Aug 312018

Another month is coming to an end, and here in the CatBox, the morning was cool, but the sum hit the wall, and I had to button up.  I have a very busy weekend with a mug and Tee Shirt to order, a new poll to get out, and a Monthly Report.  Because the 2nd is a WWWendy day, I plan to publish the report on the third.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:58 (average 5:16).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Ecstasy:


As enjoyable as this is, it had little meaning, as none of the starters played.  Next week, the Holy Ellipsoid Orb will shine its light in earnest, and the games will count.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Donald Trump Frantic To Shore Up Base As Scandals Deepen, Insiders Flip


The Republican Party faithful 45 years ago were misled but decent. The Party faithful today are a deplorable slurry of racists, nativists, homophobes, misogynists, anti-environmentalists, KKK, Nazis and stupid sheeple.. Today’s Republican base will goose-step no matter what their Fuhrer says or does. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Politico: Sixty percent of those polled in a new survey disapprove of President Donald Trump’s job performance, a new high for the president in joint polling conducted by The Washington Post and ABC News.

The poll, released Friday and conducted just days after special counsel Robert Mueller delivered a one-two punch to the Trump administration in federal court, found a little more than one-third of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance. The poll was conducted last week, when former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was found guilty on tax and bank fraud charges and Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to eight counts, including campaign finance violations, in a Manhattan courtroom.

Trump’s approval rating, according to the poll, was 36 percent.

That’s expected, but this is frightening. That 36% not only vote, but even worse, they interbreed reproduce! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Alternet: Hours after he launched yet another "direct attack" on workers by canceling a modest pay raise for around two million federal employees, President Donald Trump told Bloomberg on Thursday that he is considering a regressive and possibly illegal plan to use his executive power to hand the rich another $100 billion in tax cuts by indexing capital gains to inflation.

That is the Republican way. They take from workers to provide another $100 billion in welfare to 0.1% billionaires.  RESIST!!  VOTE BLUE!!



  10 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/31/2018”

  1. MSNBC: WOW: I like how Rachel talks about this investigation. John Dean coming in to testify against Kavanaugh! holy moly!! The hole gets deeper and deeper, with all the sheet that is being shoveled in it! Great video.

    Politico: Good numbers, but like you, TC, I wonder about those 36% who do support him.

    AN: How low can he go?? Pretty dam low, for ALL of us!! 

    Cartoon: Yep!

    I sure do hope we start to cool off sometime here. Hope that you have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom. We beat the Cowboys 14-6, they looked kinda sloppy, tho. imho

    *This just in: “Buy American! I just did!” Vladimir Putin (wink-wink). 20

  2. Good to see the Horsies won again. Of course, the pre-season doesn’t always reflect what happens when games count.
    tRumps approval rating is 36%? It’s that high? It may drop lower after those 2 million federal employees realize they got El Shafto Royale.
    Cartoon is unfortunately spot on. The only jobs the Plutocrats create when they get tax cuts are in overseas sweatshops. If those cuts created jobs HERE, we’d have openings coming out of our ears, and would be begging for immigrants to fill them.

  3. Great news that Twitler reached a new HIGH in his DISAPPROVAL ratings.

    Did you see the Poll where, following Sen. McCain’s death, Democrats have a more favorable view of him (75%) compared to republicans (52%)?

    This is really one sicko-party you got there, Twitler.

  4. 5:31 It doesn’t say what the medium is, but it’s probably not edible.

    Rachel – Today’s Republicans are “True Believers,” as Eric Hoffer called them. They CAN change. IF they change, they generally do so in a straight 180° turn-around. Physical violence is generally unlikely, but emotional violence within the person experiencing the change is almost inevitable. I predict small numbers but very, very loud voices.

    Politico – 60 plus 36 = 96. Not many “undecided”s there.

    AlterNet – If the raise was indeed modest, I don’t see how he’s going to get $100B out of cancelling it. The rest of us had better watch out backs. How much lower can he go? This cartoon, from last October, is copyrighted, so I’m linking it rather than showing it.

    Cartoon – As most of us know, the REAL job creators are the workers who purchase goods and services. Lke the ones who just lost their pay raise. I wonder how many jobs were lost.

  5. MSNBC: One of the striking differences between (the leaders of) the Republicans then and now is that then the appeared to genuinely believe Nixon wasn’t as big a crook as Dean was making him out to be. Nowadays Republicans have known from the start that Drumpf was, and is, a crook and they are now complicit in those crimes because they have let him continue unhindered. There is a huge difference between not believing someone is a crook and simply ignoring that fact, and ignoring it because most party members are more or less a crook themselves.

    Politico: Shame on you, America. After all that happened last week 36% of you still approve of Drumpf and 4% still have no idea what to think. Not wanting to admit having made a mistake when voting for him, is quite understandable, but after all that happened so many still approving him is unconscionable.

    Alternet: Drumpf feels the net is tightening around him so he needs to make sure he profits as much as possible from his stay in the White House. If that means a regressive and illegal plan for more tax cuts for those rich like himself, so be it. Of Course the GOP will support him in this, so America be damned.

    Cartoon: Not as much as they did before. They don’t create jobs, full stop. They just make more money out of money on the stock markets.

  6. Thanks all.  Hugs! 46

  7. Puzzle — 3:49  Edible or not, you don’t have to worry about it Puddy Tat because it is mine, all mine!!!

    MSNBC — Good background information on Watergate and Nixon from ’73-’74.  As you say, “The Party faithful today are a deplorable slurry of racists, nativists, homophobes, misogynists, anti-environmentalists, KKK, Nazis and stupid sheeple.”  That really changes the dynamics, and not for the better.  In their minds, ‘We The People’ does not exist as intended by the Founding Fathers, but only as according to Diaper Don in his rhetoric and to themselves.  DD has effectively divided the country and promotes that division.  And the Party is supporting that division as evidenced by its failure to hold DD to account.

    Politico — I read about the rating elsewhere and was astonished that over 80% of Republicans still approve of Diaper Don’s job performance, and of course we all know from one of his interviews that he gives himself and A+ for job performance.  (Gag me with a spoon will you!)  I wonder how much DD has had to pay rank and file Republicans to keep them so happy with his job performance — big tax breaks?  People need to wake up, and wake up now!  DD is raising the swamp!!!

    AlterNet  — Diaper Don is robbin’ the hood to give to all the king’s men!  I wonder how many of those government employees voted for this sorry excuse for a human being, let alone a POTUS?  In DD’s mind, if you’re not a 1%er, you’re less than dirt.  And possibly illegal???  Sounds about right!  At least DD is being consistent!

    Cartoon — Yup!  And in an article I read awhile back, those big tax breaks to corporations which publicly were going to create jobs??? . . . most went into stock buy backs which of course just increases shareholder value.  Most of the money that was actually going to employees went as one time bonuses and not as wage increases.

  8. MSNBC: Donny boy will blather till the cows come home,and poo in his mouth!
    Politico: Hey, there were 10% of the fools thinking Nixon was doing a great job, the night before he announced he was resigning.
    Alternet: No surprise, he’s just trying to finish up Reagan’s work.

  9. MSNBC: Donny boy will blather till the cows come home,and poo in his mouth!
    Politico: Hey, there were 10% of the fools thinking Nixon was doing a great job, the night before he announced he was resigning.
    Alternet: No surprise, he’s just trying to finish up Reagan’s work.

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