

Short Takes:

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Trump mocks Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony

Barf Bag Alert!!


Put this together with Kavanookie’s statements about her and we have a tag-team of perverts. Putting Kavanookie on SCROTUS (Republican Unconstitutional VD) would be no worse than giving the seat to Trump. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Daily Kos: Georgia’s Republican Senator David Perdue, known around these parts for being a millionaire who loves bailouts and outsourcing American jobs, was walking through Washington’s Ronald Reagan National Airport when he was approached by three women. According to The Cut, the three women, including two identified as sexual-assault survivors, wanted to ask Sen. Perdue to stand up for women by demanding a thorough investigation into Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

The three women — sexual-assault survivors Patti Serrano and Jennifer Epps-Addison, of the Center for Popular Democracy advocacy group, along with Arizona State Representative Isela Blanc — also asked Perdue whether he supports a full FBI investigation into the allegations against Kavanaugh.

Perdue tried to ignore the women, and then told one of them not to touch him when she put out her hand to introduce herself. Perdue proceeded to make a beeline for an airport bathroom. Maybe an appropriate Republican motto could be “Republicans: angry and afraid of women … since forever.”

That a thoroughly Republican thing to do! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From NY Times: Amazon said on Tuesday that it would raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour for its United States employees, a rare acknowledgment that it was feeling squeezed by political pressure and a tight labor market. The raises apply for part-time workers and those hired through temporary agencies.

The company said it would also lobby Washington to raise the federal minimum wage, which has been set at $7.25 for almost a decade.

The new wages will apply to more than 250,000 Amazon employees, including those at the grocery chain Whole Foods, as well as the more than 100,000 seasonal employees it plans to hire for the holiday season. The change will not apply to contract workers. It goes into effect on Nov. 1.

“We listened to our critics, thought hard about what we wanted to do, and decided we want to lead,” Amazon’s chief executive, Jeff Bezos, said in a statement. “We’re excited about this change and encourage our competitors and other large employers to join us.”

Kudos to Jeff Bezos and amazon.com. I’d rather pay a little more, if that means more for workers. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



  18 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/3/2018”

  1. 5:28 This reminds me of the woman who wanted so badly to have a Golden retriever. Her husband got her this.

    George Takei passes on this new entry in the Urban Dictionary

    CNN – Umm, well, yeah, it’s what he does.

    DKos – Umm, well, yeah, it’s what he does.

    Amazon – This is nice. I’m not jumping up and down in celebration until I get a better idea whether it will last and how it will work long term. After all, we’ve seen DC voters pass a referendum to increase the minimum wage only to see it voted down by city government.

    Cartoon – Isn’t THAT the truth.

  2. The truly disheartening thing WRT Twitler’s vile personal attack on Dr. Ford is that I doubt it will move one Rethuglican to do the right thing and vote “NO!”.

    Oh, sure – they’ll mouth their standard platitudes and claim to be “concerned” – but they’ll probably all fall in line when it comes time to voting.

  3. DK: Definitely need to spread the news far and wide that David Per-pew is a moral coward. He’ll be up for re-election in a couple years, so maybe his opponent could use that incident against him. I hate that creep, and I’ve been calling him, as well as his colleague Johnny Isakson, to vote against Kava-nah every day.

  4. CNN: Can’t, won’t, didn’t watch this, I read about his comment. What a disgraceful thing to say. He’s a sick man. imho.

    DK: Can dish it out, but run away when asked something. Just like bMM at the airport when he was confronted . They all need to retire, and go away.

    Amazon: Good start, as the holidays are coming quickly, so I’m glad to see the pay increase for the workers.

    Cartoon: Sad.

    HI, WWWendy! Hope that you have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: “October is Donald Trump Awareness Month. Please help find a cure.”  ~S. Williams~

  5. YouTube CNN: This is not the only time Drumpf has mocked another human being. It is par course for him to mock people in a public setting. Drumpf certainly is a barf thing himself.. 

    The people ( voters) should remember Perdue at the next election when his term is up for re-election. Vote him out!

    NYT: I’ll believe Bezos of Amazon when the employees start receiving their increased paychecks.

    Cartoon: Money, money, money… who wants it…


    • Whoops, wrong cartoon. Not the dollar bills. The “GUN”. Yep, that is a very republican way of negotiating  and setting terms.


  6. Glad to see Amazon paying their workers more. With over a quarter of million workers that’s a big move by the executives. I wonder if the 60 Minutes exposure (just before Labor Day) on how badly Amazon workers were being treated and paid had any pressure on their decision? Without unions we must rely on public pressure to force companies to do the right thing. Better yet, lets hope corporate executives are learning their employees ARE the most important part of their operations and more than worth the investment.  

    • Bernie Sanders applied a lot of pressure, I know, personally and through groups.  But how much was that and how much was other factors I can’t say.

  7. CNN: Drumpf’s mocking was so disgusting that the clip made the news here too, with everyone condemning this atrocious behaviour and the remark that this might lose him some Republican votes in the Senate rather than persuade all to vote for Kavanaugh.

    DK: Take a Republican away from his safety blanket – his group of buddies who are all like him: grumpy old white males – and he shows what a coward he really is.

    NYT: Sounds like a plan, Bezos. We’ll see in 12 months time if this turned out as good as it sounded or if it was just a good PR stunt to soften the blow of higher prices, shall we?

  8. Puzzle — 3:09 My puppy!!!  No doggie fricassée for Puddy Tat today!!!

    CNN — If you heard Huckabee Sanders, then you know she said that Diaper Don was pretty much telling the truth about the events.  I suppose there can be truth mentioned from time to time even from the biggest liars.  But, Diaper Don was definitely mocking Christine Ford in the most egregious way possible . . . it was all in the tone of voice, facial expressions and body language.  Unfortunately, his supporters are not smart enough to clue in to this.  They just sit there laughing and clapping!  If I recall correctly from my communications courses, 80-90% of understanding messages/communications is dependent upon non verbal cues.  With that, Diaper Don exceled.

    Daily Kos — For Republicans, when you’re wrong and you’re confronted, run to the nearest exit . . . er bathroom where nobody will follow you.  Too bad your green chilli cloud wasn’t in there Puddy Tat.  There might have been one less Republican misogynist creep to worry about!

    NY Times — Good on them.  Are most of their employees part time?  What about full time salaried workers who, if you converted their annual salary to an hourly rate, would be under the $15/hr rate?

    Cartoon — Indeed!  Republicans do not play well with others in the sandbox!

  9. Thanks all.  Pooped Hugs. 19

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