Aug 292018

Here in the CatBox today’s high will be in the mid-80°s with over 50% humidity.  I slept very little sleep last night, because it was so muggy.  Pardon my brevity.  WWWendy comes this evening.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:34 (average 4:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): President Donald Trump Intervened In Plan For FBI HQ Near His Hotel: IG Report


That’s a clear violation of the emoluments clause. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Ann Coulter Blames Opioid Epidemic On Lack Of Border Wall

Barf Bag Alert!!


Pure InsaniTEA! I still think the Coultergeist has an Adam’s apple. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Newsweek: Adult film star Stormy Daniels has taken a dig at president Donald Trump’s sexual performance—suggesting the businessman “maybe” lasted two minutes in bed.

Speaking in an interview with Vogue that was published on Tuesday, Daniels was asked for details about her alleged sexual encounter with Trump.

“How many details can you really give about two minutes?” Daniels responded. Pressed further by interviewer Amy Chozick, who responded “Two minutes?” Daniels quipped, “Maybe. I’m being generous.”

Two minutes? I’m shocked. Who would have imagined such staying power! Stormy must be being infinitely generous! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!




  22 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/29/2018”

  1. 5:46 It surely looks like that stream once carried more water. I’ve been seeing waterways like that around Colorado this summer after last winter was so dry. One river in particular, the Huerfano, had a wildfire around it including where it crosses the highway, and all that’s left in the channel is a couple of puddles, even after several days of rain. I’ve heard of rivers with water so contaminated that the water itself would burn, but I don’t recall hearing of a fire burning a river up before.

    MSNBC – Of course it’s a violation, and he or someone close to him knew it was, or they wouldn’t have tried to keep it secret. Even though his cult wouldn’t care.

    Coultergeist – I’ve heard the argument that Mollie Tibbetts would still be alive if we had a wall. Right, and if we had locked up all white males right after Columbine we wouldn’t have had any more mass shootings. Makes about as much sense. Remember that old saying about a fly and a sledgehammer? Well this is like bringing tanks to swat a fly. (And BTW whether or not she has an Adam’s apple is not really pertinent and insensitive to the transgendered.

    NYT – Saw this somewhere. Can’t wait for Orange Judas’s response.

    Cartoon – Nice closet. Doesn’t look much like a log cabin, though.

    • P. S. I’m putting this on today’s post rather than yesterday so that people can see it  It’s the one Pat posted a link to – this link – but it’s signed by Occupy Democrats, and TC and I are figuring that since they are into sharing information that they won’t mind.

      • Thanks, TC and Joanne for posting. 
        Senator McCain is not done, even in death.
        From Politico: 
        “The Republican senator from Arizona, who planned his own funeral, chose Russian dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza as one of the dignitaries to carry his coffin to the front of the Washington National Cathedral at Saturday’s memorial service. The choice of Kara-Murza, who twice suffered organ failure from poisoning, appears aimed at sending a last message to Putin and Trump, who McCain had criticized for sounding too cozy with the Russian leader, amid an investigation into whether the U.S. president’s allies cooperated with Moscow’s efforts to intervene in the 2016 election. For more than seven years, McCain and Kara-Murza had each other’s backs as each criticized Putin and what they saw as his autocratic tendencies in Russia.

        Last April, a mutual friend brought Kara-Murza a personal message from McCain. The senator had been diagnosed nine months earlier with an aggressive form of brain tumor known as a glioblastoma and wanted the young Russian to be a pallbearer at his funeral. Would he agree?

        “I was speechless and heartbroken, close to tears at that moment,” Kara-Murza told POLITICO on Tuesday. “I said yes, of course, and that it would be the most heartbreaking honor that anyone could think of.”

        By JOSH MEYER
         08/28/2018 04:21 PM EDT

      • LMAO!!!  That is so good and so appropriate!  I hope Diaper Don saw it!!!

    • JD, I think you may have misunderstood me.  I would never disrespect any flavor of LGBT people.  The Coultergeist has a long history of cruelty to them, and if the cruelty is coming from the closet she deserves the disrespect for hypocrisy.  34

  2. MSNBC: Good grief!! It doesn’t surprise me at all, in the length of what this guy does, or his involvement in this. 

    BBA: We don’t need a wall. Never have, nor should we have one!!! period. 

    NW: He won’t reply, imho, rather he will act like a petulant child in need of a nap. lol 

    Cartoon: Wow! Fancy pants! 

    Hi, WWWendy! It rained here, not much, but I’m thankful. Hope that you have a good evening, relax, and take good care. Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “Only in America can you find so many angry conservatives claiming to love their Country, while hating almost everyone in it.”

    Also: Alert!! BETO w/be on the ELLEN show on September 5TH 

  3. NATO is considering naming their new headquarters for Sen. John McCain.

    I think it’d be great if they actually build a new FBI headquarters,  to name it after Robert Mueller III.


    There’s a good chance I won’t have a “Friday Fun” this Friday.  I’m having my carpets cleaned Friday morning, and will pretty much be occupied.

    And maybe the next Friday also.  I have houseguests scheduled to come (which is why I’m having the carpets cleaned).  But they’re stopping at relatives first for a few days – so it’s up in the air when they’ll actually show up.

  5. Love that LOL, Joanne. It’s priceless!

    Ann Coulter is a total bugnut. Like other right-wingers, she looks for scapegoats instead of reasonable explanations.

  6. MSNBC: If the emoluments clause was invoked, he’d be out of there 1,000 times over!
    RWW: Coulter is so out of touch with reality, has been for so long, that she must be sniffing funny stuff on a regular basis.
    Newsweek: As much as I dislike Dumpy, I think that asking Stormy for details is a bit much, and outside of the potential for snickering fun, I really don’t think it’s relevant to anything.  We already know that he’s an incompetent mini-putz!

  7. And, back at the home of sleaze, Faux BS, seen at the gym, they are still going after Hillary, and Hannity is screaming about all the other media being the true fake news.  

  8. MSNBC: Each day something is added to the long list of misdemeanours and crimes Drumpf has committed and yet nothing will happen. By now he probably believes that he’d get away with shooting someone on a busy New York street too. And the belief that he’d get away with murder makes this madman very dangerous when the pressure on him increases.

    RWW: There wouldn’t be an opioid epidemic if Drumpf was allowed to build his wall. Oh, please…do you really think that all these drugs are cooked up in Mexico and then smuggled by individuals walking through the desert? Even if all illegal immigrants, women and children included, were drug mules, the little they could across each day wouldn’t sustain the habits of all American addicts for a more than an hour. Get real, Coulter.

    Newsweek: No surprise there either. Like with everything else he does, Drumpf is in it only for his own pleasure, so if under two minutes is enough for him…

  9. Puzzle — 5:15  a bridge too far!0

    MSNBC — “That’s a clear violation of the emoluments clause.” — Yes it is but when has that stopped Diaper Don?  Let’s remember that the US is a country of laws . . . laws that DD clearly feels do not apply to him.  What a lying, narcissistic, racist, homophobic, xenophobic putz!!!

    Right WING Watch — That video of the Coultergeist is 1:54 minutes too long!  Barf bag alert indeed!  She needs to crawl back into her hole from whence she emerged.

    Newsweek — It’s not only DD’s attention span that is short!

    Cartoon — I’m with JD on this one!

  10. Thanks all.  Hugs! 29

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