A Cancer on Our Democracy

 Posted by at 1:12 pm  Politics
Aug 302018

Last night, Sen. Elizabeth Warren interviewed with Ari Melber and tore Trump a third sphincter, in addition to the one in the standard location and the one under his nose.  She called Trump a "cancer on our democracy".  Rather than comment extensively myself, here is a brief introductory article and the video.


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) blasted President Donald Trump Wednesday in an appearance on MSNBC’s "The Beat with Ari Melber," saying that his being implicated in the crimes of his former lawyer Michael Cohen show a deeper problem in American democracy.

Cohen pleaded guilty last week to eight counts of crimes in federal court. Two of the counts included campaign finance crimes, which he said he was directed to carry out by Trump.

"He has certainly implicated Donald Trump, he’s making clear the connections here," Warren said. "And I’m sure that everybody is listening who is involved in the investigation of the deeper relationship between Russia, the Trump campaign, Donald Trump himself. And now, whatever is happening in connection with the Justice Department in trying to shut down the investigation."…

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WARREN 2020!!



68 DAYS!!


  14 Responses to “A Cancer on Our Democracy”

  1. Indeed. I suspect some of the bill is already law, or implied in existing law (I’m looking at YOU, emoluments clause). But if the American public is going to continue to elect idiots, and greedy idiots at that, then these things need to be spelled out in law so clearly that no one can plead that they didn’t understand.


  2. I think it’s great legislation, clean out the corruption up on the hill, and with her bill, it would impose a lifetime ban on lobbying for presidents and federal lawmakers, and bar U.S. lobbyists from using foreign cash to affect American policy.(eliminate the influence of $$ in our government.)
    Love the picture too !!

  3. Whatever it takes – excision, radiation treatments, chemotherapy, Voodoo – our country needs to rid itself of the “Twitler Tumor” if we want to survive and thrive.

  4. Warren has always, IMHO, been on top of the greed and political lust!  I have heard of, read of, no bill that she has been associated with that I would not champion!
    ‘Toon: Oh, has she been speaking with Stormy?

  5. Warren’s proposed bill should make it through as soon as possible, all of it, every page. And while they’re at it, also a bill of protection for special prosecutors. But what are the chances of such bipartisanship? You think that most Republicans and, let’s be honest, quite a number of Democrats in Congress would vote against their own interests and that of their masters?

  6. I really, really, hope her bill [passes.

  7. We need laws that stymie corruption and conflicts of interest like what Warren proposes. Enforcing it, though – aye, there’s the rub.

  8. A president releasing tax returns is a tradition, not a law. I agree, it should be a law. The tradition started with Richard Nixon. Nixon released his tax returns in defense of himself. It was after his famous, “the people should know if their president is a crook” comment.
    McCain/Feingold took a long time to become law. It was one of those maverick moves on McCain’s part. His Republican party was against it. McConnell took the case to the Supreme court after he lost the vote in the Senate. McConnell lost the court case and McCain/Feingold became law.

    McCain himself got caught up in the “keating five” scandal, but was cleared by the Senate.  I have always been dubious of a group investigating and “clearing” their own members. 
    I think most Americans understand by now how corrupting lobbying and money is in the Congress of the United States. This problem/argument has been going on since the beginning of our country. The arguments with Hamilton and the banking procedures was just the start of this centuries old debate within the Congress. The Democrats (over the centuries and especially in most of the 20th century) were guilty of protecting their graft and using their majority to stop regulations from becoming law.
    It’s imperative to take the money out of elections and lobbying out of the Congress. Before he leaves office, we may have Trump to thank for forcing America to make law regulations Congress has been ducking for decades/centuries. There is nothing like excessive abuses to bring light to an issue.

    The country may not be successful in impeaching Trump, but Trump will certainly be under investigation the rest of his life after leaving office. Trump may be bankrupt before he dies, but I doubt he will ever spend a day in jail.  

  9. JD’s graphic says it all very succinctly!

    The Republican Party is the cancer.

    Trump is the tumour.

    It is past time to eradicate the disease, excise it from the body, the United States.

    I can just see Diaper Don’s tweet after Warren’s interview and her proposed bill: Pocahontas is promoting a false narrative.  Although those words are a little above his level, well except the reference to Pocahontas.

    Drain the swamp of Diaper Don, Republicans and all their confrères!

    Vote BLUE!!!

  10. Thanks all!  Hugs! 18

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